Good news


Remember the blog that I posted regarding the family problem? Wherein my brother was hitting me in the head? Well if you haven’t then here’s the link ^^ read it first so that you’ll know the things that I’m blabbering about here


So I didn’t only posted that blog n my AFF account but also in tumblr and my deary facebook… and it so happened that my aunt was online at that time and get to read such posts…


Here’s what she commented on it:  tell your brother to come visit me in the house so i can punch him in the face.


I stayed at their house the noon after I escaped from the net café… she also told me to not worry anymore for she will absolutely fix this mess… she told my cousin who was my brother’s buddy to pass on the message that he should stop hitting me or else something bad will happen…


Phew now few days after the incident, my brother totally keep a distance from me and stopped hitting me… at least I would no longer feel the pain… ooohhhh I just love m relatives ^^


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VampireKnights #1