
My mother is being a to the max. She wants to take my tablet for the weekend! She is never satisfied with how I am. No matter how much I change she wants to add her own effect to me.  She hates the way I am. I don't wear any type of ear ring cuz they make my ears bleed. I don't wear anything but the bracelets I make and rings. My family is never pleased with the way I dress, the way my hair is, the color I paint my nails (black n white), just me. Then they just want me to be whi I USED to be. A girly girl. I don't want that. But they don't care. I'm like a doll to them. They dress me the way they feel is needed, they do my hair the way they feel is appreciated. I'm just a doll. I have no say for anything. This isn't fair. So if it say I'm logged on to aff. I'm not there. I might log out before I go.



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yoaisummer #1
Jin Jin,ur mommy love u so much.She jz 1 2 c the sweet Kiki in u that y she act like that.She jz worry that u change 2 bad girl that wat we c today.Jz like umma mommy also treat umma like that.No matter hw old we r,in their eye,they still think that we still little child 2 her.:)
*pat ur head*
*hugs softly* *sighs
Your parents love you so much.
blacktanggul #4
Ooopss sorry.. For the weekend.. Ehh its okay pal.. Do the other thing while you waiting the weekend come
blacktanggul #5
No tablet for a week? Its look like a year for me.. Aishh...
Be patient my friend
#pat your back
you're not the only one hun~
don't feel so down and cheer up :D
jin-ah.. is that y u were saying that stuff earlier?