50 things u have never been asked... 

1, What color is your toothbrush? green and white 

2, Name one person who made you smile today: My BFF (onlythebest24) 

3, What were you doing at 8 am this morning? umm... standing with my friends and talking before class

4, What were you doing 45 minutes ago? 
updating Confessions of an American Fangirl

5, What is your favorite candy bar? mostly anything dark chocolate 

6, Number six has been deleted...... ya, moving on 

7, What is the last thing you said aloud? I told my dog to stay laying down.

8. What is your top three favorite ice cream flavors? 
 mint chocolate, cookie dough, chocolate!

9, What was the last thing you had to drink? water I think

10, Do you like your wallet? 
when it has money so I can buy coffee~

11, What was the last thing you ate?
 Fried rice ^.^ yum

12, Have you bought any new clothing items this week? 
nope, I'm broke 

13, The last sporting event you watched?
 uhh.... I think the football game on TV

14, What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
 Kettle corn!! 

15, Who is the last person you sent a text message too?
 My sister

16, Ever go camping?
 used to go every year

17, Do you take vitamins daily?
 uh no heh heh

18, Do you go to church every Sunday?

19, Do you have a tan?
 pretty much impossible living in Northwest USA

20, Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? 

21, Do you drink your soda with a straw?
 when I have one

22, What did your last text message say? "Yes"

23, What are you doing tomorrow? School ,cheer practice, writing a paper

25, Look to your left, what do you see? A wall.

26, What color is your watch? 
I don't like watches. My phone is my clock... It's red

27, What do you think of when you hear Australia? 
kangaroos... Finding Nemo

29, Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? depends on how long the line is

30. What is your favorite number?

31, Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?
 my mom? I prefer texting...

32, Any plans today?
 it's 11:42 pm.... so no haha

33, How many places have you lived in?
 like houses or states? 2 states, several houses

34, Biggest annoyance right now?
 this is taking longer than I thought it would....

35, Last song/artist listened to?
 SHINee Kiss Kiss Kiss ^.^

36,Can you say the alphabet backwards? Not quickly, but yes

37, Do you have a maid service clean your house? 
no, I have chores >__>

38, Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
 either my black sequined converse or my cute black boots

39, Are you jealous of anyone?
 Every fan who has gone to a SHINee concert TT^TT

40, Is anyone jealous of you? 
umm no? My life is boring, who would be jealous of me?

41, Do you love anyone? TAEMIN~

42, Do any of your friends have children? nope

43, What do you usually do during the day?
 school, sleep, sports

44, Do you hate anyone right now? 
hate is a strong word, but there are people I dislike with a burning passion

45, Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
 I usually say 'hi' or 'hey'

46, What color is your car?

47, Do you like cats?
 I am definitely a cat person ^.^

48. Are you thinking about someone right now?

49, Have you ever been to Six Flags? 
Yep... I was too short for a lot of rides TT^TT

50, How did you get your worst scar?
 I think when I cut myself with a knife...


Ok, that's it. Random questions taken from:

It's a SHINee Facebook. Chapter 17.

it's a great/hilarious fic, you should check it out~~!



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