♡ Operation : Sustain! » Park Yuri



operation : sustain!

Park Yuri

the basic details.
NICKNAMES   Byul - her friends and family call her that due to her interest in stars.
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE  November 11, 1988 & 25 years old
BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN   Incheon, South Korea
LANGUAGES   English (semi-fluent), Korean (native), Japanese (conversational)

looks aren't everything.

LINKS/GALLERY   Click here

LINKS/GALLERY  — Click here

HEIGHT & WEIGHT   163 cm & 54 kg
STYLE   Yuri wears a lot of outfits that emphasizes her waist and shows off her long legs. She enjoys wearing a lot of denim, which can be jackets, vests or jeans. She has a thing for flower patterns, often using them in the form of dresses, shorts and upper body clothing. Her favorite color is blue, resulting in a lot of different shades of it throughout her outfits. She likes a variety of shoes, including sandals, sneakers, low heels and more dessy shoes. She has a large collection of scarves and hats, but only uses them on special occassion or when temperature drops.

CASUAL: o o o o o

FORMAL: o o o

ETC   ...


dig a little deeper.

KEYWORDS  Friendly, sociable, honest, dorky, emotional, gentle, confident, sarcastic
PERSONALITY  The thing first that comes to mind about Yuri, is energetic and fun-loving. She's a mischievous little prankster who loves to amaze people with tricks involving optical illusions and mind-blowing experiments. This girl has different sides of her depending on her company; in public, she's calm, polite and filled to the brim with bright smiles and most often an enthusiastic attitude as well. She's hard-working and ambitious, resulting in a bit of a competitive perfectionist when it comes to her great passions in life.

In the privacy of close friends and family, Yuri is honest, outspoken and not afraid to speak her mind. She's bold, brave and athletic, but also a big dork who enjoys being the centre of attention. Still, Yuri is a humble and good-natured individual with an odd obsession with science fiction and magic. She's a bit of a geek at heart, having a great interest in comic books and alien collectibles. She's not fond of choosing sides during an argument, being one of the few times where she prefers sticking in the background and letting the argument solve itself, but steps in if things might get physical. She's a protector and a fighter, but no leader and is terrible under stress.

Yuri is like an open book; her emotions are as clear as day, especially her eyes which are very expressionate. She's a bit of a people pleaser, wanting to get along with everyone, and family and friends mean a lot to this girl. She's loyal to her peers and quick to forgive, which is often to her disadvantage. She loves children, but hates the work it usually involves. Playing with them and taking care of them, sure, but she's not the best cook nor does she want to be so. Even in stressful situations, she has a tendency of being a bit sarcastic in order to tune down the seriousness a little.

While being playful, Yuri is also attentive and very gentle at heart. She is comfortable with her own body despite her need to be modest. She's smart, but easily stressed and besides sports, she's rather lazy when it comes to doing things. She'd rather lie down on her bed reading fanfiction on her phone than practice from time to time. She loves the outdoors. Every morning she goes jogging around or takes a walk along the bridge. Yuri is a keeper when it comes to friendships; she is extremely loyal to her friends and wouldn't betray them unless she felt rather betrayed herself, and even then she might on to it stil. She trusts people easily, but if you lose that trust, it's going to be very hard to get it back. She has a thirst for knowledge and loves to explore and go hiking in the mountains or along the country road. Family means almost everything to her, and she loves them through all the good and the bad times. 


  • Aliens
  • Comic books
  • Food
  • Movies
  • Attention
  • Praise
  • Being right about something
  • Vacation
  • Chocolate


  • Arguments
  • Someone stealing the spotlight
  • Those who refuse to listen
  • Loneliness
  • Heights
  • Great speed
  • Violence
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarette smell


  • Graphic design
  • Alien collectibles
  • Comic books
  • Basketball
  • Music


  • Puts objects such as books and pillows on top of her head
  • A closet cuddle (comes out in her sleep)
  • Raps in the shower


  • Acrophobia (fear of heights)
  • Tachophobia (fear of speed)


  • Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream
  • She adores dak bulgogi
  • Enjoys sunflowers because they stretch towards the sky and symbolize focus and good luck
  • Can be very dominant, especially around men
  • When she was young, she used to buy Japanese fans and put them next to her pillow whenever she went to sleep because she thought of them as protector of dreams and that they would blow away the bad ones
  • She has a dog named Jun
  • Broke her leg as a ten-year-old due to crashing her bike down a hill during winter time
  • Has a partial, red-green colorblindness
  • Donates blood almost every month
  • She's ambidextrous and looks at it like an identity crisis (right or left, you know)
  • Her brother is deaf
  • Loves chicken A LOT

IDEAL TYPE   "Hm... My ideal type, huh? I'd like someone with a sense of humor and a bit of a sweet bad boy thing going on. I'm not really one to go for looks only, as personality has a lot to say to me. I appreciate honesty and trust above anything. If I had to make one choice, though; I want someone who I can be as comfortable around as with a friend."

digging up the past.

