幻影学院 // Park Miyoung。


Park Miyoung



Hey You

Username: duixing
Activeness: 8
What should I call you? Miyoung is fine ^^


The Archives

Name: Park Miyoung, Zhang MeiLi
Nicknames: Yanga (She once accidentally said oniong instead of Annyeong; true story)
Age: 16
Birthday: 10/10/1996
Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean; 1/2 Chinese
Birthplace: Changsha, China
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Languages: Korean (fluent), Chinese (fluent), Changsha Dialect (conversational)


Princess Perfect

Ulzzang: Park Hyojin
Back-Up Ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Blood Type: B
Style: Miyoung doesn't like to put too much effort into her clothing choices (she's really lazy .__.), so she'll usually wear something simple like colored jeans and a graphic tee. [1] [2] She get's cold easily so it's not odd for her to put sweaters over her tee, even if it's in the middle of a heat wave (she weird like that XD). If there's a super important event that requires formal wear,  she won't wear a small mini dress (she hates revealing clothing), but something light colored and modest [3]. If she decides to not be lazy for once (super rare occasions) she'll wear pastel colors, [4] but refrains from wearing pink as much as she possibly can (she doesn't like pink very much). Usually she wears sneakers or Dr. Martens (even for formal events), and hates to wear high heels. [5] [6] She also has a star necklace that she wears everywhere she goes. [7]


Live Like You

Personality: Park Miyoung is a super happy, somewhat crazy, and energetic girl (not a bubbly airhead though haha). When you first meet her, she's really awkward and shy, but after some time passes, becomes really talkative and eccentric (it's hard to get her to shut up). She likes playing pranks and getting people to smile, completely ok with looking like a fool to get them to do so. Miyoung doesn't like to be seen as cute, and hates it when people call her that (she'll give them her 'death glare' as her friends call it). She gets along with almost everyone and doesn't like to cause arguments. Miyoung is the peacekeeper, and usually comes up with all the compromises when an argument does occur. She doesn't like to listen to anyone and will do things in her own way, even if she knows that listening to her friends way is much simpler. She's a bit of a rebel in this way and is always being reckless, something that worries her friends all the time. The odd thing is that she's completely fine with doing things like that, she doesn't fear death and is completely okay with risking her life. Miyoung is super lazy (she never does her homework) and loves eating and sleeping. She has a super big appetite, and will eat as much as she wants or until she can no longer move. She's really competitive and likes to accept challenges, (CHALLENGE ACCEPTED), no matter how crazy or chaotic the outcome may be. Miyoung is quite a bit of a dreamer, whenever she's with her friends she's always skipping ahead of everyone else, in her own little world, thinking of something completely random and not important. She get's lost easily and is hard to keep up with sometimes, her brain is always skipping from one thought to the next. Her friends say she's crazy, and she honestly agrees with them, she knows that she can be a bit scatterbrained and hard to handle. Miyoung is especially known for her crazy and priceless reactions, she freaks out and looks like a cartoon character, it's impossible not to laugh at her when she's like that. She cares for people more than she does for herself, and is always there for them whenever needed most. 

Miyoung is really modest and loyal, always doing what's best for her friends and putting their wellbeing in front of her own. She's stubborn and determined, it doesn't matter how many times she falls, she'll always get back up. Others opinions of her don't matter, as long as she knows she's doing the right thing then haters can keep talking, it makes no difference to her. Her biggest weakness however is romance, and is quite sensitive about the whole thing. She's known to be a big cry baby when watching romantic movies, and when she likes someone, will do anything for them. "Love is blind," has never been more true than when involving Park Miyoung. She becomes really cutesy (as much as she hates it, she can't help it), and will do whatever they ask of her to make them happy. She falls in love easily, and her friends are always scolding her for it, they know how easily she'll get hurt. She puts too much trust in others, and is let down on more than a few occasions. Regardless of this, she's always doing her best to have a happy outlook, and do her best. There are times where she stops and thinks about her life (she's actually a really deep person .-.), and reflects on everything she's done to lead up to where she is now. Even if she looks happy all the time, that doesn't necessarily mean she is, and is constantly fighting with her mind to look positively or negatively. No one knows about this however, and she refuses to say anything to anyone. Taking walks by herself or going to the park is how she deals with things like that, and will often sit on the swings, thinking to herself. She's also super childish despite her age, and is known to be quite the child herself. Even at the park sometimes she'll make random friends (7 year old friends) and have swinging contests or play in the sandbox.       
Important Traits:  stubborn | thoughtful | crazy | happy | energetic
Superpower: time control
Likes: books | pizza | video games | stars | nature | the ocean 
Dislikes: the heat | bananas (they taste funny .__.) | the sight of blood | cocky people | vegetables | cheese | homework | math
Hobbies: reading | taking walks at the park | playing pranks | playing video games
Habits: biting her lip | playing with her necklace | rocking on her heels
Fears: betrayal | heights | failure 

