Tagged by Lay_Lay

Lay_Lay seems like we have something in common,my bias is also Lay.


1) Which is your favourite K-Pop group all the time ?

I always change but for now I love EXO and I'll always do.


2) What do you think about Lay from Exo-M ? *if you dont know who is Lay, please google :D*

Oh my god,I love him so much,that I don't know how to explain.


3) Who is your bias ? * provide pictures if you dont mind *

This Unicorn



4) Have you ever dreamed of your bias? If yes, you can tell me what you dreamed about your bias :D

Yes,ask me in private if you want to know.


5) What kind of fanfiction do you loves to read? *examples : romance*

I don't really care,but the story line has to be intresting for my opinion.


6) What is your last K-Pop song you listened to ?



7) Imagine if your bias beside you, and what will you do ?

I'll act cool,but I died in the inside.


8) You go to Korea with your family/friends/siblings/boyfriend. In Korea, where do you want to go first? *examples : Namiseom Island (Winter Sonata), N Seoul Tower, Lotte World*

BWCW-Boy Who Cried over Wolf .


9) What do you think about Super Junior ?

They are cool and I love their song.


10) Have you ever save your bias funny face pictures ? * provide pictures please *

This made my day.



11) First thing you do when you wake up from sleep ?

Listening to EXO's song.


Guys I won't tagged anyone and no question.


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Thank you friend :) Haha, we are same. Lay :)