Support overtheshop INFINITE Merchandise Shop and its giveaway on Instagram!


You'd probably be able to guess from the picture above what I want to say:

Yes, it's an instagram INFINITE merchandise shop (@overtheshop) set up

by none other than watermelon!

Though the shop hasn't officially opened, she's currently hosting a giveaway

to celebrate our precious angel Dongwoo's birthday! <3 

So those of you with Instagram accounts and love INFINITE, do follow and like

and of course, give the shop your love and support! 

Spread the word around too here on AFF/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook etc. <3

Join the giveaway now! ^^

infinite ∞ inspirit



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Awwww~ OMG. Thank you so much dear! :'D you're so fast <3333. Kamsaaaaa~
I truly appreciate this :')