Heart Attack: Kris and Suho at the EMA's

This actually happened yesterday night..........

Above: The EXO leaders being interviewed.


I had begun to doze off at the EMA red carpet event. Yeah, I won tickets, and it was supposed to be a huge deal, but I just felt really tired. I didn't really care anymore. Then I heard someone announce 'Worldwide Act Nominee: EXO'. I woke up immediately.

Two of the most handsome men I had ever seen were confidently posing for the cameras. Suho and Kris were right there, in the same room as I was. It felt surreal.

They finished posing and walked on, coming even closer to were I was standing. I screamed 'EXO!!!!!!!!' and they looked up to see who was calling their name. Not many people around me seemed to know them, so they looked a bit surprised. I kept waving, and both of them took notice of me, looking slightly confused, but also happy. They shyly waved back at me. I had told some of my friends to scream for them, even though they're not fans, so they kept on screaming really loudly, but I noticed that Kris and escpecially Suho looked very shy and nervous, and I didn't want them to be too distracted from the interviews they had to focus on, so I told them to turn it down a little ;) I have to admit I never realized how handsome Suho is! And Kris is super tall, oh my god.

Anyway. When we exited the red carpet area, one of my friends told me to look on my right.

Kris and Suho were standing just a few meters away, surrounded by some managers I think. They must have been on their way to the main venue. I nearly had a heart attack. They were so kind, so handsome, and so close!! I felt like abandoning the whole event right there and then, just to talk to them, but I couldn't. There was no time, and my group was being ushered out.

My friend tried approaching them, but security pushed her away. I told her to calm down, though I felt nowhere near calm myself. I could tell they felt a bit overwhelmed by our enthusiasm. 

Another friend of mine screamed something about pictures. They didn't even say no! Kris looked like he was about to get ready to take a photo with us, but the security told us no. There was no time. They looked apologetic, but I told them it was no big deal.

We continued moving out (this all happened in a split second) and I realized this was my last chance to interact with them. They recognized me from earlier and they knew I liked them, so I had to say something right? It's so weird when you're suddenly face-to-face with someone you admire. You just kinda black out. I don't really remember everything. I did say 'I hope you win!' 'Good luck, fighting!' and 'Thank you for coming!" I also think I bowed and muttered a shy 'annyeong',  I don't even really know anymore. They smiled and thanked me, Suho waved a peace sign, and they walked on, towards the venue. That was the last time I saw them. I still can't believe it.



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or am i reading this thing wrong...
.....wait.....THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?!??!?!?!