☁Olympus High | Huang ZhiLan | Chronos☁




Username: Panda3093

How active: 8/10

What Can I Call You: co-author-nim~~ /slapped/ jk, Panda or Abz is fine :3



Characters Name: ZhiLan | Huang

Nicknames: LanLan // Chronos // ZhiZhi // Lannie // Lane(English Name) // Lan

God/Goddess: Chronos

Age: 19

Birthday: August 15

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Bloodtype: AB

Hometown: New York, USA

Birthplace: unknown...

Languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Greek



Faceclaim: Yoo Hyun Jin

Backup Faceclaim: :P

Style: She has no certain or specific style. It is pretty universal and although she is not much on fashion, her mom is (being a fashion designer), so she is able to have the style that is "in" at the time. She prefers comfy clothing though, with a subtle sort of style. Nothing neony or too bright and flashy. She is not meant to stand out, but instead just dress as though time was passing her by. She has more of a tomboy/edgy look though, for unknown reasons. 

LINK {time}

LINK {is}

LINK {of}

LINK {the}

LINK {Essence}



Personality: {tba~~


Background: {She was born in Qingdao, Shandong, China. She had a year older brother, but she never got to know him since they were seperated when she was barely a year old. She vaguely remembers her past and childhood. She sometimes dreams of a Chinese boy that looks about 20, he looks a bit like her and he seems familar, yet she can't tell who he is. She lives with her adopted mother in New York city in the States. She knows that she is adopted since her adopted parents told her the truth. She only lives with her adopted mother since her adopted father died of cancer when ZhiLan was about 10 years old. When her father died, that is when she found out she was different from other kids. Besides that fact that she was able to see weird "imaginary" creatures unlike other people, she found out something about herself that no one else could ever have. She found out her powers the day her father died. She cried and cried, she was usually a strong girl that rarely ever cried, yet her adopted father's death just pushed her over the edge. She felt something had been taken away from her, and although they weren't blood related, he sure treated her as though she was his real daughter. She wanted everything to go back to the way it was. She wanted time to stop. She wanted everything to slow down and go back to the good times. So it did, sorta. A powerful force pushed down on her and when she wiped her teary eyes, before her was past events of the good times she had when her adopted father was still alive. It was of all three of them, at the beach, playing games, hanging out, just having a good time. She wanted to reach out and touch the image, but once she did it ended and went right back into her mind. She found out that the scene was not real, but really fragments of her memories. She didn't know what she just saw, but she knew it was far from normal. And if things couldn't get any weirder, she found that when she wanted time to stop, it happened. Everything before her stood still, yet she was able to walk freely as everything went slowly. This is when she found out of her Space-Time Manipulation powers.
She kept her freaked out abilities to herself, not ever her adopted mother knew. ZhiLan tried her best to never use her powers, but at times it just...happened. By it's self. In the beginning, when she rarely played around with it, her powers were released based on her thoughts and emotions. No matter how many times she tried to surpress it, she couldn't without a little practice in handling them first. So, that is what she did. She had to train her powers, herself. She was clueless to what to do and to make sure no one knew of them. But, of course distorting time and space is hard to not make obvious. So, ultimately her adopted mother found out sometime. And when she did, she, not surprisingly, freaked out. ZhiLan thought she was in for it, she thought that her adopted mother wouldn't want a freak anymore, but she was wrong. Her mother did freak out and was a bit scared, but she loved ZhiLan all the same. ZhiLan was of the lucky demigods, some demigods are disowned and pushed out when their adopted parents find out about their wierd powers. But, ZhiLan was lucky.

When ZhiLan turned 13, the year before she went to highschool, her mother gave her an antique watch necklace for her birthday. Her mother said it was with ZhiLan when she was at the orphanage. On the back of the watch, her name was inscribed in script. Below her name was also inscribed, in the same font, "Daughter of Time." When her mom gave her this, ZhiLan just looked at her with confusion, not understanding the reasoning on the back. Her mother did not understand it either, at the time, but over time and after knowing of her daughter's powers, she realized, as far-fetched as it may sound, that ZhiLan is a demigod. Born of a God and a mortal.

When ZhiLan turned 15, she was enrolled in Olympus High. She left her adopted mother to go to the school. She didn't want to go at first, but it was actually her adopted mother that told her to do so. Her mother said it was for the best, it was best that ZhiLan goes to a place that can help her train and live like other gods/goddesses in training. In the end, ZhiLan went to the school no matter how much it pained her to leave her mother.



