→ Choi Eun Ha | Fairytale-K | Rapunzel

 Choi Eun Ha 

» Rapunzel «

TheLandofBrownSugar  9 out of 10

Hello, Did You Eat Yet? – "Hello" Nu'est

Birthname: Choi Eun Ha

Nicknames: Eun (short and simple; friends), Eunabi (combination of Eun and nabi, which Korean for butterfly; love interest)

Birthday + Age: April 11, 1993 + 20 years old

Height + Weight: 163 cm + 49 kg

Bloodtype: O

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea

Nationality: Korean

Languages: English (conversational), Korean (fluent), Japanese (basic)

→ Mirror, Mirror, Who Is The Most Beautiful? – "Mirror" 4Minute

Face Claim: Son Naeun

Gallery or 5 Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

Backup Face Claim: Kim Seolhyun

Gallery or 5 Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

→ I Will Show You A Completely Changed Me – "I Will Show You" Ailee

Fairytale Heroine: Rapunzel

Personality Traits: Friendly, energetic, dorky, smart, enthusiastic, sarcastic, people pleaser

Personality: The thing first that comes to mind about Eun Ha, is energetic and fun-loving. She's a mischievous little prankster who loves to amaze people with tricks involving optical illusions and mind-blowing experiments. This girl has different sides of her depending on her company; in public, she's calm, polite and filled to the brim with bright smiles and most often an enthusiastic attitude as well. She's hard-working and ambitious, resulting in a bit of a competitive perfectionist when it comes to her great passions in life. In the privacy of close friends and family, Eun Ha is honest, outspoken and not afraid to speak her mind. She's bold, brave and athletic, but also a big dork who enjoys being the centre of attention. Still, Eun Ha is a humble and good-natured individual with an odd obsession with science fiction and magic. She's a bit of a geek at heart, having a great interest in comic books and alien collectibles. She's not fond of choosing sides during an argument, being one of the few times where she prefers sticking in the background and letting the argument solve itself, but steps in if things might get physical. She's a protector and a fighter, but no leader and is terrible under stress.

Eun Ha is like an open book; her emotions are as clear as day, especially her eyes which are very expressionate. She's a bit of a people pleaser, wanting to get along with everyone, and family and friends mean a lot to this girl. She's loyal to her peers and quick to forgive, which is often to her disadvantage. She loves children, but hates the work it usually involves. Playing with them and taking care of them, sure, but she's not the best cook nor does she want to be so. Even in stressful situations, she has a tendency of being a bit sarcastic in order to tune down the seriousness a little. While being playful, Eun Ha is also attentive and very gentle at heart. She is comfortable with her own body despite her need to be modest. She's smart, but easily stressed and besides sports, she's rather lazy when it comes to doing things. She'd rather lie down on her bed reading fanfiction on her phone than practice from time to time. She loves the outdoors. Every morning she goes jogging around or takes a walk along the bridge. Eun Ha is a keeper when it comes to friendships; she is extremely loyal to her friends and wouldn't betray them unless she felt rather betrayed herself, and even then she might on to it stil. She trusts people easily, but if you lose that trust, it's going to be very hard to get it back. She has a thirst for knowledge and loves to explore and go hiking in the mountains or along the country road. Family means almost everything to her, and she loves them through all the good and the bad times.

Fatal Flaw: Naive

Motto: "I may look calm to you, but my head is a wild mess of chaos and fun times."

Fashion Style: Her style is simple, comfortable and feminine. She wears a lot of skirts and dresses, but also has a thing for oversized jackets and skinny jeans. One of her favorite accessories are her scarves and bag, never leaving home without at least one of them (or both if the weather calls for it). One thing she puts a lot of focus on, is picking out clothes that emphasizes her waist and shows off her lean legs in an appropriate manner. Fashion is a bit like her way of attempting to turn attention on herself without being too obvious, often trying out different styles and ways of wearing her outfits. She likes it simple, but often adds a bit of her own design in order to make it stand out and more unique to those surrounding her. She always enjoys the attention as long as it's positive, but also keeps notes such as advice from experts or outfits she found endearing.

