Tagged? [by ppeytonn]

Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: ppeytonn

What song is playing (if there is) while you fill this out?

--the deaf song -by invisible man :3

Would you ever die to save your bias's life

--no. sorry, but no. I only "adore" them, I am not obsessed with them.

Would you ever pretend to have a fatal disease and meet your favorite k-pop group through Make-A-Wish Foudation {knowing you'd never get caught}. If so - which band? If not - why?

--no, cause my guilt would get to me (also my sister WOULD find out and make me feel bad)

Which group would you - Kiss - - and Kill =Bigbang, Super Junior, and SHINee

--Kiss: EXO(-M) || : none(too young, broooo, put a ring on it, babeh :P) || Kill: none (don't feel like going to jail fur murder)

First K-Pop song you ever listened to.

--"Oppa Oppa" - SuJu's Donghae and Eunhyuk

Are there any K-Pop groups that get on your nerves? {ex. their song - attitude - bad acting?}

-- T-Ara /slapped/ sorry people, but AASFJHKDLFJSDHLGDJSLKFH just don't have a real reason. I just don't like dem. Their songs are catchy though, I'll give ya that. But seriously, we all have groups we hate, so don't in' act as though you like every damn group out there.

What kpop group have you been a fan of the longest?

--Uhhhh...NEXT QUESTION! /slapped/ tbh, i don't stay on a group too long. I switched from SuJu to SHINee to BIGBANG to B.A.P/Block B to now EXO sooo...:P

Have you ever accidently used Korean words while you were speaking to a friend {who didn't know of k-pop}?

--all da time. but hey, they sometimes incorporate some Japanese to their sentences, to which I don't understand, so it's all good in da neighborhood, bro.

Have you seen any K-Pop groups in concerts {I've seen BIGBANG, 2NE1, SM Town, SHINee, and Suju ^_^}

--no, next question.

Overall favorite pairing?

-- SONG JIEUNxANY KPOP MALE IDOL!!! (especially Guk/Zelo, any EXO member besides Chen, and Woohyun/Myungsoo~~)

Absolute worst music video in the history of K-Pop? {*coughs* DBSK Balloons *coughs*

-- Uhhh...gosh, there are gonna be more m/vs l8tr in the year, so it's too soon to say...ummm...EXO's Drama vers. for Wolf + Growl? The actress, plot, and pretty much most of the m/v was bad. There was WAAAAY too much hype over it. *shrugs*


Seriously, if it was not for my stalkerish instincts and personality, I would have never known I was tagged..again. Thank God, I get bored and look through the tagged questions of people .-. /slapped

Really, I didn't know I was tagged, so when I saw I was on ppeytonn's blog post, I was like "Wait. Wait. WHAT THE?! Is there another Panda3093 or something?!" really, I was just being a drama queen. Also, there really is no other Panda3093. So I just kept re-reading it, to make sure it actually said "Panda3093."

Sorry for my rant.

I'm just gonna make 5 questions, since this is my third tag.


1) If you could date any Kpop idol, who would it be and why? (also can't be from or on your bias list :P)

2) What Kpop idol has a quality that's a "turn on?" (can't be a physical quality :P)

3) Complete the gosh darn sentence: "I _____(ual action; past tense) _____(least favorite idol) last night, cause I was _____ (you were...ex. drunk, high, ect.) and actually thought they were _____ (can be anyone) from the coffee shop."

5) Who would you get drunk with?

6) Which idol's ideal type do you fit best?

7) would you do anything for your bias?

8) Rate yourself. (and it just doesn't have to apply to exo, but whatever your fave group is) BE HONEST!!


9) the moment you realize, I only said I would write 5 questions and that I skipped the number 4.


Bye now! *teleports away*

Oh yea!

Tagging 3 peeps...have fun!!

-anyone else...really...



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