choi seul
full name choi seul
president - she's the student council president - everyone
seulli - a pet form of her given name seul - her best friend (i hope it can be one of the girls in the story)
birthdate december 12 1997
int. age 18
gender female
birthplace seoul, south korea
hometown seoul, south korea
ethnicity korean
nationality korean
languages korean - native
faceclaim red velvet's irene
backup fx's krystal
appearance 165cm, 50kg, long and straight brown hair reaching until mid back with centre parting
in contrary to the common believe that student council presidents are always outgoing and popular or smart and studious, seul is actually quite an average joe. she has an average clique of friends, not enough to make her a queenka but sufficient to keep her from being labeled as a 'loser'. Although her grades are definitely higher than average seeing how she's in the first class, she's not the top student either. she's probably only known to students after appearing on the council poll sheets to be honest.
like every person, she has a variety of personality traits, depending on whether its from the point of view of herself, her friends and family or mere schoolmates.
in front of schoolmates, she may come off as cold and intimidating. this is due to the look on her face, which by default looks serious. not really her fault if you ask me. the fact that she is student council president also rubs off, building onto her unapproachable image. she always looks like she's deep in thoughts.
however, if you are her friend, you would know that is not true. although she's definitely not the moodmaker of her group of friends and tend to fall on the quiet side, she is not as icy as she seems. she's a compassionate person, who quietly helps and supports people from the back. it's not like she doesn't speak at all, really, she inputs her opinions when she thinks its worthy of being shared, and cracks a joke or two occasionally. she's just not a social butterfly, that's all. rather than being cold, she just a bit shy, and is not the type of person who has jokes flowing out her their mouths. still, she puts in effort to be more approachable and try to talk as much as possible. she's someone who gets things done efficiently. she had passed many rules to better the school and improve the council in the start few months of her term. the most prominent trait of her is that dominating aura that she gives off, probably the trait that made her president. being around her makes you feel taken care of, even with the ice cold face and silent mouth. everything feels like they will be settled in a breeze just with her around, and they realy do get settled pretty quickly. that is why people love working with her, even if she's a girl of little words.
in front of herself, she's actually an insecure girl. not the boyfriend-is-cheating kind of insecure, but rather, she sometimes doubts whether she is worthy of being student council president. she always have a decent amount of self love and was pretty contented with being herself, but recently, after stepping up as president, she has been burdend about fitting the "perfect" image of council presidents. she starts noticing her flaws and fretting over them. for once, she notices how bossy she sounds when she gives instructions to people although she had no intenti0n to. she notes that her default cold look doesn't make her seem any less friendly. she notices how she starts rambling incoherently when she's frazzled, something that a poised and calm student council president shouldn't do. she notices that she can be quite fearful to make decisions, when a president should be capable of choosing the right road all the time. she notices that she gets jealous easily, because there are many traits of certain people that she yearns, but can't receive. most of all, she notices that she's actually pretty selfish, because she would unconsciously save herself first if she's in a life threatening situation... not that she would be in one right? she notices that she's afraid of disappointing people who looks up to her and this has been keeping her from being the happy seul for quite some time. 
and maybe that's why seul, who isn't the type to judge and hate on people, finds herself disliking those who act like know it alls and try to be the leader when she knows she should be. she knows those people can't be good leaders... or maybe, she just doesn't want to admit that they are good leaders after all.
choi seul was born in a semi rich family with an older brother. her brother is 2 years older than her. her mother works as a high school teacher in another school while her father works as a politician. since young, she was never a really outgoing kid. she attended normal korean schools since she was in kindergarden, so she is pretty used to the system here already. she had various leadership positions throughout the years, such a class president, prefect and so on. in high school, she joined the editorial club and often write articles for the school paper.
her favourite color is white
she is allergic to animals
she is afraid of bugs
she has claustrophobia
she dislikes know-it-alls
father - choi junghhoon
mother - choi-han mihyun
brother - choi minho
best friend - any character in the story (or  kyungsoo/seulgi)
student council vice president - do kyungsoo
they've known each other practically since they were born since their mothers are good friends. they aren't extrememly close friends, but given the time they used to spend together when they were young because of their parents, they know each other pretty well. in high school, they were still friends, although not as close as before. still, they will share school notes, and go out for bubble tea occasionally. when they both joined the council, their friendship picked up pace again. nowadays, they like to joke about their long friendship and often tease each other about events that happened when they were young.
