Update on life, etc yada yada yada :D

Hey my sweethearts, how are you doing everyone? :)

I know, you I haven't updated for a while but I am barely online on AFF, nor did I touch my laptop much at the moment.

After we found out that I have a very poor health, my mum became a bit paranoid and literally pulled my to a psychologist.

Well, seems like I was quite close to a burn out, guys. 

Now I have the orders to do things slowly and that I shouldn't spend time at home much XD I am feeling a lot better now, actually, because I spend most of my time with my two best friends and with one of them, I go partying quite often now XD As for now, I am having the best time of my life, especially since I broke up with my boyfriend month ago and now I got to known someone and I hope it is qorking out between us^^ The only problem is... he's freaking tall. Like tall tall. He's taller than Kris by a lot XD He's aout 1,93/1,94 m tall XD And I am a freaking midget XD

I am still writing though, but like 5 times slower than usual XD


Hope you are all doing well :)


Love you all and thanks to you guys for staying subscribed to me, even if I don't update regularly :)

Aka out :D


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sujushineeroc #1
I'm glad your taking a slower pace but no one would hold a grudge if you didn't update at all for a few weeks! I know we'd be dying because your stories are so good and everyone always wants to know what's going to happen, but you have to take care of yourself first!! I'm really glad your taking it slow and really give your chance to take it easy!!!
queenoftrouble #2
Coooool. Take care of yourself though, author-nim! We don't want you getting sick. :3 Partying and hanging out with friends seems like a lot of fun. Live your life and have fun while you still can.<3
get better soon aka!!! we all love you :D and do take care of your body
Take care authornim & stay healthy ^^
Good to know you are doing better & better...
Get yourself some fine heels and work your way up XD this did not come from me oke
Im relieved that author-nim is getting better ^^ well.. take ur time writing since imma still gonna be patient in reading ur fics. Take care of ur health okay cuz ur one of my favorite authors♡♡
MiyeonS2 #7
Take good care of your health! Health comes before anything :) I sincerely hope you'll get better soon! Have strength!!
danSINGirlS2BB #8
Take care! Health is more important than anything else! Its the best asset anyone can have! ^^ Don't worry about losing subscribers! I mean, its their loss! right? Haha. Get even better soon! :)
ariannaiman1614 #9
Author-nim hope you will recover soon <3
Oh dear, I'm glad that you're getting better. Don't stress yourself.
^^ I'm glad that you have people to take care of you. Feel better!
hanzchowie #11
Take your time to recover. I hope you get better.
If only i could find a guy to date or even.be friends with. That would make my life so much more interesting. I envy, you have such a cool social life.
hasegawa_asuka #12
oh my dear, sorry that i only got to know this as i was not attentive to Aff lately because i was very busy on work and well, taking more rest on eyes since i felt dizzy after a long reading.

just take it easy and i always stress that Health is the most important thing that you should keep. you cant do anything without it. So, keep doing things that make you good. take the magnesium and iron tablets on time and regular sleep!! well a certain luv chemistry is always the best magic to cure everything! good luck my dear!!

I will wait for your update as there is simply no excitement to read other fics. Well, i only find your story inspring, with deep meaning and many rooms to think. i keeps me fresh to think after the reading and..my habbit is reading ur fics. hehehe...so, rest well and spend good time to impeove your health and get recharge before come back!!

more darker coloir berries ands help improve your help!! yogurt too!! avoid soft drinks and soda!!

cheers and love from Hasega!
jade17 #13
I'm glad your ok... Take your time and have fun in life, you only live once.
sarang_sora #14
We understand~ everyone has a life outside internet ~ get well soon author-nim~~ hahah yea my mother gets easily paranoid when it comes to me -.- ..... and yea school is stressing me out ... hahaah I know how you feel when I walk down our school halls there are some freaking tall guys that make me feel so small OTL and take your time when you write~

Anywaysss take care! Glad that your back~
yume9111 #15
I'm glad you're doing better now! Health is the most important thing we have and unfortunately we tend to take it for granted..it was a very nice surprise to see your update for Two Moons just now though^^ it was nice to see sehun kai and siyeon "back". Don't stress yourself too much from now on and I'll wait patiently for the updates! Take care~ lol it's ok even if he's very tall wahahahaha