❝ Spring Graduation ❞ ( Song Hyemi )


I am the prankster Song Hyemi imnida!



Aff Username: pinkblooded
Activeness:  8/10
Your Name: Yui


Character nameSong Hyemi (송혜미)
- Miso (smile in korean, because of her pretty smile) - Chanyeol
- Neko (cat in japanese, because she looks like a cat in her friends' opinions) - Friends
- Jelly (her name Jaylee sounds like jelly) - Friends

Date of birth: 18/11/1995
Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Blood type: A
Languages: Fluent Korean, Conversational Japanese


Height:  168cm
Weight: 53kg
Ulzzang:  Park Sora
Back-up ulzzang:  Gam Dain


Hyemi is an adventurous person. She often throws away concepts or ideas that one normally believed as it's too old, outdated or mainstream. She likes trying something new. As through experiencing a new idea, she might get positive responses which would be great but even if she got negative responses, she doesn't give up or get upset. Since "failure is the mother of success", she believes that if she improve on the new ideas she has, it would get better and success one day.
At 18 years old, one will probably be a mature and sophisticated woman but Hyemi is definitely not one. She is really childlike. She's definitely different from what you imagined, at the first glance, she seems like a quiet and shy girl, but that's not the truth. She's weird, literally weird. She always does strange things that even her friends are like judging her, sometimes, she just sighs and sit on the floor, out of nowhere. Guess why she did that? She was tired and she doesn't see any see any chairs in sight. Her friends were so embarrassed that they didn't know what to do with her. At the same time, an easy-going and cheerful girl who spreads her happy virus to everyone around her, and someone who's laughter can be heard even when you are outside of her house with the door closed tightly.
Hyemi doesn't like any restriction upon her, she likes being free, being who she wants to be. She thinks that she's not a puppet nor a robot, why does she have to do things people is expecting her to do. Therefore, most people's impression of her would be a loud and fun girl, because she voice out anything in her mind and does whatever she wants. Being a playful girl, she also really likes to prank people because she likes how people react to her, it makes her has a sense of accomplishment. She manage the limits very well, she doesn't go beyond everyone's limit, she knows when people is irritated and when she crossed the limits, so she would stop instantly. Of everything mentioned, you might think that Hyemi is a rude girl. No, respect is an important moral that she holds. She believes that if she wants respect from others, she doesn't just say it. She earns it, by respecting others too.
Also, she's a well-organised person. She really hates when random things get in her way, she will tidy up her bed every day after she gets up when some others might just leave it as what it is. She cleans up her room every alternate day, and also have all her things well arranged. Caring is Hyemi's nature, she put her friends and family before herself. Towards her friends and family, she would always be the one to take care of them when they are sick. Hyemi is someone who is really determined or on a negative side one might say it's stubborn. This girl is really amazing, she insists on goals that she set really hard, when she set her mind to complete this work, she will. She would never do things half way and kept it hanging there. If she has decided to start it, she will end it. However, she is impulsive, she often acts before thinking twice also blunt while she's talking which often makes people feel offended.

Hyemi was born and raised in Seoul. Her dad is a Hotel Manager while her mum is a housewife. She has a younger brother who is a year younger. Her family wasn't well-off, but it's still alright. When she was 8, she was really interested in piano so she made her parents to let her take up lessons for it, and now she's a grade 8. She went to Japan for 2 years when she was 11 to stay with her aunt, as her parents wants to bring her brother to Canada for his studies but Hyemi refused to tag along, she learned some basic Japanese with her aunt and returned when she was 13. She then started attending middle school and high school like any others of her age.

- Animals
- Skinship
- Horror movies
- Flowers
- Unicorns

- Lies
- Betrayers
- Noises
- Bad weather
- Messiness

- Favourite flower is Sunflower
- She is using a Samsung Galaxy S4
- Her favourite variety show is Running Man
- Her favourite colour is Yellow
- She is a left hander

- Bit lips when nervous
- Pout when sad
- Taps her feet when impatient
- Throw whatever is in her hand when she's angry
- Always have her hair tied in a pony tail

- Writing Diary
- Playing netball
- Cooking and Baking

- Claustrophobia (enclosed space)
- Acrophobia (height)
- Lepidopterophobia (moths and butterflies)


      Song Jinwoo | Father | 6/10 | Towards her father, Hyemi is a mixture of respect and afraid. As he is a very strict father, Hyemi is always fear of him since young, the black face of the family but also respect him a lot. Although he is strict to his children, he is also very supportive towards them. | Alive
      Jin Yeonjin | Mother | 8/10 | Whenever Hyemi has any problems, the first she would approach would be her mum. They are very close just like best friends, Hyemi share all her problems with her mum, and Yeonjin is very understanding, she doesn't blame Hyemi for not doing great in certain things, she understand and try to tell Hyemi that she can do it if she worked harder. Very supportive towards her children and always show affection to them. | Alive
      Song Junho | Brother | 10/10 | Hyemi and Junho is very close, since their is only 1 year, they have a lot of common topics and they always chat with each other and do sports together. When Hyemi and Junho hang out together, people always mistaken them as lovers. | Alive
      Son Naeun | Bestfriends | 10/10 | The two likes to do fun things together, like shopping and going to lotte world. | Alive


 Love interest: Park Chanyeol
 His personality: 
In front of others, he is known as the Happy Virus, a very optimistic boy who is really lovable and fun to be around. A junior that the seniors would all goes like he is such a respectful kid there is hard to find nowadays. However, he is a shy and genuine boy, he doesn't really talk much, he only joke around with his close friends. He is the moodmaker within his friends, when his friends are sad, he would be there to cheer them up and be their listening ears. He is very nice and friendly towards everyone.

 Relationship:  Friend-enemies
 How do you guys met:  
It was a later afternoon, after lesson ended Hyemi went to the library alone. She was looking for a book, she finally found the one she wanted but it was at the top shelf and she can't reach. She tries to jump for it but still can't reach. So, she wanted to look for the librarian for help, but here came a tall guy, who easily reached for the book and he asked "Is this the one you wanted?" Hyemi beamed and nodded, Chanyeol laughed and continued, "Babo keke."

 Back-up love interest: Byun Baekhyun
 His personaltiy: 
He is very focus on what he wants, he wants to show his best to his fans and everyone else. When he is doing something, he gives in his all, otherwise, he is the cute derp. The cute bubbly guy, that you wanna keep him in your pocket.

 Relationship:  Friend-enemies
 How do you guys met: Same as above


It's a really cute story. I hope you like Hyemi c:

Questions: -
Scene suggestion:
- Chanyeol and Hyemi argues who will be more suitable as the chairperson
- Chanyeol playing the guitar and Hyemi playing the piano
- Hyemi's confession to Chanyeol, with her self compose song 





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Hello! Thanks for applying! I am still reviewing it and same goes to my co-author! Thanks once again <3