[Song Cover] My First Blog Entry & Very Embarrassing Song Cover!

So... I was inspired to do this cover after some encouragement from my new found friend Michelle aka Melly.

Michelle... This one's for YOU! You're one of the coolest, nicest, bravest persons I've ever had the pleasure of "knowing".

It's a duet cover by me alone so it's a little awkward, my Korean pronunciation is weird... and the high parts are again a stretch for me... It's okay, you are allowed to laugh! LOL!

Love loads,



K.Will Ft. Tiffany - 소녀, 사랑을 만나다 Girl Meets Love


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HAHAHAHA >D THAT'S RIGHT, KIDS. i got her to do this!!!

awww <3 you make me feel all warm and fuzzy *^*
but brave....? where have i been brave in front of you? haha

ohhhhh i'm impressed! :D
you put enough air into the low notes. most people don't have enough support for their low notes! :3

YOOOOOOOOOOO. it sounds fantastic, you fantastic person :D
WOW.....i like ur voice K.... :3

*thumbs up