Thankful to for the Second Chance

" For everything you've done, LIFE will surely give something back more than 3 times." they say.

Its been more than 10 days since the super typhoon, Yolanda, took so many from the people of Eastern Visayas.

Properties are destroyed, sources of food are wiped out and cities, towns and baranggays are put in darkness.

There are so many lives lost through that storm surge. Some are found dead on the streets and on the shore.
Some of them can't already be identified by their families due to the initial decomposing process of the corpse.


But some are still missing.
Families still mourn for their loved ones, alive, dead and the missing ones.


It was 8am when the storm started clearing everything.

That time, I was still sleeping soundly when my mother woke me up. Right after opening my eyes, I could already hear the loud howling of the wind from the outside.
As I get out of my room, some of our relatives were already gathered in our living room. My father said that they'll be staying with us until the storm calms.
"Thank God, my father decided on a concrete roofing" I muttered.

Minutes have passed yet the storm has already damaged almost 50% of our neighborhood.
I was about to look at the situation outside from the window when suddenly it broke right in front of my face. I distant myself from the window, shocked by the harsh gush of the wind passing through the breaks of the window.

I could see the circular motion of the wind and said to myself," This wind is so strong!"

Me and my brothers took charge of the windows since we don't want the children inside the house to be hurt by the debris.

Water starts to enter our house and it rises every seconds. Seeing the ankle-level water , panic took over me. What if it reaches the roof?

Then it hit me. We live near the McArthur Park ( a beach resort facing the Pacific Ocean). 

I grabbed all my little cousins and settled them on the table so they won't get wet. While the women and children are inside, our males were outside, trying to safeguard the windows, the door and the gates that could possibly be blown the strong winds away.

Hours have passed yet the storm didn't seize. Everybody remained unmoved.

The wind calmed in the afternoon. People went out their shelters to see what happened to the houses they've left to keep themselves safe.

The first thing I did was to count everybody. Thank God we're still complete.

Soon enough, I went out of the house, also to witness the aftermath.

Everything is crushed and torn to pieces.

I then felt the worry for my other relatives in the other town.

When everybody went back inside the house. My aunt immediately called for a prayer to thank God for keeping us safe. 

After praying, we already felt fine to be able to do chores like cooking and cleaning. 

Since all the electrical posts and lines were cut, we spent the night in candle lights.


The next day, shocking news started to rise up; The number of people who died and were still missing, the number of damaged properties and the level of water that nearly killed everybody in the main city.


After 10 days spending time with Yolanda had brought to my region, I'm still able to smile. Who wouldn't?

Seeing people, talking to their neighbors whom they've never even met before, people helping people and people comforting people. To think they were all victims. We are all victims.

Because of the super typhoon, social hierarchy and status have been smashed down.

Before the rich and the poor never even look at each other but now they are having a hot coffee from the relief goods they received under one leaking roof.

I guess that's the good side to the deliberately life threatening situation we survived.

It is still more fun in the PHILIPPINES. :)


Help us pray for the siblings, parents, loved ones and neighbors we've lost.

Well get through all of this soon.
We FILIPINOS always will.
We are strong


For those who survived, let's us this second chance to live for the better, not only for ourselves but also to those who experienced the worst.


Thank you to all those people who helped us.

Kpop fan clubs also helped the survivors and I'm proud to say I'm a part of that.

See, people gathered by one interest may not just serve their own happiness but also the happiness of others......





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