For some reason I always end up cleaning when I have an off day O_o

So that's what I was doing until my mum called me. I've finally unpacked the last things from London, so now I just need to sort everything out, take the trash out (I got a package yesterday, there was soooo much paper and in it, it's crazy!) and vacuum and then I'll put up my posters and signs from London and Super Show 5. I can't wait! I'll take photos and share them when I'm done!


Sometime later my mum will come and pick me up so we can go down and vote. I have no idea who I should vote for. I don't agree with anyone XD 


Tonight I'm going to cook meat balls in curry and then I'll start reading "Maus". I have to finish it by Monday, so I should get started. Depending on my mood, I might type up next chapter of EM (I have it ready in a notebook) and publish it, but it really all depends on how my fantasy feels to night. I need to finish damn chapter three, which is not coorporating with me, before I publish chapter one. 


And now back to cleaning and singing like a maniac! 


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I'm still so sad I didn't get to see you ;; WE COULD'VE TAKEN AWESOME PICS TOGETHER