Casual: 1 2 3 4 5
Formal: 1 2 3 4 5
Dorm: 1 2 3 4
Practice: 1 2 3 4
On Stage/Variety Shows: 1 2 3 4 5


  • Comic books
  • Aliens
  • Praise
  • Attention
  • Vacation
  • Food
  • Movies
  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Sunflowers
  • Hoya flowers
  • Green tea
  • Sushi


  • Citrus fruit
  • Nuts
  • Cooking
  • Licorice
  • Cigarette smell
  • Alcohol
  • Loneliness
  • Heights
  • Great speed
  • Violence
  • Arguments

     How do you react when you are - 

- sad: Blinks a lot and looks everywhere but in the eyes of the person in front of her, hides her face in her hands
- happy: Is very energetic and talks like the Niagara Falls
- angry: Stomps with her feet, curls her hands into fists, leaves the room
- worried: Breathes deeply in order to stay calm, counts in Japanese
- bored/sleepy: Puts objects such as books and pillows on her head, slips into daydream, stares into space
- scared: Hugs the closest object or hits it, depends on the person and the mood
- other habits: Raps in the shower, closet cuddle (comes out in her sleep), acts more feminine and coy in front of the opposite , can be very dominant towards both men and women, doesn't blush very easily, squeals when embarrassed/excited, claps when laughing


  • Graphic design
  • Basketball
  • Alien collectibles
  • Movies
  • Comic books
  • Art
  • Music


  • Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream
  • She adores dak bulgogi
  • Enjoys sunflowers because they stretch towards the sky and symbolize focus and good luck
  • Can be very dominant, especially around men
  • When she was young, she used to buy Japanese fans and put them next to her pillow whenever she went to sleep because she thought of them as protector of dreams and
  • that they would blow away the bad ones
  • She has a dog named Jun
  • Broke her leg as a ten-year-old due to crashing her bike down a hill during winter time
  • Has a partial, red-green colorblindness
  • Donates blood almost every month
  • She's ambidextrous and looks at it like an identity crisis (right or left, you know)
  • Her brother is deaf
  • Loves chicken A LOT
  • Is allergic to citrus fruit, nuts and pineapples

→ I'll Always Be Your Strength – "NoNoNo" APink

Background: Choi Eun Ha is a Korean girl who was born on April 11, 1993, and raised in Incheon, South Korea. She is the daughter of a chef and a pilot and has two siblings, a twin brother who is ten minutes younger than her and a sister four years her junior. When she was young, she was a very curious kind of child. She's climb in trees and get bruises on her arms and legs from running around and falling somewhere along the way. She grew up in a tight-knit family with a few issues, including her father's absence and her mother's workaholic tendencies. She took care of her siblings in her parents' place, but was also someone who needed guidance and a light at the end of the tunnel. Due to her warm life at home and good friends surrounding her, she found it easy to trust others and would always find new ways of getting to know people and being their friend. However, when she was 14, her very first boyfriend cheated on her with a friend of hers, and she experienced both betrayal and a broken heart for the first time. She did forgive the both of them for it, but it was never quite the same after that, and she eventually grew apart from that friend. She experienced this several during her childhood and teenage years; finding a friend who turned out to be quite bossy who ordered her around and made her do many things in her place. Eun Ha just wanted to keep everyone happy, which she quickly found out was a very hard thing to accomplish. When Eun Ha entered junior high, she became more interested in music. Her father would often come home with music from other countries, and she fell in love with a lot of its many beats and enchanting rhythms. Whenever stress got to her, she found relief in writing lyrics, making art or singing. She learned by herself how to play the piano before she was scouted in 2009 while waiting for her sister to be done with her activities. She had never really thought of being in the entertainment business, but it did sound like fun, especially when she thought more about during her high school period.


Mother | Choi Da In | 45 | Chef | Creative, strict, sarcastic, attentive, observant, straightforward | Eun Ha is very different from her mother in terms of presence and personality. Both of them has a habit of wanting to stand out in a crowd, but Eun Ha has to work for it while her mother just has to enter a room to do so. They are close, but their different aspirations in life have led to a few conflicts during her childhood. Mrs. Choi wants only the best for her daughter, and Eun Ha often comes to her mother for advice. | 8

Father | Choi Jung Won | 47 | Pilot | Caring, gentle, laid-back, quick-witted, intelligent, funny | Due to his occupation, Mr. Choi is at home much less than either he or his family appreciates, but when he is, he proves his position as the husband and father well. He and Eun Ha have always been good friends and close, often helping each other out during problems. He even participated in some of her pranks when she was young. She calls him often, but misses him a lot. | 9

Brother | Choi Eun Seong | 20 | Student | Cheerful, intelligent, charming, witty, cool, immature | Eun Seong is Eun Ha's twin brother and childhood friend. They were always a tight-knit pair, not very unusual for someone like them. They would always together or side by side, though they often fought for their parents' attention. Being born deaf, this never stopped Eun Seong from living his life to the fullest, and Eun Ha admires him for that. Close as ever, they often meet up or call each other during their time off. | 10

Sister | Choi Hae Joo | 16 | Student/actress | Bubbly, imaginative, cunning, sweet, artistic | Eun Ha and Hae Joo have a bit of a funny relationship. Eun Ha is Hae Joo's role model, but at the same time, it seems as if they can't even stand breathing the same air. They're often fighting, and Hae Joo is often out to prove her independence and ability as an actress, wanting to surpass her sister in terms of both looks and talent. Despite the competition between them, they're close and wouldn't have it any other way. | 8