  • open quiet fields
  • her adoptive parents
  • Her treaure: a gold antique watch necklace
  • animals
  • space(finds it fascinating) and stars
  • art
  • sounds(different sounds)
  • Totoro
  • Hayao Miyazaki's works/animations
  • Japanese and Korean culture


  • people messing with time
  • ​those that waste time and think of it as nothing and something unvaluable
  • Chen
  • Chronos(she has a small grudge on him)
  • her dreams (they always make her head hurt as she tries to remember the boy from her dream)
  • her family being hurt
  • loud noises, and talkative people (those that feel as though they need to say something)
  • Guyliner
  • fashion
  • skirts


  • Going to bed late
  • in her sleep
  • Happy: she looks off to the side and slightly smiles to herself
  • Angry: makes a fist and digs her nails deep into her palms
  • furious: punches/hurts/breaks the "cause" of her anger
  • Sad: puts on a strong face and bites her lip to prevent from crying
  • Nervous: hard tell, since she subtly plays with her shirt, pants, etc.
  • Lying: puts on a stoic/stright face-has a good poker face


  • practicing her powers
  • meditating (mostly trying to find out who the guy of her dreams is)
  • looking at the night sky
  • being alone
  • playing sports
  • skateboarding
  • paiting/sketching
  • practicing her shooting
  • practicing hand-to-hand combat

Trivia: {just some...not all :P /slapped

  • knows Latin
  • secretly has a soft spot for cute things
  • knows how to drive, but rather use her skateboard
    • ​has many skateboards
  • ​knows how to sew, since her mom is a fashion designer
  • never met her birth mother
  • has weird dreams of this boy every night // he looks Chinese as well and looks similar yet very different from herself(i'm not trying to be racist -__- it's suppose to be her brother, you people)
  • knows how to control space and time
  • has been at Olympus high for 3 years
    • ​knows her way inside and out of the place
  • ​has a limited number of friends
    • ​Friends: Hyoyeon, Zelo, and Yae Lim (ppeytonn's chara)
  • ​her favorite thing of the school is the high up roof top // she loves to go up there during school hours at times and just look to the sky (sometimes people think she is the daughter of Uranus - aka "Father Sky")
  • never dated or kissed anyonr before
  • has no ideal type
  • is ambidexterous
  • is allergic to kitties, but since it's not a severe allergy, she still goes near them
  • quite good in hand-to-hand combat
  • she hates the school uniform because of the skirts -she gets away with it by wearing thigh length spandex
  • she is able to, strangely, attract different animals
  • she always wanted a pet, but was never able to keep one when younger
    • ​she got a pet when she helped a stray wolf that was too badly injured and it's mother was long gone - his name is Tao, it was the first name that came to her mind


Name: Chen

Group: EXO

Their god/goddess: Adonis

Personality: Egotistic- he is full of himself. He isn't as narcissistic as some of his fellow brother and sisters, but he is pretty damn close. He loves to look at himself and makes sure everything(appearance-wise) is perfect, which everything usually is. He doesn't love anyone more than himself, well except his mother maybe. He is handsome, and he knows it. He doesn't need to be told twice that he has good looks; which shouldn't be a surprise since his father is the God of remarkable beauty.
TROLL- not does he have high self-confidense and self-esteem, but just to add to his "wonderful" personality, he is sarcastic. Now, ZhiLan is highly sarcastic and blunt as well, ever sugar coating her words, but unlike ZhiLan, he can't take a hint and doesn't know when to shut up. He just naturally believes that everyone wants to hear his opinion and advice. To which is NOT true.
Sorta Kind?- the only person he has a soft spot for is his mother. His mother is the number one woman in his life. He cares for her as much as he cares for his beauty (which is saying A LOT). He is kind and pretty much a whole new person around her. It is as though he is not his natural egotistic or sarcastic self when with his mother. His mother took care of him her whole life after all. Haivng to deal with his personality, shannanigans, among other things. He cares for her and is truly grateful.
Broken- He used to love someone. She was another demigod, but the only thing wrong with his love was that he fell for his sister. They shared the same God as their parent, beoth being extremely beautiful, so how could he not like her? They were half-siblings, yet it was still wrong. He didn't care if it was wrong though, he cared for her and that is all he knew. But, his heart was ripped out and stomped on when he tried to court her only to find out she was dating another. She didn't care for him like he cared for her. She looked at him like a brother, nothing more. She made it also very clear to him how wrong it was for him to love her, she said that she would never love him back the same way. Since then, he vowed to never love another.
Jealous?- he is the type to get easily jealous. He is pretty much an open book and his feelings are shown through his actions, facial expressions, and eyes. He can't hide his feelings well. He also can't help but become overly jealous, protective, and sad when he sees the girl he liked with another. He is glad that she is happy, but deep down he hates it with all his heart.

How you two met: They met as they were in the same power training class together (aka P.E)

How you interact: They have a cat-dog relationship. They don't see eye to eye and fight constantly. They can not be anymore opposing from one another. Their ideas, thoughts, and speech is different. One says something, the other says another. The two are complete opposites. They can never get along and can't stand the presence of each other.

backup love interest: Kwon Jiyong :3



Scene Suggestion: uhhh...i'll think of something

Comments: glad to be working on this fic with ppeytonn!! Let's get this show on the road!! xDD
Btw, I mention her "brother" a lot, and by the surname of my chara it should be pretty obvs who he is ^^ if not, then you'll just have to see who it is later in the story~~

Password: READ DA RULEZ, YOU LAZIIEESSSS~~ For those that did read da rulez, have a small spam gifs of GD as a reward~~ :3
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