I was insanely busy yesterday, since I got my computer updated and all that... 

so I couldn't check VIXX's new, full length album, out until now. It's almost 7am and I'm partying hard to "Secret Night". 

My god... Ravi's rapping... and Leo's vocals... and ing hell, Ken. STAHP. You're making me like you more than I should dammit.

Ugh... and Hongbin... that... that... freaking... okay, honestly, I've been weak for him since the release of "Voodoo doll" mv. That pretty, angelic... 


And baby Hyukkie. Though, he's not really a baby. He's tall and adorable, sure, but that boy ain't no baby. Not. At. All.

I wrote this, mostly based on their MV which was released like, a week ago, but yeah. I haven't listened to the whole album yet, but I'm getting thar. I'm obsessed with "Voodoo doll" and it pains me not to put it on repeat... because I want to listen to all of their songs... but like... meh... my heart belongs to that dayum songeu.

From what I've heard so far, I'm more than pleased with this album. Tehe. >3<



{ I forgot to post this blog-post... and I've know listened to every song and errhm... even tho I love "VOODOO DOLL" a tiny bit more than the others, I kind of love the whole album and decided to buy it... though that decision was made the second I heard that VIXX would come back but yeah }


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