
As you guys might (or might not) have noticed, I have been on a bit of an unofficial hiatus lately. I used to update at least one story once a week, and now...yeah. To be honest, college is a lot different than high school. I have more free time, but also less free time. When I'm not drowning in school work, I just want to hang out with friends and there are all these fun events to go to as well. Also, I overloaded on credits a bit this semester. #whoops

The point of this post is two things: 

1. I have not stopped writing. I will definitely pick up the pace on my on-going stories in mid-December during winter break. I have bits of the next chapter of Fiction and Fact and Different Galaxies written, but just haven't had time to edit/write more lately. I will try to actually finished/almost finish both of them by February. Kami and I (co-authors of safe and sound) are thinking about possibly co-writing another action-y/romance-y fic as well. And I need more gay in my life so expect ships to be sailed. Oh and maybe eexiee will get a super late birthday fic. 

2. I think this break from writing came at a good time. To be honest, I don't know if the AFF ranking of top authors is a good thing because being a "top author" does make you jaded. I can't remember where I was right before college started, but I know I was pretty high. I found myself always wondering how many subscribers I needed to move up one more rank, and wondering if I would be able to do it. I realized that my mindset was all wrong. It does not matter how highly I am ranked on ANYTHING. I write to share my love for my idols and for my own enjoyment, and that is that. When I come back full time, my priorities will be straightened. In the mean time, thank you to those of you who are re-reading my stories and leaving me lovely comments/wall-posts.  


I still check AFF at least twice a day, but I am easily reached through Line @_anniewithlove


Hope you all are doing well~ Welcome, to any new readers! 







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I'm in Junior year of HS now and it is a lot of pressure since we have to rack up on good grades for college applications. I hope you'll be able to relax a bit. Will wait for your comeback :)
I'm only going into grade 10 next year and I'm pressure with a lot of work...
I completely understand being busy, being a college student myself. And employed at a very busy location. It takes a lot out of a person. Just write whenever you feel like it, don't ever feel forced. Write for fun. <3
Your dimples are so great/LOL me...XD