

Currently suffering from a strenous migraine due to my so-called angelic older brother (thanks for always hitting me in the head)


Yeah right my brother hits me again today and last night (actually he hits me everyday) I am actually trying to hide it from everyone but its now  pretty obvious for I keep on complaining about my frequent headaches which leads to migraine… supposedly he doesn’t have anything to do with it but duh… he always hits me and it just adds to my sufferings… instead of being healed, my migraine may turn to a severe one


So you might be wondering why he keeps on hitting me… well he acts all so mighty at home as if he was a king… he keeps ordering people and with one mistake he would hit us… (my father is out of town so he cant discipline this satan and my mom? Oh she’s just so great to let him do what he wants and even scold me for answering back) I couldn’t take it anymore that’s why I would fight back…


My mom would always say this:

“if you wouldn’t have answered back, you wouldn’t be hit… just shut up okay”


Sometimes I don’t wanna go home… its not a home sweet home but its more like a living hell


Due to my frequent visits to the school clinic because of my headaches, the doctor once told me this…

“if you would always have these migraine attack, then you should consult an optalmologist for im afraid that it may affect your eyes”


And the result? I am currently nearsighted… aside from feeling dizzy, I cant see things clearly from a far and I pity myself for bothering my seatmates on asking what’s the writing on the board whenever the teacher tolds us to copy the lectures…


I cant imagine myself wearing eyeglasses but I will do it if its for my health…


Ive already told my parents about this and you know what they told me?

“you just lack some rest, why don’t you go and sleep?”


Yeah right if only I have a place to stay and take refuge? I would have been long gone from that dreadful house… someday ill go to a far away place where nobody can find and hurt me…



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kim_seul_young #1
I have the same prob before... I kept bugging my parents that I need glasses since I can't see what's on the board and my grades are suffering because of it, but it was hard to convince them.

You should see someone about that headache. No one! No one should hit you in the head or hit for that matter! That's abuse whether its intentional or not. You should talk to your family or someone that can help you with it. It's not normal for families to hit each other. That's just plain wrong.

Also, I suggest you see a doctor.... whether it's for your eyes or not about those headaches... Not to scare you or anything but my seizures started that way. I had headaches often and we just assumed that it was migraine.

You should stand up often and not let anyone get the best of you. Treasure your health and never... I mean... never allow anyone to hurt you. Whether its physically or emotionally...

I hope that helps... Take care!
There's lots of people that wear glasses, just think of it as a new look, a fashion statement. ^^ Besides your headache will go away!
<3 that's not good. At all. This needs to be addressed. It's being ignored by your mother and honestly, your father needs to say something to your brother. <3 support from a far! Migranes are terrible and now it's affecting your vision... >.< not cool. >.<
What?! Andwae! You need to tell your father. It's not right for your brother to hit you, and it's even worse for your mother to ignore it (unless he hits HER too?!) It needs to stop.... or in the future, some poor woman who ends up as his wife will be abused! D: And you shouldn't have to keep hurting because of him!!! D:
it is abuse. your brother isn't your father, so he has no right to be hitting you. he has no right to even touch a hair of yours. and your mom should be able to see what your brother is doing, and if she can't, then that makes it clear she doesn't pay attention to your needs. if i were you, i think i'd work out, and get really pumped. then if my brother tries to hit me one more time, i would knock his out. in fact, my brothers used to hit me too, but i would fight back because im too stubborn to let them have the last punch. i would end up with a few bruises, but id make sure i punched them hard. im stronger than my oldest brother, and he knows it so he doesn't even try to hit me. my second oldest is big, so he thinks he can do whatever he wants. but i let him know im not afraid, and that i will hit him back.
but that just ends up being a chain of violence. but if your brother is that abusive towards you, i would find violence necessary. but first of all, i would tell the nurse to tell my mother what is happening to me, how your migraines, that are caused by your brother, is affecting your eyesight.
i think he could even go to jail for something like that, since it did affect one of your important senses; your eyesight.
Ah, yes; here we go- Onew with glasses

He's smiling because he wants you to feel better ^^
And about eyeglasses...
I was terrified of having to wear them, because I didn't think they'd look good... ^^" But I do wear them, although only when I'm in class ^^ It's really not so bad- there's so many styles out there, there's bound to be one that flatters you :) Besides, doesn't Onew wear glasses sometimes? Or maybe that's Key...? :D
You can always get contact lenses, too ^^
Frankly, this is abuse.
It doesn't seem like your family dynamics are such that you'd be able to tell your brother to stop hitting you. But maybe, if you can, tell him what the clinic doctor said. Tell him that his hitting you is causing you migraines and that it can hurt your eyes.
I don't know how it'll affect the situation, but if you can, tell the doctor why you're having migraines- because you brother is hitting you. Sometimes, telling an adult can help the situation.
If this isn't possible, or might make the situation even worse, try to spend less time at home, if possible. Go to a friend's house, the library, anywhere safe, where you can maybe get school work done, so that at least, you'll be less stressed to deal with the problems at home.
This seems to be a problem in families where boys are thought to be the ideal child, simply because they're boys. It's unfair; it's not right. But one day, you'll be able to get away, one day, and you're nearing adult hood, so just hang in there, keep yourself safe, go for your dreams, and tell your unnie about your problems if you need to talk <3