I Don't know

Hey all! How's everybody doing? Busy outside of aff? It's been a really long time since the last time I write blogs.

Well, I'm doing good with my life outside of aff. Busy as usually with tons and tons of assignments and social life as well. But there are this problem, more like "U-Think-too-much-problem" that I observed from my course mates. 

* It might sounds ridiculous that only existin the world of fictional. I believe that once I shared with all of you I will definitely feel much better than keep those ridiculous thoughts in my mind. 

So there's this dude study the same course like me, he's outgoing, funny and playful * attention seeker, ugh. Like seriously* Idk whether he's rich or just middle-class people or whatsoever, but he drive car which is 'not-so-cheap-but-still-pricy-car' as transportation. He likes to follow gorgeously famous girls on his social network, basically He looks ordinary like those dude friend that also love to play computer games. 

The way he communicate with other girl friends are the same like how he treat me. But idk why one day I started to change my social network's profile picture, the next 2 days he started to change his too. (I was thinking that's normal right, people change their profile picture frequently, that make sense. But if U're observant person, u realized that he doesn't change his profile picture so frequent.* ok, that's seems perfectly fine. *I bet u guys must be thinking that I'm just way too sensitive, right?* 

Next, there are a few times we have eye contact but it's not last for 5 seconds(?) idk but I only know that I'm the person who shift my gaze to other direction before he does during certain lectures. And of course we (coursemates) had lunch together after class and chat random stuff *most of time*. A few times, during group discussion we have activities like arrange something on the board with your teammates, just a few times he lean close to me and after I feel a solid body behind me I turned my head and shoot, eye contact again, same story JugAhKim shift her gaze quickly before that dude. Sound normal? Conclusion, I'm in the state of delusion. The end. 

But there's one more thing that really scared the hell of me. This dude really don't know what the shoot is distance. I mean, dude U're guy, I'm a girl (even though most of the time he treat me as his dude friends more like a women), we need a gap when it comes to 'this thingy' ok.

We went to the library to discuss about assignments. After the assignments we have some time before the next subject goes on. We (boys and girls, of course course mates ) decided to rest at the brainstorm room located in front of the counter of the libeary, This dude, was suppose to sit withthe boys right? After he helped with the computer stuff, he didn't want to left the seat beside me and charge his phone and lean on the sofa beside me and play with his phone quietly. After that his friend came and join in play smartphone games with him. He was like 3 inches away from me, that's so freaking close ok. If it's a girl friend that I know, probably I'm comfortable with that. Dude, distance u know?

So how do you think about him? Is it me or he feel normal to be close to female friends?

I bet it's just my sensitivity. I'm fine with a friend like him. But this kind of thingy is not what I want, yet.


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MeiMei90 #1
I believe you are not too sensitive. Everyone has their own definition of comfortable space and it is clear that he is in your 'bubble'. He may like you more than a friend. The clues in my opinion points to that.
As you have said you aren't ready for that type of closeness with a guy. He may be comfortable in that space but you are not. If you can't let him know he is too close for your comfort then I hope you have a friend that has a bold enough personality that they can let him know he is too close.
When you don't let people know your limitations they will cross the line unknowingly (a few people VERY much knowingly).