☆ Guardian Quest || Song Jinri || jinnie_marshmallows

 Guardians Quest



Username : exofinitehearters

Password : quality over quantity







Name : Song Jinri

Nickname : jinnie_marshmallows

Date of Birth :   06/12/1996

Age : 17

Birthplace : Seoul,South Korea

Ethnicity : Full Korean

Languages : Basic English,Full Korean


 Create your Character


Persona :

[ ]     Leader 

[ ]     Ice Princess 

[ ]     Princess Syndrome 

[ ]     The Mother

[ ]     The Cool Kid 

[ ]     The Shy Turtle 

[ ]     The Lone Wolf 

[ ]     The Selfish Brat

[-]     The Loud Speakers

[ ]     The Unlucky One

[ ]     The Tech Geek

[ ]     The Money Bag



Backup Persona :

[ ]     Leader 

[ ]     Ice Princess 

[ ]     Princess Syndrome 

[ ]     The Mother

[-]     The Cool Kid 

[ ]     The Shy Turtle 

[ ]     The Lone Wolf 

[ ]     The Selfish Brat

[ ]     The Loud Speakers

[ ]     The Unlucky One

[ ]     The Tech Geek

[ ]     The Money Bag





Ulzzang :  Park Hwan Hui




Backup : Kim Seuk Hye





Height : 168cm

Weight : 48kg


Battle Attire : 


Back up:




Weapon : A pack of rainbow marshmallows. It works kind of like a grenade, except that it doesn't explode and kill people. Instead, it works more like confetti. When the 'grenade' is thrown, it will 'explode' and confetti,marshmallows,unicorns and rainbows will start falling out. Rainbow marshmallows may not be fatal, but it is sure really distracting. The marshmallows usually help them to turn away the attention of their rivals and allow them time to run away.

Extras : -



 Behind the screen


Character traits : Bubbly,Cute,Talkative,Loud,Animative,Naive,Gullible,Sensitive,Cry-Baby


Personality : 

Lets just say that she is the total opposite of Ahri. She acts like the maknae, although she's not (or maybe she is, depending on the applicants you choose.)She's childlike, but not childish.

Bubbly and Cute - She is really out-going and is filled with aeygo. Has a quite high pitch voice (not nasal, just high pitch)

Nice,Kind,Caring - She is helpful and kind. She often goes an extra mile to help others.

Talkative and Loud - She has lots of comments and loves to speak. When she gets excited, her voice becomes louder.

Goodie Two Shoes - Never breaks rules.

Not Really Trustable - Its not she want to, nor is it her choice that she blows the secret she is told away. ita due to her loudmouth.

Not Good at Comforting - She panicrd when someone gets upset and doesn't know what to say. She resorts to singing for them in hopes that they will fell better.

Charmer - She gives off a girl-next-door aura that everyone loves.

Animative - When she talks, she naturally makes big hand movements and gestures to further prove her point or to allow people to visualise better what she is saying.

Naive and Gullible - It is easy to play pranks on her because she is someone easy to fool.

Sensitive and Cry-baby - Her feelings are hurt easily by small insults and cry often because of those.

Cracks under Pressure - This girl cannot take much hardships. Its not that she needs to though, since she is the maknae of her family and the fairy of her school.


Likes :



Pastel Colors

Ice Cream


Bubble Tea


Fluffy Things

Stuffed Toys

Despicable Me



Dislikes :

Irritating People

People who curse and swear

People who offend her

People who don't believe in unicorns




Habits :

-Puffing her cheeks


-Yawning when she wakes up

-Pulling her blanket all the way up to her head when sleeping


Trivia :

-Most people call her Jinnie.

-She loves to eat.

-She has a high metabolism rate and doesn't get fat easily no matter how much she eats.

-Ahri is jealous of her high metabolism rate because she needs to diet to keep her figure.

-She is a huge fan of Ariana Grande

-When someone is trouble, she will always sing to them.

-Her favourite line from Ariana Grande's song 'The Way' is 'so don't you worry,baby you're worrying' and always uses that to try to comfort people.

-She is in the school's cheerleading club.

-Jinri is actually taller than her sister by 6cm despite being younger, she looks shorter than her in the game because Ahri's shoes have hidden 3 inch heels in them while Jinri is wearing flats.


Background : Jinri was born in an average family. Since young, she had been well liked for her cute and bubbly nature. She is always the popular customs of angels in her school. Her visuals are really good and her height(although not extremely tall) is something she should be proud of too(especially for a 17-year-old girl). She has many friends that hangs out with her and plays with her. However, though her social skills are definitely better than her sister's, she is not as inclined in terms of education. Jinri doesn't fair so well academically. However, she is an extremely talented singer and is also in the school's cheerleading club.


Family :    Appa | Song Si Hoo | Stern,strict,responsible | 7

Omma | Hwang Mi Jung | Demour,Nice,Kind,Calm,Caring | 7

Oppa | Song Joong Ki | Funny,Bubbly,Cheerful,Supportive | 9

Unnie | Song Ah Ri | Selfish,Stubborn,Ignorant,Rebellious,Deceptive,Sacarstic | 9





 My Guardian



Name : Xiumin/Kim Minseok

Backup : Chen/Kim Jongdae


How you met : Jinri accidentally walked next to Kai just he was about to teleport, causing her to be into his portal too. She ended up at Xiumin's quarter's with Kai. It didn't take long for her to realize that it was the place her team was looking for. At first, Xiumin was like 'what the heck Kim Jong In wy is there a girl with you?!' but as the nice guy he is, he took her in. The members were worried sick about her but continued on their journey anyway. They got the shock of their life to see Jinri over there.


Personality and how you get along : Xiumin can pretty much be described as the male version of Jinri. He is bubbly,fun and caring. Also, the both of them really love food. They are like peas in a pod.


Background : Xiumin's city is one of the richest and supposedly a food paradise. It can also be dubbed as a really creative invention. It may seems pretty normal when you enter, with snow and all (typical ice boy), but its nothing like you think. Don't be suprised to see frosting lakes or pizza deserts deeper inside the kingdom. And in the heart of the city where Xiumin lives,it is entirely made out of marshmallows and (unmelted) ice cream (since the temperature at Xiumin's place would be really cold due to his ice powers). They are colorful ice cream walls, marshmallow lampost and more. As for the civilization, it would be considered a neat city, although not as much as Suho's. The people there are not bound to so many rules and are more easy-going. However, because thet have unlimited food and a lot of money, the citizens are pretty spoilt. They are greedy even though they already have a lot and always does despicable actionsa to get what they want.




 bad girl


Name : Sulli/Choi Jinri

Personality : Sulli is a cold-hearted ice princess who is extremely merciless. She is blunt and sacarstic.

How you will meet : Jinri first got curious about Sulli after seeing her walk by as she looked awefully like Jinri's ex-besf friend and now enemy, Kim Na Young. Jinri approached her to check whether she had any connection to Na Young, only to find out in astonishment that Sulli's korean name is the same as her. Sulli openly shows her hatred towards Jinri after Xiumin started calling her Sulli again instead of Jinri (she only let's close people call her that) to avoid confusion for jinnie_marshamallows Jinri.




 Application Successfully completed

Message : Hehe made a sister for Ahri, hope you liked her too^^ After all the marhmallows,rainbow and unicorns stuff, hope you're going like thisXD 


Scene requests : Xiumin and Jinri have a food feast together.

Suggestions : -



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