  • she's left handed
  • she runs into walls a lot since she's always in a rush
  • Her best subject is languages
  • her favorite color is blue 
  • she has an odd fascination with stars
  • she thinks pinky promises are the most unbreakable types of promises
  • if she's not feeling lazy she'll almost always be at the park swinging
  • she's a maknae (super childish as well)
  • she can't stay serious in serious situations 
  • loves pizza and demi soda 
  • wanted to be a mermaid when she was younger 
  • likes to imagine herself in another universe, preferably a video game one
  • she loves pokemon and final fantasy


Look At Your Files

Background:  Everyone knows Miyoung as the crazy happy kid, but not many know about her life before the Academy. Miyoung was born in Changsha, China to Park Eunho and Zhang Mei. She has an older brother named Junyoung (or Zhang Jianyu), and lived happily there near Mt. Yuelu. Her life was seemingly perfect, there they lived a secluded and peaceful life, letting the days pass without end and playing with her brother. Her older brother took care of his baby sister, and was known to always be spoiling her. Her father worked as a College Professor at the nearby Yuelu Academy, and her mother was a stay at home Mom. Her father used to work for the government, under a secret provision dedicated to the extermination of those people with incredible gifts (Unknown to Miyoung). They spent all their days together, laughing and learning about the world, catching fireflies, being innocent children. That was the beginning of the end. When Miyoung turned 8, she had began to notice something odd. Sometimes when she was coloring or playing with Jianyu, everything would freeze, suspended in time, from a few seconds to a few minutes. Honestly Miyoung was confused and scared, the first time it happened, she had gone crying to Jianyu, trying to explain the whole ordeal (which is hard for a 8 year old to do). She thought it was strange and weird, she hated when it happened, feeling completely alone.

When Miyoung told Jianyu, he made her promise he wouldn't say a word to their father or mother, full well knowing the price of having a strange gift like this. Her father , had lost his family long ago because of these strange gifts, and was known to be a special contractor (*cough cough hit man cough cough*) for the government. He felt that people like that, were 'mutations' and should be eliminated at no matter what cost. If he ever found out about Miyoung, who knows what he would do. Jianyu knew that it was far fetched to believe that his father would do a crazy thing like that, but then again, with his father's crazy mind and temper, wasn't completely sure. The rest of her past is written in blood and loss. She continued to live her life for the next 2 years hiding this gift, not knowing what to do with it, just letting it spazz in and out of her life as it pleased. When she turned 10, she decided to try to control the gift, and worked alongside Jianyu to use it to the best of her abilities. One day as she was practicing near the Aiwon Pavilion, her father had overheard her speak to her brother about how hard controlling time was. As he listened more and more, he put the pieces together, and was about to do something shocking. He had gone back inside the house screaming to his wife, ready to do the unthinkable. His vision was red, that girl outside was not his daughter, but a monster who deserved to die. Mei had never seen her husband this angry, and was worried about what he would try to do. She knew about his past, and saw in his eyes the anger that was building.

She knew that she only had a few minutes to act. She had suspected that Miyoung had this gift (she herself didn't have it, but her mother did), and had prepared for a day just like this. As he rushed into the room to pull out one of his weapons, she had bashed his head with a vase lying around, knocking him unconscious. She yelled for her children to get in the car as she opened her safe, pulling out plane tickets, money, fake identification, everything needed to get away from her husband. What she wasn't prepared for was her husband to wake up as wquickly as he did. As she handed Jianyu and Miyoung everything needed, he had ran out of the house, gun trailing right behind him, ready to do what he had done so long ago in the past. In an effort to protect her children, Mei had yelled at Jianyu to drive as far away as they could and head to Korea, their Grandmother would be waiting. Jianyu listened to his mother, but not before Miyoung saw what happened next. Her mother fought her father for the gun, screaming and kicking, trying to save her precious daughter and son (no one messed with her children, not even her husband). As they were fighting, the gun had gone off, leaving her husband on the floor, left to die. Mei, horrified at what she had done, cried and without thought, pulled the trigger on herself.  This memory haunts Miyoung even today, leaving her awake in the middle of the night, or endless hours of nightmares. It wasn't until later on when she was 12 that Miyoung would learn that her mother's and father's death was her fault, if it weren't for this gift she would still be at home in China, living life happily. Her grandmother watched over her and Jianyu, reaussuring Myioung that it wasn't her fault, and that now that she knew she had this ability, should try to use its power to its maximum potential. What she had suggested? Phantom Academy.    