Best Friends: 

Eun Yoo Jin | 21 | Actress | Competitive, ambitious, loud, eccentric | They met in high school; they were in the same class during their first year. | Yoo Jin has this ability of making people open up to her after spending only a short amount of time with her. They aren't afraid of sharing secrets, and Yoo Jin often teases her, asking for "the juicy parts" whenever Eun Ha's been involved with male celebrities or just men in general. | 10


Park Chanyeol | 20 | Idol (EXO) | Sweet, fun-loving, energetic, a little insecure | They like to laugh together and often joke around whenever they meet. | 8
Lee Hyeri | 19 | Idol (Girl's Day) | Stubborn, tough, sweet, sensitive | They are often hanging out together, and they can be found on various Instagram photos of Eun Ha's. | 7
Park Choa | 23 | Idol (AOA) | Sincere, motherly, passionate, hard-working | They have a lot of fun together, and often text during their more busy times in order to keep track of one another and show each other how much they support one another. Encouragement is a big part of their relationship. | 8

→ I Can Wait For You Endlessly – "Lost in Love" Girl's Generation

Love Interest: Park Chanyeol

Age: 20
Personality: Chanyeol is a very sweet and sensitive kind of guy. He can seem a bit insecure and even childish, but he is always there to protect those he loves and help the ones in need. He has big eyes that are easy to read and he finds it annoying to be unable to hide what he is thinking about. He is an optimistic and positive person who gives off the impression of someone kind and friendly, which isn't far from the truth. He can secretly be very possessive and jealous, but doesn't show it very often. He is truthful and honest, neither good at it nor a big fan of lying and liars themselves.
How you met: It was winter time in 2010. Eun Ha had finished school for the day and was soon off to reach practice in time. It was snowing a lot that day, so she had declined her friends' offer to walk home and had fought her way through the snow. It was really cold that day, and when she finally reached her destination, she was disappointed to find out that practice had been cancelled due to the weather conditions. As she turned to leave, she had her head down and didn't see the person in front of her until they bumped into each other. Eun Ha looks up to apologize when she sees Chanyeol, who is still a trainee at the time (a.k.a. hasn't debuted yet). Somehow unable to apologize for her actions, he is quick to do it himself, which triggers hers as well. Chanyeol asks her why the long face, and Eun Ha quickly fills him in about the cancellation, somehow feeling comfortable around this guy. They introduce themselves to one another, excited to discover they're both trainees at SM.
How you interact: They are good friends who are very comfortable around each other. Chanyeol is a happy-go-lucky kind of fellow who helps Eun Ha out if she needs to be cheered on during a difficult time or situation. They were always there for each other during their trainee days, and these days they still meet up to talk and exchange news about the state of their careers. They are very supportive of each other and also very honest.
Relationship: Friends

Backup Love Interest: Kim Jong Dae (Chen)

Age: 21
Personality: He's a fun-loving pranskter who enjoys making others laugh. On screen, he seems like a quiet and kind of shy guy, but he can get extremely talkative under the right conditions. Calm and collected, he likes to appear cool to the one he likes and can be protective and even a little possessive if pushed far enough. He is friendly, considerate of others and a sociable kind of guy. He loves to sing and does it whenever he can, knowing he has a gift to flaunt, yet stays humble and down-to-earth about it.
How you met: Chen is heading back when he hears this rather big voice down the hallway. Realizing one of the practice rooms are lit and considering how late it is, he gets curious and decides to check it out. He is surprised to find a trainee there so late in the evening, practicing in front of the mirrors. As the song finishes, she turns to turn it off and nearly jumps at the sight of him. When she recognizes him, however, it's nothing but an open mouth and a quick heartbeat going on. Chen himself feels a slight pull towards her, but ignores it in the favor of complimenting her before leaving her to pack her things.
How you interact: Both of them are fun-loving pranksters with a softer side. They are sociable and friendly, yet very serious about their interests and future plans. Chen likes to tease Eun Ha, as she is sensitive and easy to get a reaction from, but he also does it because he likes to see the way she takes her revenge. They joke around a lot and find it easy to open up to one another, but doesn't always seem to understand where the limits of friendship goes. Their attraction to each other is obvious as the world itself, but they deny it at every turn and isn't quite there yet when it comes to realization and finishing the marathon. 
Relationship: Crush

→ I Guess It's Too Late – "Wedding Dress" Taeyang

Love Rival: Lee Howon (Hoya)

