Cold and many others

      It's been a while since the last time I've updated my stories. Recently, I started a new one and I'm thinking that it's going to take me a long time finish it.

       Actually, this is my problem; I don't know how to finish anything I've started. 

       I have lots of ideas in mind but I'm having trouble of writing them because I might not be able to finish any of them just like my on-going stories. I already have drafts for my updates but they are still for proof reading and editing. I'm glad my friends are there to help me with my stories. 

     Other reasons why I'm not yet able to update are;

1. Colds.
        Before the semester ended, I was already feeling ill. I've been having headaches and body pains due to the amount of requirements, projects and exams I need to accomplish before I enjoy my break. As a result of those pressuring and stressful last days of school, I have colds. There is also a big chance for me to have a high fever. But it's okay........... All of my hard work  and effort paid off when my grades came out and they were very satisfying. Even my parents were happy. 

2. Earthquake.
        The 7.2 magnitude earthquake that shook the Visayan region here in the Philippines has been all over the media. The epicenter of the earthquake was located in Bohol and it was strong that we felt it here in our province which was thousand miles away from Bohol. Everytime I open our television or surf the internet, I would always see updates of the aftermath of the earthquake. The amount of casualties is increasing everyday. More than 2000 aftershocks have occurred. People in the region are still shaken by this and it will take a long time for the victims to recover. 
        In relation to this, I'm not able to update because I'm helping a project for the victims of the calamity. I've went to the cite to help in the distribution of relief goods and seeing the victims in their current state breaks my heart. For short, I'm also emotionally distressed seeing other people suffer. And in a moment like this, I don't have the heart to update. sorry.

3. Slow internet connection
         In connection with my second reason, because of the earthquake, telecommunication posts and their control towers located near the cite was damaged. This affected the speed of the internet connection all over the region. After the incident, internet connections were extremely slow that you can't even open facebook properly. I was also hard to access AFF due to the speed of the internet.


Well, these are my reasons why I can't update so to my subscribers and friends, I'm deeply sorry.

But don't worry, I'll update soon since I already have the time to do so. ....

everyone, be patient...hahahahahah :):):):):)

my best regards to all of you.....

love lots to you people.......;*



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