student council secretary - kang seulgi
seul and seulgi's first meeting was pretty comical in seul's opinion. it was a monday morning in school as seul recalls. she was walking to class alone when suddenly someone called out "seul!". or at least she thought so, because she spun around before the person could complete her sentence. "-gi." it turned out that mrs noh, her form teacher, was actually calling out to the new transfer student instead of her. that was one of the few days seul actually got embarassed. seeing that she caught the then class president seul's attention, ms noh asked her to tour seulgi around. from there, their friendship bloomed. currently, they are in the same clique of friends, and often text and hang out. they are getting even closer after joining council together.
love interest mark lee (smrookies)
birthdate 2 august 1997
if seul is the student council president, mark is the student council communication and relations director, which really is just another term for 'popularity king'. he's in the soccer team... not captain if you're wondering because that's too cliche. he is popular, not as the hot bad boy senpai oppa who has fangirls kind of popular, but rather the popular jock who everyone knows and wants to be friends with kind of popular.
he outgoing, and always cracks jokes which makes people laugh. he's the moodmaker and the centre of every group that he's in due to his open personality. in short, he's a social butterfly. that was probably the first thing about mark that drew seul in, because he seemed to effortlessly be able to do the very thing she can't seem to. despite being popular, mark is still someone who puts in effort in everything he does. hence, he does well in school work, or at least well enough to be in the first class like seul.  the most capturing trait of his in seul's opinion would be his charisma. a happy and friendly mark is cute, but it can beat the seriously charismatic mark that she has a liberty of witnessing at every council meeting. when he is doing something serious such as speechess and presenttion, he has an aura that makes the more bored people listen and the sleepiest person awake. 
in the eyes of not only seul, but all people, he is almost perfect. however, there are still subtle flaws, flaws he can't get over.
mark lee can't seem to stop noticing how his life is revolving around people's opinion and how everything he got is due to popular. this is why he respects seul for becoming president because of her skills. he also notes that he can be very impulsive sometimes, making decision rashly without thinking twice, that can get him into deep needless to say. he also realises how stubborn he is and how he won't relent no matter what people say. he has a huge ego, and he won't admit it even if he knows he is wrong because he always needs to be right. he decides that he;s not good enough, no matter how great people may think he is.
interactions they first met when they entered high school and have been in the same class since then. they have done a few projects together with other group mates, but were not close until the both ran for council and got in. they work together for countless school projects and got close. seul started to see more of his charming personality. however, their conversations seldom go beyond business and mark doesn't seem to replicate her feelings.
relationship status friends; council mates; crush
backup love interest applicant
(mark can be her crush but she doesn't need to end up with him. or remove him if you want.)
how do you cope with sudden situations? 
i'll be scared because who wouldn't be, but i'll remain calm and try to think of logical actions to take because i know the student council is counting on me to give them appropriate instructions. i'll just try my best in leading the students out of this mess i guess.
what will you do if someone close to you dies in front of you? 
i will not cry and will stay composed, but the dead image of the person will stay and haunt me, especially when i'm alone. when everyone else leaves, i will start crying for the dead person, whether or not he or she is my friend.
you are in a situation where there is no food or water for everyone to share. what do you do? 
i will try to find as much food scarps as possible and maintain a rationing system, because that's the least that i can do as a student council president. 
if there's really no food, i will keep my dignity to not do anything inhumanely (cannibalism), but i won't make sacrifices for people.
in this situation, who/what do you miss the most? 
in this situation, i miss my family and my life the most. i miss how things used to be and i would give anything to go back, even though i thought i'm not worthy, i realised i stil love my life.
comments i hope you liked this!
seul finally admitting the fact that she's scared to someone after she was caught crying in the middle of the night
passcode vernon


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