Age: 22
Group: Infinite
Personality: Hoya is quiet, observant and definitely a bit of a mystery. He emits this cold and charismatic aura, giving off the impression of "attractive and unapproachable" as Eun Ha has dubbed it. He is usually a very calm, cool and collected kind of person, but he can have a bit of a temper on a day bad day, but usually avoids showing it in public. Underneath the so-called cold side of him, is a very warm and sweet guy who's a bit of a dork. He finds it a bit hard expressing his emotions, preferring actions over words. He is smart, attentive and protective of his loved ones.
How you met: Eun Ha had finished practice at the SM Ent. building and was heading home when she bumped into Hoya. He obviously did not recognize her, her being a trainee and whatnot, but she recognized him and almost freaked out because of it. She calmed down pretty quickly though and introduced herself before running off. It was a weird meeting, indeed.
How you interact: He treats her like a little sister and can be very protective of her, but she usually does the same by clinging at him (just to tease) and pouting while saying "oppa" at him. They often tease each other and aren't afraid to talk to one another about more personal things, yet they find it hard to open up about their deepest fears and secrets.
Relationship: Acquaintances

Backup Love Rival: Choi Minho

→ Are You Afraid of Me? – "Bad Girl Good Girl" Miss A

Rival: Kim Hyuna

Age: 21
Group: 4minute
Personality: Whether it's not stage or in a music video, Hyuna is always the one to stand out. Give her any concept; she'll take it and she'll rock it. Hyuna is a cheerful and energetic with a passion for entertainment, particularly when it comes to dancing. She knows she's good and isn't afraid to flaunt it, and she will work very hard in order to reach her goals. Despite her somewhat wild and daring looks, she's a cute girl with a bit of a childish trait. She's extrovert and not afraid to tell her opinion of others.
How you met: Before debut, Eun Ha was a back-up dancer during 4minute's Volume Up promotions. They were introduced to the members, and that's how Eun Ha and Hyuna met.
Why are you rivals?: It all started with a tiny accident on set. Eun Ha had brought an energy drink during practice and was about to take a break and drink some of it, when Hyuna bumped into her and spilled all of the bottle's content all over her clothes. She freaked out about the mess, Eun Ha apologizing like hell for not being more attentive. Later, when Eun Ha proved she had a great potential in her dancing, Hyuna started noticing her more. It became a mix of jealousy and admiration between the two girls, and Hyuna never really forgave her for the accident.
How you interact: When they walk past each other after a concert, they bow like proper sunbae and hoobae, but otherwise will not make eye contact. They know there's a tension between them, and neither of them feel the need to address it in any kind of way. Their members notice it as well, but keep it subtle and try to make them forgive each other for any past mistakes. Hyuna finds Eun Ha unfit for the entertainment business; Eun Ha finds Hyuna childish and immature.

Backup Rival: Kwon Yuri (SNSD)

You Can't Take Your Eyes Off – "Let Out the Beast" Exo

Stage Name: Eunha

Persona: The Sweet 'N Spicy

Fanclub Name + Color: Sweets (          )


Singing: 85 / 100
Dancing: 75 / 100
Rapping: 20 / 100
Acting: 30 / 100
Variety: 40 / 100

Idol Twin:

Vocals: Sojin (x) (x)
Dance: Seohyun (x) (x)
Rap: Hyoyeon (x) (x)
Voice: Sojin (x)

Talents: Singing, dancing

Weaknesses: Rapping, acting

Audition: She was casted while picking up her younger sister from school back in 2009. For her audition, she sang Lonely by 2NE1. She was pretty nervous, but felt good about being able to do something like this.

Trainee Life: When Eun Ha entered life as a trainee back in 2009, she was only 15 years old. She felt small and out of place among the other talented trainees at the company, knowing she had gotten herself into one hell of a mess. Despite this, Eun Ha quickly developed a reputations of a talented but easy-going kind of girl. She liked to meet new people and learn from them, taking advice from fellow trainees and whatever mentors she had. She was an enthusiastic and willing student who used a lot of time improving both relationships with those around her and the ones within herself. She felt at place there, although it was hard and she wanted to give up and run away several times. Support from her peers let her go on.

Goals: Proving to herself that anything is possible. The world of entertainment is dynamic and always moving around, and she is not the type to go with it and not do anything about it. She wants to make a change, both with herself and those around her. She knows that music can make anyone happy, and that's a thing she strives for. She wants to make others happy, to have someone say to her, "This is my favorite song, and you're the one who sang it. Thank you." 

→ Don't Say Goodbye – "Don't Say Goodbye" Davichi

Comments: This took me a while, but I'm finally finished. I hope you liked it, author-nim! ^^ If there are any errors or mistakes, please do tell. English isn't my first language, so please excuse my grammar if it's too bad...:P

Suggestions: I'd be thrilled to see the girls bonding together, to keep it real and to have them feel like a proper group! ^^ I think the idea is interesting, and I hope to see a lot more of it soon! :D

Password: I Have A Dream


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