Update on life III: "Photoshooting", Saturday date etc.

Hey ya everyone!


So, here is part three on my "update on life" blogs.


In the last blog I mentioned that m bestie, Lisa, wants me as a model for her pictures. Weeell.... let's say our shoot turned into something like huge fun times but she made some very nice pictures :)

These are one of my favorite pictures from the 300 we made XD There are a lot of crack pictures as well but there is no way I am going to show ou these XD


As for the date on Saturda with the guy... Hell was I nervous XD I was so nervous that I was sure that I would fall over my own feet but luckily I am very capable of overplaying my nervousness XD

Anyways, nothing much happened and after both of us went home, I wrote him that I had been nervous as heck and he said that he was a bit nervous, too XD nevertheless, he also told me that he enjoyed the evening with me and that he can't wait to see me a second time :)



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Maaaan, I love your fashion style. And you look gorgeous!
I like the pics where you're smiling. They're really nice.^^ Glad to know you had so much fun. ^^
agghh you're so pweetyyy ♡
wahhhhh you look beautiful!! <3
i love your shoes and tights btw, hehe :)
Locketlover #6
Those pictures are gorgeous and you are as well! Love your outfit<3
OHMYGOSH those model pictures are so pretty! You are really gorgeous! Love your outfit, gives it a perfect autumn like feel. DAWWWUh wow haha you must've been nervous. That's great that things are going well! Hope you and him have an AMAZING 2nd time together :D
aww, you look totally adorable in those pictures :3

what camera does your friend have? The quality is really good!
wow these pics look good! glad you're enjoying your life now!
good luck with that boy! ;)
wow! you are so beautiful! *o* hahaha first dates are always so nerve wrecking! i hope that it goes well with that guy you're seeing!
JanineLoveLife #11
Omg ich finde deinen Style so toll *-* Kannst du vielleicht ein paar mehr Bilder von Outfits von dir zeigen? :))
Attention #12
I have to say that you are really beautiful! I canunderstand why she wanted you to model for her. (:
I understand why your friend wants you to be her model :'D the photos are awesome! And glad that you survived your date :D