〈ÆON〉↷ Park Junyoung ↷ Junyoung

forever together……

……the bad boy……

“ peter pan ; introduce yourself ”

USERNAME ; duixing
NICKNAME ; Mashimaro ;D

“ black pearl ; tell me about you ”

FULL NAME ; Park Junyoung
OTHER NAME(s) ; Zhang Jianyu
NICKNAME(s) ; Baby Faced Devil
DATE OF BIRTH ; 10/10/95
AGE ; 18
UALITY ; gay yo
BIRTHPLACE ; Changsha, China
HOMETOWN ; Busan, South Korean
ETHNICITY ; 1/2 Korean and 1/2 Chinese
LANGUAGE(s) ; Korean (fluent), Chinese (conversational)

“ wolf & a beauty ; show me your looks ”

ULZZANG ; Hong Han Byul
HEIGHT&WEIGHT ; 178 cm & 58 kg
EXTRA ; a tattoo on the side of his hand that reads 'let's live' 
살자 with a semi-colon, and another on his collarbone - a music note and a star.

STYLE ; Junyoung wears whatever he wants and no one tells him what to wear otherwise. When he's out in town or casual, he wears black skinny jeans, a v-neck or flannel. He doesn't like wearing blue jeans or shorts, and is usually found in colorful pants. For formal events he tries to look nice without sticking out too much, and is more on the casual side as well. On dates he wears a nice button down shirt, slacks, and maybe even a tie. For parties he goes casual again, but he'll add maybe a hat or glasses just for fun. When he goes to bed he has a favorite pair of harem pants, and his practice, dorm, and pj's tend to be the same thing. He's too lazy to change out of clothing when at the dorm and can stay in the same pair of clothing for days. (will add more later v )

casual ; one 
dorm ; one 
formal ; one 
practice ; one 
airport ; one 

“ heart attack ; it'll all be okay ”

PLOTLINE ; the bad boy
PERSONALITY ; Junyoung's looks have been known to decieve more than half the people he meets for the first time. He's known as the baby face devil, his looks make him approachable but once you start talking to him, its a completely different story. He doesn't intend to be mean, but comes off that way to everyone. He's a man of few words, and is quiet, even around his group members. He's stubborn and independent, he doesn't like relying on anyone for anything. After the initial first meeting most people are scared off by his blunt and straightforward ways, but those who do stick around tend to be good friends for him. Junyoung values loyalty and if you were ever to betray him, he would stop at nothing to prove your wrongdoings. He takes promises seriously, especially pinky promises (even though it's childish, he does). Contrary to popular belief, he isn't really that mean, he just finds it hard to connect with people and is somewhat awkward. Underneath his hard "I don't care" exterior, there is a really sweet and mushy guy who would do anything for his love. He's a sappy romantic, and always puts his love in front of any other priorities. Kids are another one of his weaknesses, and even though he acts as if he hates them, is always found playing around and making them laugh. Others opinions of him don't affect him, he does what he wants and that's final. He's scared to trust and is quite a rebel. Even if you tell him he can't do something he'll go ahead and do it anyway, as if you hadn't spoken at all.

Junyoung is confident in his good looks and talent, making people think of him as a narcissist. He keeps others and himself at a distance to keep himself from getting hurt, he has a difficult time trusting people and thinks negatively towards relying on others. He does what he wants and never second guesses himself, he believes that there are no mistakes in life, and that everything happens for a reason. He takes pride in being the rebel and feels as if it's completely justified, there's nothing wrong with him knowing what he wants in life. Trying to make the best out of everything, he is surprisingly one of the most positive members in the group. Unexpectedly during times of hardship he's the member that the others go to to be cheered up (well him and happy virus). He never fails to make the other members smile, and is known for being reliable and kind despite it all. Junyoung loves to eat and is one of the lazier members, often being found hiding in the corner of the practice room, eating to his hearts content. He's had troubles and hardships but he never gives up, he always get's up no matter how hard the fall is. 

