I'm pathetic

Hey guys! How are you?! Right now 11/20/13 it's 8:01. And I'm just gonna talk about what happen since the catch up blog. 

(The guy I like is gonna be name bob) 

bob and I haven't been talking for like a week, but like Monday/Tuesday I started trying to talk to him. And it was like before when he use to like me an he was all lovey dovey bout it. 

So we talk like very very little unlike when we first started "talking" we would talk all day like nonstop like one night he stayed up 2 hours after I fell asleep cuz the night before I texted him like 2 hours after I went to sleep cuz I couldn't sleep.

Like now I don't even wanna see him or ill know ill have a panic attack or like start crying. 

Today at lunch me and three other friends was walking out of lunch and one of my friend who doesn't know anything about me and bob called him over. She gave him a hug and all three of them started talking. The other two know all about me and bob so there like oh I  might start cussing him out. So I walked away and i don't know what happen after that cuz I left. But I couldn't even look or stand by him. When he hug my friend I walked to the other side of the lunch room. It's just too much for me. 

It's just eh. 

I feel so pathetic I'm talking to him. 

I feel like I've been played. 

My own friend who I've known since 3rd called me stupid cuz I talked him again. 

I know I'm gonna get hurt by him. 

Like he's gotten to me that I failed my tests because I kept thinking about him. 

And I'm thinking about homeschooling just so I wouldn't see him 

i set a plan. Ill start homeschooling now which is the middle of the school year and stay homeschool next school year and ill come back 11th grade year so that'll bob will be in college by then (bob is two school years older then me) 

(He's 16/17 I think can't remember and I'm only 14)

so yeah.  

I'm done with this blog. 

Thanks for reading :)


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Awwwww~, don't do that! Just because he's there doesn't mean that you have to ignore him and all. You have to show you're stronger without him , yeah it's kinda stupid talking to him now, but it doesn't mean that both of you can't be friends. Yes, it's painful to see him, but there's other people out there you will fall in love with too. And that lucky person will give you everything you need in life. Just keep going and keep your head high. Don't listen what others or even Bob have to say about it because you're strong without him and maybe stronger out of your life. Anyway, don't forget you other friends with you, even friends on here will comfort you. Kpop will make you happy too.
Anyway, Hwaiting!!!! \(^^)/ Never give up!! And I better not hear that you decided to do homeschooling.