Infinite Fanfiction Secret Santa. Who would be interested?

Hi everyone!

I was thinking of starting a Secret Santa for Infinite fanfics! I was wondering if anybody would be interested in taking part and spreading the word? If I get enough interest I will totally do it!


I've seen a lot of them on Livejournal but not many over here of AFF and I think it would be so fun for us Inspirits to do! 


Basically anyone can take part! You can give me a prompt and/or a pairing. I'll set a deadline for people to join (probably the 1st December) and then on that day I'll send a prompt to someone, who will then write it anonymously and send it back to me and I will post it as a chapter on the fic! After the deadline for stories to be sent in I will then reveal who each person's Secret Santa was!


I think that it will be a really fun way to meet new Inspirits on AFF and discover new authors! Who is with me?


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Sounds fun! I'd be up for it.
I'm in XD sounds fun!
Please give me the information and tell me what to do and so on XD
sounds like fun!
This is a good idea. Also for those who are getting to know the group :) If I haven't signed up already for a secret santa event, I'd definitely join :)