DISLIKES ; blood | bananas | the color green | milk | ups
HOBBIES ; running in the park | reading | playing video games | stargazing | swimming
HABITS ; biting his lower lip | rocking on his heels | playing with his fingers
FEARS ; heights | betrayal | failure of his dreams
1. He's left handed

2. Super clumsy 

3. The most he's ever ran at one time is 5 miles

4. He keeps a journal of everything he does

5. He's an insomniac

6. He loves basketball and plays power forward 

7. His favorite food is pizza 

8. He loves the color blue and the sea, he used to want to live under the sea with mermaids (he was like 7 XD)

9. He fanboys the most about Super Junior <3

10. Favorite video game is Final Fantasy X

“ baby, don't cry ; your past ”

HISTORY ; Junyoung spent the first part of his lifetime bouncing around foster home to foster home.His mother passed away in a car crash when he was four years old and was sent to a foster home his mothers friend ran in South Korea. He was always a rebellious child, and known to be a trouble maker. He was always talking back to adults and speaking his mind, which tended to drive possible future parents away. He didn't have many friends and kept to himself, something he honestly didn't mind. When he was 7 he was finally adopted by a nice supportive family, but never considered them so. He kept himself at bay and never tried to be a part of the family, something that he still does even today. He has a younger brother who is also adopted, whom which he cares very deeply for. His younger brother Jihoon is the only reason why Junyoung tries, Jihoon's parents chose to leave him at an orphanage with no one to care for or love him. Junyoung has taken the responsibility to care for the younger one and considers himself more of a parent than a brother. Family life at home is quiet, everyone gets along well and Jihoon loves his parents, but Junyoung still feels like an outcast. There were many times where Junyoung wanted to give up on life, he missed his mom and he was so tired of being lonely, but whenever he felt that way, Jihoon was always around to cheer him up. Since then he has taken a more positive out look on life and released his anger and frustration through dancing and singing. He spends his days and nights at the dance studio practicing for hours on end. He's known as the hot bad boy that everyone wants but can't have, and hates school with all his passion. He doesn't see the point of it and is often daydreaming about something else, like exploring the world or trying to live life to his fullest. He decided to audition when he was 15, and was an instant hit with the judges, making it through on only his 1st try.

EDUCATION ; Junyoung is a smart kid and understands all the concepts that are taught, but hates the idea of listening to societies norms. He never does his homework and manages to keep his grades up (3.0 was his lowest GPA) with important tests. He's seen as 'untouchable,' and often keeps to himself, with the exception of a few close friends. Even if this is true, he doesn't spend much time with them, as he is always at the dancing studio brushing up on his moves.  

“ don't go ; your inner circle 


{ Father ; Park Jaeho ; 35 years old ; Teacher ; happy | supportive | kind ; Jaeho is always trying to get closer to Junyoung, but to no avail. Junyoung always pushes him back and they share somewhat of a tense relationship. He's always supportive of Junyoung and tries to do what's best for him, but no matter what he tries can't get closer to his adoptive son. }
{ Mother ; Park Eunji ; 33 years old ; Pyschologist ; kind | thoughtful | caring ; Eunji is always positive and bubbly, she never pushes herself onto Junyoung and let's him keep his distance. They talk on a daily basis, and are on good terms (as much as good terms can be).}
{ Dongsaengie ; Park Jihoon ; 7 years old ; Grade School Student ; hyper | sweet | talkative ; Junyoung thinks of himself more as a parent than an older brother. Jihoon is the one of the very few who has seen Junyoung's sweet side, and when they're around each other acts completely different. Junyoung becomes talkative and hyperactive, super playful and bubbly. They are always supportive and looking out for one another.}


{ Lee Sungyeol ; 22 years old ; Singer ; prankster | talkative | funny ; Because Junyoung is rebellious and Sungyeol is a playful dork, they get along quite nicely. Junyoung is a bit more talkative with Sungyeol than when he's around other people, and they love playing pranks on everyone. Junyoung's rebellious attitude doesn't bother Sungyeol and they're pretty close, Sungyeol knows all about Junyoung's past and his troubles. They're big children with one another and like Jihoon, pulls out Junyoung's silly side. }

FRIEND(s) ; max 6

{ Protector ; Bae Suji ; 18 years old ; Singer ; cute | protective | sweet ; Junyoung and Suzy cause a bit of trouble when they're around one another. Junyoung is always trying to get them into trouble and Suzy is always trying to get them out of it. They tease each other about everything, and are super playful with one another. She also knows about his past, and has seen Junyoung's hidden side. }
{ Dancing Partner ; Lee Howon ; age ; Dancer/Singer ; silent | shy | strong ; The two often choreograph Infinite songs and spend their time together in the dance studio. They usually stay focused and whenever Junyoung tries to rebel, Hoya ends up being dragged alongside him. They're always being stupid and playful, and also knows about Junyoung's past and hidden side. }

