I was tagged... yet again... after a while...


rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by myxngkitty

Le questions

1. If you were to be in a room alone with your bias, what would you do?

I would talked with him and get to know him even better... That is if I don't faint or die. XD


2. Do you have a crush besides your bias?

Nope. Almost all of the guys in my school are jerks.


3. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Maybe. I don't know. /shrugs


4. Do you hold back to be accepted and not judged?

I hold back because I don't want people to judged me but on the Internet, I let myself go.


5. What’s is the most awkward situation you’ve been in?

There's a lot of awkward situations that I've been in that I don't know which one to choose.


6. What’s your favorite food?

Tom Yam. :D


7. What’s the last thing you’ve eaten?

Rice with tom yam. :3


8. What’s your biggest dream?

I don't know yet. I think I'm gonna fail in life.


9. Do you bottle thing up?



10. How many biases do you have?

So many that I don't remember how much anymore.



11. Do you plan on going to a different country? If so, which country?

Yesh. South Korea of course. :3 And maybe Japan and around the world.


I tagged no one! \o/


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"Rice with tom yam"

Oh yeah, the food of my country! :D

Lol, I was tagged like 15 times, I just edited the original post :D