BACKGROUND  Park Yuri is a Korean girl who was born on November 11, 1990, and raised in Incheon, South Korea. She is the daughter of a pilot and a chef and has two siblings, a girl and a boy four and six years her junior, respectively. Spending most of her childhood in Incheon, she did stay in Japan for a while during her time in middle school before returning in her second year of high school. She was a very active child, climbing in trees and getting bruises on her arms and legs from running and falling somewhere along the way. Always friendly, sociable and accommodating, she was never short on friends and always found it easy conversing with others, at least back in her younger days.
Before she went to Japan, Yuri had a bit of a crush on a celebrity with great skills on the dance floor. Wanting to be closer to him, at least in spirit, she started attending dance class and also enrolled in gymnastics along with a friend of hers. It quickly became a new hobby of hers, but after moving, it had to be put to rest for the time being. While there, she babysat her aunt's children during the weekends, and she soon understood that she wanted to work with children some time in the future. It wasn't until a conversation with a guidance counceler that she was able to decide; she wanted to become a teacher.
( father ) Park Jonghae | 53 | Pilot | Hard-working, caring, attentive | Yuri's father isn't home often, but they still have a close father-daughter relationship. During his times off, he used to read her stories before bed time and take her camping in the woods. He always wants the very best for his children and is encouraging and supportive of Yuri's future plans.
( mother ) Jo Minyoung | 51 | Chef | Strict, ambitious, smart | This woman isn't someone you brush off as just anybody. She is known for making an impression wherever she goes, and her own family is no exception. Yuri and her mother has a dynamic that shifts depending on the situation, but they're still close and she is there for her daughter when she needs to be.
( sister ) Park Hyeri | 21 | Student | Cheerful, sweet, kind | Despite their , they have a close sisterly relationship. Yuri and Hyeri have always been there for one another in a time of need, even though they fight and argue some of the time.
( brother ) Park Jiho | 19 | Student | Quiet, cool, honest | Those two have a funny relationship. Jiho acts like this tough, masculine do-it-myself kind of guy who always gets the girl in the end, yet he has no trouble admitting that he is nothing without those around him. Loneliness is this guy's worst enemy, and he often ends up at her or his sister's apartment whenever he's away from home.
( best friend/flatmate ) Lee Jaein | 23 | Flower shop employee + Medicine | Energetic, passionate, charismatic | Yuri was Jaein's senior in high school and university as well as her tutor during Jaein's freshman year. They live together and are close, telling each other pretty much anything. They tease each other a lot and even fight due to some differences, but they'd never replace the other person for anything in the world.
( childhood friend ) Choi Jungwon | 26 | Owner of cathering company | Creative, misunderstood, childish | They had a flirty on and off relationship during Yuri's high school days, but after university they both settled down with a career and Jungwon's happily engaged to another woman. They meet up at times and call each other several times a week.
( rival ) Ahn Sarang | 24 | Teacher | Intelligent, cunning, cheerful


he's the one.

LOVE INTEREST   Lee Howon (Hoya)
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE   March 28, 1991 & 22
PERSONALITY   Hoya is quiet, observant and definitely a bit of a mystery. He emits this cold and charismatic aura, giving off the impression of "attractive and unapproachable" as Jaehwa has dubbed it. He is usually a very calm, cool and collected kind of person, but he can have a bit of a temper on a day bad day, but usually avoids showing it in public. Underneath the so-called cold side of him, is a very warm and sweet guy who's a bit of a dork. He finds it a bit hard expressing his emotions, preferring actions over words. He is smart, attentive and protective of his loved ones.
2ND LOVE INTEREST   Park Chanyeol
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE   November 27, 1992
PERSONALITY   Chanyeol is a very sweet and sensitive kind of guy. He can seem a little insecure and even childish, but he is always there to protect those he loves and help the ones in need. He has big eyes that are ready to read and he finds it annoying to be unable to hide what he is thinking about. He is an optimistic and positive guy who gives off the impression of someone kind and friendly, which isn't far from the truth. He can secretly be very possessive and jealous, but doesn't show it very often.

what am i doing here?

01. The Teacher
02. The Photographer
PLOTLINE 01   the photographer // 
Photography was a bit of an interest of hers while she was in Japan. Their beautiful sceneries were so inspiring and awe-striking, and she knew she just HAD to do this for a living.
She was walking back from a friend's house and decided to take a shortcut through the park. While she was walking around, in the dark, she bumped into someone who got a little bit too close. She screamed and hit him with her bag, trying to chase him off. She got out her phone pretty quickly to reveal the culprit, only to get a climpse of him before he ran off. The next day, she watched a music show with her roommate as the group was on the stage, she noticed one of the members being a bit sloppy in his movements. Asking her friend why, she just told her, "Apparently he was in a bit of an accident a few nights ago. Injured his shoulder, or something." She recognized him as the guy from the park and felt pretty guilty about it. A few days later, while writing a new segment for her blog, she was called up by someone from his company. She apologized right away, saying she'd do anything to make it alright. A suggestion was made, as someone had seen them together last night, and rumors had been spread. She agreed to be his girlfriend in exchange to get the rumors off his back while he recovered and could get back. (She's stronger than she looks, hehe.)
PLOTLINE 07   the teacher //
Her friend was a huge fan of the group and wanted to see one of the members personally (not the love interest of choice). She went as far as waiting in the back after a concert of theirs, dragging Yuri along with her. As soon as someone familiar exited, her friend jumped them. Yuri was quick to realize the misunderstanding, dragged her friend off and apologized thoroughly for the attack. They walked away from him, and she later realized she had lost her phone there. She was called up, seeing her number, she ended up talking to the guy (Hoya/Chanyeol) from the incident.
Keeping it a secret. A relationship isn't easy, especially when it's with a famous celebrity who has cameras following him everywhere he goes. Yuri can also be very dominant around the opposite gender, which could lead to a conflict or two if it gets out of hand.

shut the door.

COMMENTS   Finally, after two days, I've finally finished my application as Park Yuri~! ^0^ Hello to you, author-nim. I hope you like my character! If there are any mistakes or errors, please tell me. English isn't my first language, so please excuse my mistakes. 
SCENE REQUESTS   I'd be amazing to see a scene where Yuri meets one of the other storyline girls; like a parellell meeting, you know. Doesn't have to be big; they could be walking past each other on the street or visiting the other's job or something similar. It'd be so cool. d(= >.< =)b


nothing was coded by me OTL - tweaked colours from original


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