RIVAL(s) ; max 2

{ Friendly Competition ; Yunho ; 23 years old ; Dancer ; talkative | thoughtful | competitive ; why? ; The two have a friendly rivalry going on, they're always trying to challenge each other and prove who's best. They get along nicely and don't have any problems with one another. Besides the ocassional grudge and jealousy of losing, they're good friends. Yunho has no idea about Junyoung's past and Junyoung treats him like he treats most people, at a distance. }

“ my lady ; cupid striked again ”

LOVE INTEREST ; ermahgawsh I cry I want Sehunnie ; ; 3
AGE ; 18

TRAITS ; Sehun is a . He's mischevious and does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He's really cute and decieving, but also a big softie on rare ocassions. For the most part, he often remains quiet and distant, oftnen for no particular reason, he's just more comfortable in silence. He's very protective of his group mates and his boyfriend, and although he doesn't show it, would do anything for them. Get's jealous easily.
RELATIONSHIP ; secret lovers (ohoho DRAMA)
HOW YOU MET? ; Sehun and Junyoung met on set for EXO's 'Growl' Drama MV. Sehun had managed to hide away for a few minutes of peaceful silence, sneaking away with a few of Lay Hyung's snacks. A few moments later, Junyoung was off wandering the set (he was a backup fighter for the opposite gang), when he passed by a tower of empty boxes, hearing the familiar potato chip crunch. Curious (and quite hungry) he turned around the corner, to find Oh Sehun eating all of Zhang Yixing's stolen snacks with no regrets. Scared that Junyoung would rat him out, he offered Junyoung a third of the stolen junk food, hoping to settle this with no Managers. Junyoung happily accepted and before long they became good friends. After switching numbers and getting back to filming, the two messaged each other often, always on one anothers minds. They snuck out whenever possible and bought snacks at the convenience store equidistant from SM's and Woollim's building, and eventually, Junyoung confessed, buying Sehun a cart full of snacks and taking him around Seoul (It was very cute XD). The two keep their relationship well hidden from members of both groups, with Junyoung acting as if Sehun doesn't even exist, and Sehun bothering the hell out of Junyoung whenever he get's the chance.  
CURRENT RELATIONSHIP ; Sehun is super talkative when around Junyoung. He likes to about the stupidest and smallest of things, always managing to rile Junyoung up. His favorite way to mess with Junyoung is carelessly reveal things about their relationship, since it's a major secret and no one (not even their members) know. In private, Sehun is like a cute and playful puppy, always teasing, but in a sweeter manner. Junyoung is the more mushy one of the two, always proclaiming his love for Sehun in the cheesiest and more romantic theatrical ways, always telling Sehun he is, "the star that lights up his sky." 

BACKUP ; Luhan 
AGE ; 23

“ baby ; dem talents ”

TRAINEE HISTORY ;  Junyoung always kept to himself and only had a few friends. He was known for being the outcast and unapproachable hottie, something which annoyed him and flattered him at the same time. He was close to Suzy and a few of the 2pm members, but after a year of training at JYP decided to switch companies. He was liked for his unique personality and was known to slack on a few or more occasions (all the time), but always caught up to dances easily, something that annoyed almost every single trainee. He snuck out a lot with Sungyeol, but when he did practice, worked his hardest and did his best. He himself would often train with Infinite and help Sungyeol with his dances, keeping his best friend in place (most of the time) and having a good time.
SPECIAL TALENT(s) ; playing instruments (piano and guitar) | choreo | boxing
WEAKNESSES ; cannot rap (at all) | nervous on stage (only sometimes, usually at the weirdest of times) | hates having the camera on him (but it usually is)

SINGING TWIN ; one two three + Jay Kim from TRAX
DANCING TWIN ; one two three + Lee Hyukjae 

“ 3.6.5 ; your profile ”

STAGE NAME ; Junyoung
PERSONA ; Baby Face Devil
POSITION ; lead dancer | vocalist

“ let out the beast ; lol u derp ”

COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, CONCERNS? ; hwaiting author-nimmm! I didn't change much but I hope it's okay T.T
SCENE REQUEST(s)? ; Sehunnie is teasing Junyoung  in front of their groups causing Jun to freak (which eventually causes everyone to find out orz)


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