My Very first blog post is about....


Tagged by JangRanchoLover  XD
1. Why do you love KPOP ?!
~> Ever Since TVXQ's Purple Line MV featured.
 2. Who's you bias(s) ?!
~> (Drama) Song Jong Ki, (Variety show) Lee Kwang Soo, (K-pop music) ... Multi fandom xD
3. What's you favorite song ?!
~> My Heart will go on by Celine Dion xD * I ship classic music actually xD* Yeah I'm an old folk xD*
4. Do you like any American singers ?!
~> Yes :)
5. How are you doing right now ?!
~> Busy for intensive extra classes recently... *IhateIt*
6. Have you been to (a) concert(s) ?!
~> Yes :D
7. Who do you want to marry (XD) ?!
~> Song Jong Ki!! xD
8. What time is it ?!
~> Summer time xD *High school musical song, well I'll get bash by some unknowns in no time xD*
9. What's your favorite band ?!
~> The beatles xD *Like I said, I'm an old folk xD*
10. WhT do you do on weekends ?!
~> Spend my weekends with friends and family like outing.
11. How many songs to you have on your phone/ipod/galaxy/ computer ?!
~> Uncountable xD


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woohoo Lee Kwang soo!!
1. Because of their dance, you can feel their movement like example BAP and infinite :)