Upcoming Infinite Fic (Please Tell Me Wachu Think??) XDD



I just wanted to share an idea for a fic that popped into my head earlier... LOLz.

Here it is...



TITLE: Me And My y, Idol-Fanboy

Genre: Comedy, Romance, Fluff, Drama

Quote: "Things are seldom what they seem...especially love and famous idols."

Characters: Park Jae Mi/"Ami", Woohyun, L, Hoya and the other Infinite members will be minor characters



   "Ami"                                                                                               Jae Mi



Beautiful, y, devastatingly charismatic "Ami" is one of the most popular idols in SK today. No one knows her real name, her age, her nationality or pretty much everything else about her...except that she has the voice of an angel and has the charisma akin to the Queen of Pop, BoA. She can lure you in with her piercing gaze and can make even the hardest of hearts melt with her passionate, God-given vocals.

Her image is pretty much shrouded in mystery...and that's her best selling point.




The truth is...everybody's y "Ami" is actually 17-year-old high schooler Park Jae Mi who is basically the complete opposite of y and charismatic. Her interests include eating at least 7 square meals a day and her hobbies include consistently trying to top the number of hours she sleeps...she's now up to 48 straight hours of continuous sleep and she wants to go higher.

She has little interest in performing or singing songs since her interest in music is strictly limited to songwriting and composing. Her dream of becoming a professional composer is exactly what drove her to becoming "Ami" in the first place.

She used to belong to a normal, happy, somehow rich family but the expenses of her mother's treatment ate all their money away and after her mother died, she was left with nothing but the clothes on her back.

She was orphaned when she was 11 and have no living relatives that she knew of...she lived most of her life transferring from one adoptive family to another and occasionally got sent back to the orphanage. She ran away when she was 13 and has been living on her own, doing what she could to eat and find some place to stay while continuing to compose and write songs.



When she was 14, she was picked up on the streets by Kim Sunggyu, the young president and owner of Dream Ent. after hearing her sing one of her compositions...he made a deal with her soon after. He'll help her achieve her dream of becoming a composer and writer and let her study in the US IF she becomes a chart-topping, mutliplatinum-album idol within a span of 5 years. He adopted her and let her train in his company for two and a half years before letting her debut as "Ami", the mysterious siren with an angelic voice...labelled as 'everybody's dream'.

She's been steadily gaining ground and becoming more and more popular 1 and a half years after her debut and now only one year is left before the end of their deal.





Hailed as the next "Queen of Pop", it seems it's only a matter of time before "Ami"/Jae Mi succeeds and becomes number one...but seems like she's up for some BIG competition.

Enter new, hot, rock sensation "Storm" composed of y, seductive frontman Woohyun, quiet and mysterious lead guitarist L and charming, happy-go-lucky drummer Hoya. It's only been a month since they debuted but they're already causing a ruckus in the entire SK music industry...pushing the boundaries with their daring, hypnotizing music. But unknown to their fans, offstage and off-cam they have completely opposite personalities. 

Quiet and mysterious L (17 years old) is actually the loudest, whiniest and most spoiled of the bunch...the type who'd just lie on the couch, play games and nag rather than actually help with chores.


On Screen:                                                                                              Reality:



Hoya (19 years old) may seem charming and childish on TV but he's the brooder of the group...he always wears a stoic, uncaring expression and simply minds his own business. Doesn't speak much.


On Screen:                                                                         Reality:


Frontman Woohyun (19 years old) may seem like every girl's fantasy: extremely hot, y, seductive and has the makings of a natural player but he's actually a geeky, naive guy who sits at home on Fridays and reads novels instead of going clubbing. He used to be a fat, friendless geek in elementary school and it was only years later, when he heard "Ami" sing that he aimed to become a singer like her.


And yes, you guessed it!


He's Ami's biggest fanboy!



He keeps a picture of Ami with him everywhere he goes and he constantly talks to it. Like most fanboys, he goes crazy when he sees his idol on TV (even though he's an idol himself) and gets nosebleeds when he sees her commercials. He's constantly being scolded by the manager and his band members since his uncontrollable fanboyish actions could ruin his image and the group's image along with it. Only they know about his crazy, almost-obsessive adoration of "Ami" and they plan on keeping it that way.

He became a singer to meet "Ami" and become like her...passionate, confident and someone whom everybody loves. He grew to love music because of her and he's the main reason he worked hard to improve himself.



On Screen:                                                                                  Off Screen:



But unlike him, Ami/Jae Mi views him as competition...someone who could hinder her in achieving her dream. What'll happen when the idol finally meets her biggest fanboy? And will the hardcore fanboy be able to control his true, I'M-YOUR-BIGGEST-FAN feelings when he finally meets his mysterious idol?





Whaddya think...? It's just the basic plot, I'm gonna change some details later on if I feel like it...

LOLz. I'm also not sure if I'm gonna give this fic a happy ending. XD


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Oh this fic sounds Good!!Why you don't write it?i think it must be fun!!write!!And Hwaitiiing I'm supporting you chingu-ah!!~^__^ <3
I think it sounds fun and definitely original :)
aikirei #4
hiya.teehee..plot sounds great.can have lots of twists and turns.but one request?pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee make it a happy ending!my fluffy heart cudnt take a sad ending!waaaaa!!! *sniff* ^^
Be sure to make the story!! And give off a happy ending!! Ami should be with Woohyun <3