Whaaat?! Get me this for Christmas!

See that there?

That my friends is a Block B calendar set. I dunno when it goes on sale but I want it. NOW. or for my birthday which is on Monday or Christmas.

GAHHH ZICO LOOKS SO CUTE IN THAT TURTLENECK and Taeil in his striped sweater! The best time to wear a striped sweater...~

GAHHH and Jaehyo with that ed shirt! GAHHHHH and B-Bomb lifting up his shirt! Does he have back dimples to match the ones on his cheeks? Only one way to find out...

And you see that little pic of U-Kwon biting the corner of that pillow?! .aerlgkna;abnegkiablegrrrr I'm DYING of want...

Can I have it? Can I? *sniff sniff* Can I have it? *cool points to anyone who knows where I got that from~*


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Ahahaha!! Unni♥ are you coming home to Jersey for Christmas break?
Maybe we can all chill at the mall and go insane together♥
inappropriate amount of want...gonna ask for this for christmas/ my birthday :3 ♥♥