 Father | Park Eunho | 47 | Teacher/Government Official | cold, close-minded, somewhat crazy | dead (Jung Woo Sung)

Mother | Zhang Mei | 44 | Stay at home Mom | over protective, passionate, loving | dead (Lee Youngae)

Older Brother | Zhang Jianyu/Park Junyoung | 24 | Teacher | kind, warmhearted, sweet | alive 




Super Lovers

Love Interest: Zhang Yixing
Superpower: healing
Personality: Zhang Yixing is a quiet unicorn and well mannered student. He looks really quiet and shy, but looks are always deceiving. In class he is the perfect student, he's always doing what's told and always turning in his homework on time. He doesn't stick out much compared to his other friends, and is completely okay with that. When he's around his friends however, he's really playful and quite funny, always joking and having a good time. Yixing is always taking care of his hyungs (his ability is helpful in this), and smiling. He loves playing around and treating them out to lunch or a snack, he's the man to go to if you're hungry (he loves junk food so he always has some on him). He's loyal and the perfect gentleman, he would never do anything to hurt someone. Charismatic and charming, it's hard to find someone who doesn't like him.   
Important Traits:  caring | playful | well-behaved | loyal | good-natured | kind-hearted 
How Do You Meet? Miyoung and Yixing meet in the middle of one of Miyoung's crazy pranks. Yixing had been walking around Campus, minding his own business and eating his Lay's (I'm sorry I had to ;;), when all of a sudden, a girl had appeared in front of him, hopping on one ankle, rushing to get home. Lay rushed up next to her, she looked as if she was in pain and was worried for her safety. He asked her if she was okay and she nodded, trying to wave it off. He asked her what was wrong, and as she sat down (she was too tired to walk anymore) told her that while she was running away from her Unnies, she froze time and accidentally tripped over a step, twisting her ankle. He frowned but couldn't help at laugh at her stupidity, she looked so cute when she pouted. He healed her using his unicorn powers, and told her she should have played a different prank, something simpler. As he explained to her something he would have done instead, he helped her walk to her dorm, marking the beginning of a new friendship.  
How Do You Treat Each Other? Miyoung likes making Yixing happy, and they treat each other like really close friends (even though they haven't known each other long). 
He's still a bit awkward around her though, he gets embarrassed easily and is always stuttering over his words. Watching them talk is always entertaining, sometimes Miyoung will be awkward and overtalkative, or Yixing will be awkward and stuttering. They like playing pranks on each other and the people around them, and are always seen laughing when together. Miyoung tends to act cute around him and he's always telling her how adorable she is, fully knowing how much she hates it. They'd protect each other no matter what, and are always there in a flash if the other needs something.

Back-Up Love Interest: Oh Sehun


Thrown To Your Cell

Comments: OMG IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN SEHUN AND LAY T___T I'd be fine with either as my love interest though XD haha I really like this idea though, so I hope you like her and I get accepted ^^; Otl I know her background is crazy I'm sorry I wrote it all at 4 in the morning ;; If there's anything wrong feel free to tell me, I'll fix it right away~ okey thanyu for taking the time to read my crap app 3 Uhh I love Unicorns and Cho Kyuhyun ok that's all XD 
Suggestions: nope, good luck on the story I'm sure you'll do great :)
Scene Requests: 

  • Miyoung and Sehun convince Yixing to skip class and go out for a day of fun.
  • Miyoung and Yixing play a prank on the EXO members (especially Sehun muahaha)
  • Miyoung tells Yixing she's from his hometown and opens up to him about her past, something she's never told anyone before.  

Password: Unicorn 1 | Unicorn 2  (I thought this was funny... XD)

©sapphirefox - used with permission.


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