Alright so here's my Maryland concert experience!


First of all, I was pushed so much! Like it was so packed and I almost lost my balance more than once. Okay. getting onto the concert. Well, the picture that Woohyun posted to Twitter, I'm in it! I'm the face with the dark glasses standing behind the girl with the blue INFINITE hat at the end of the line.

They are really so amazing live. They are way more handsome in person, in all words they're perfect!

Okay, so guess what? Well I didn't technically get a plushie from the members, but Sunggyu threw a whole bunch of them in our direction and I just happened to see one on the floor and I picked it up.

Getting to the members, Hoya smiled right at me during the Special Girl stage and that smile killed me! He also waved to me ^^

Sunggyu looked right at me when I was waving to him, smiled his genuine eye smile and waved right at me.

Dongwoo also waved at me and so did Woohyun. They are both so cute

And I could've sworn that when they performed With, Sungjong was staring right at me the entire time and I wanted to take pictures of the other members, but I just couldn't help but hold his gaze.

I thankfully got Sunggyu's solo performance on video, idk how good it is though. I'll probably post pictures and videos to my IG, Twitter, and YT so if you want to see them, just scroll down on my profile and click on the pictures of each website to see them.


I got a free poster, light stick, two banners, and even though I stood outside for 6 hours and nearly froze to death, it was all worth it to see my babies. Sunggyu will forever remain my hamster leader and I love him and the rest of the members even more after today.


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you got a plushie! if there had been one on the floor in Bangkok, i'm pretty sure i would've been stepped on/stabbed with a lightstick for trying to get it, so yay for you! :D

also, yay for Gyu's eyesmile!!!
read my fanacc on one of my blog posts... gahh i already miss them ;u;