My week, OGS & Infinite

WARNING: A bit of a long blog post.... hehehehe

Fan account? No fan account? IDK... lol I had always thought that fan accounts where posted on some website created for fan accounts hahaha.... =_=

Anyways, I shall be sharing about my ver eventful week and weekend! But mostly starting on Wednesday with OGS in Maryland! OMG I was dying because I was gonna get to see Gyu LIVE in flesh and blood XD Honesly I squealed so much at the concert, i surprised myself! 

The week (or Wednesday really):

So starting off, we were let in pretty late into the venue. The concert was set to start at 8PM but we weren't let in completely until about 7:40... Anyways, not until after the concert was over did I realize that they didn't perform She's Back, Tic Toc, Nothing's Over and Hysterie. Which I may add are pretty much some of my favorite songs... Idk if it was Infinite's side that was running late in settin up or if it was The Fillmore's fault... I was never able to find out. Its a really big bummer because I was really hoping to get the same as every other concert :( but from the looks of it, it could have been the boys' event managing considering what happened in NYC....

Now for the experience: OMGLAKJ:OIGEMA:LKMD:SLJHG:NALKMSF:LSAHE:NLOAKSmf;oaiwjrge;falkj..... It was amazing. In my mind I made eye contact with L and Sungjong. haha who knows, maybe it was someone behind me or L'aile (one of L's fansites).  Also, Hoya seemed to like looking at my side a lot... hmm I wonder if he found the left side more attractive lol. I didn't get to see Sunggyu up that close a lot because he was actually on the right side more than the left, which is where I was at. Dongwoo, Hoya, Sunjong and L were on the left a lot tho. They sound amazing live. They look even more perfect in person. My bestfriend went with me (she's Korean) and she's not really into kpop like me... hahaha contradicting. Afterwards, when heading more, she said to me "This just changed my perspective of how attrative/unattractive I thought they were." She's a Gyu fan now lol she thought he was absolutely cute and attractive. She explained to me that she noticed he has or gives of this really cool vibe and aura (which is totally why I fell for this guy) + his amazing voice. There was a very few people that tried to push and shove a bit but since the crowd was like HUGE HUGE (unfortunately) it wasn't anything major like from what I heard in NYC. There was this one girl tho that I couldn't help but really dislike because she was wearing a head band with a giant L

I took in total about 800 pics/videos of the concert O.O Although for Gyu, I mostly took videos so I can rewatch and rewatch like a stalker hah

Yay some pics! I posted more on my Tumblr page.

Sunggyu's performance for this version of 60 Seconds was gorgeous. It was more ballad and soft. It really showed his vocal skills and he just looked so damn y.


Woohyun demostrated that he indeed loves hearts and poeple that love him haha; During the middle-way speech, Gyu was all smiles and his English was really good honestly. His pronounciation wasn't bad at all (L had the worst I swear) He seemed really comfortable talking in English just like Hoya. But Hoya still thinks he's better :P


So I got just a few of Gyu's 60 Seconds since I recorded most of it... and then the greasy guy, Gyu being all cute and smily while Hoya is like 'pft I'm cooler' and then the ending which was bittersweet for me. I teared up a bit since it was ending but also was very happy that I was able to see them in concert.

Since we were let in late, they ended up not checking bags so I was SO PISSED because I wanted to take my DSLR with me but didn't beause I didn't want to get in trouble... ing a holes. So I was stuck with taking pictures from my iPhone... atleast they didn't turn out horrible. The video quality is so much better tho haa. 

The weekend:

So I had already made plans to head to NYC for the weekend of their last OGS concert in Manhattan. I was really contemplating on getting floor tickets from someone who had extra but didn't really want to spend the money so I was this close to getting $50 balcony tickets, however, the girl had already sold them to someone who gave her like $70 :( I ended up just walking around 34th, doing some shopping then went to get a sweater for my best friend since she didn't get one at the DC/Maryland concert. I was kinda pissed at myself for not leaving Friday morning instead of Saturday morning cause it turns out that the boys where at the MTv studios doing an interview then walked around Times Square for a bit afterwards so I wasn't able to run into them or anything. So Sunday, I ended up just walking around the city, doing some more shopping and going around Times Square and Ktown to see if they would be roaming around but no luck :( I ended up almost going to eat at the restaurant they had dinner at and got apparently drunk at the night before, but ended up just headin back to Queens to eat at a closer Korean Restaurant. 

While in Ktown, I went to Koryo Bookstore where they have a small The FaceShop store attached to it, bought some stuff and my brother bought some albums for me since they have a pretty nice collection there but really freaking expensive. I ended up running into a girl that attended that concert the night before. She was with a younger Korean girl that was doing an exchange program and they were who she was staying with. She was buying some Infinite albums and stuff and I recommended some of my favorite ones to her, anyways, she had told me how crazy it had gotten in the floor area. She witnessed people being pulled out from fainting and people screaming and crying because they just got ridiculous with the pushing and shoving. The boys had gotten a bit dissappointed at the behavior that even Dongwoo was telling everyone to calm down. I ended up being glad that I didn't go if I would have known it was going to be that bad...

Well anyways, that's pretty much it. I headed home Sunday night since, like most people, had to work today so I couldn't stay to see if they would go out after the Billboard interview sob sob. I even took an album with me to see if I could get it sign.... god I felt like a 12 year old haha.

I may or may not post a video or two on my tumblr later... so you can follow me or not... hha


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leficklerabbit #1
Woah I'm so jello!! When infinite came to Singapore is was my EOY exam period T^T
Hehe followed you on tumblr! I wanna see the fancam :P