Kim Myungsoo, I support you

Firstly, sorry if this post is incoherent and oddly formatted, I'm currently on the coach to London, where I am going to watch my seven favorite boys live <3

 Sometimes I am ashamed to call myself an Inspirit and right now is one of those times. Let me first set this straight and say that this is mostly targeted at Korean fans and its not only Inspirits that are guilty of it, but it is relevant now.


"I'm disappointed in L, he should have put Infinite first instead of dating."

That is just one example of the posts that people are putting about L's dating scandal. This seriously pisses me off. He IS putting infinite first! He's on a world tour, he's probably also rehearsing for comebacks and stuff and whilst the news suggests that he and DoYeon have broken up, he was with her whilst he was promoting Destiny. Destiny is, in my opinion, Myungsoo's best era so far - his vocals, choreography and gorgeousness were as on key as ever - if that isn't putting infinite first than what is?

Also fans, why do you get so butthurt? Myungsoo is never going to date you, so why act like he's cheating on you? sure, I felt a pang of pain when I saw the news, but then I considered the fact that he is a 21 year old boy who has little to no time to date because he has practice and conditioning and comebacks and photo shoots and world tours to do, he obviously loves what he's doing but it must also be so draining and tiring and hard and he muat get so fed up of it sometimes.

I'm not a fan of the girl because of her history and the way she went about this, but if for just a brief time she made Myungsoo happy and confident and if for a brief time she made him feel like a normal 21 year old boy then i love her and respect her for that.


I will always support every member of Infinite, no matter what.


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You tell it!!! I a so ashamed of other Inspirits right now. They need to grow up and stop being asses
My thoughts exactly! I agree with everything you posted. Let him be and just keep supporting him. If you're a true inspirit, you'd love him and the rest of Infinite no matter what. Those crazy fans are takIng this too seriously and the person who is getting hurt and stressed is Myungsoo:( and Doyeon, but she really put this on herself. She should have never revealed anything, knowing she could hurt Myungsoo. Myungsoo&Infinite Hwaiting!!!
Though I disapprove with the girl because I hope she didn't date him just because she wanted publicity as she is trying to be an actress, I hope she made him happy for some time.
But Myungsoo deserves a girl that can make him genuinely happy and KEEP him happy.
I'm disappointed not in him but all the fans that called him a traitor for just trying to be normal.
They disproved the doyeon scandal~ but i agreee huhu
Dating is not a big problem with me as long as the girls they datwd are decent and not those who dates idols just for the heck of it...

L is my second bias but as i grew with my fandom (SJ oppa deul will always be first) i learned tbe truth that they'll end up dating sooner or later.. it's just a matter of time.


Though it should always be group firt.. they are still his brothers even if the world is against them ^^
Whoa. Is this a new development? Or is this about the same scandal he had in September?
amen to this! we are hurt but we have no right to feel betrayed or what coz he's still human after all. he dates who he wants to date. he loves infinite maybe more than we do. idol's life is hard as fuq and bashing him, doyeon and woollim wont change a thing. we know nothing of what they're going through and the least we could do is to support him all the way. wishing other inspirits could also act mature and rational.