// 6 Months With EXO :: Micha Lee



“The Famous Foreigner”

aegiqueen :: Nin :: 9
— Introduction
Birth Name: Mekhala Luevisadpaibul (Thai : เมขลา ลือวิเศษไพบูลย์)
Other Names: Micha Lee (English name - soon used as her Korean name too)
Micha - short version of her english name
Mae - means mother in Thai, given by Phitsamai, her friend because of her caring trait
mekhalamae - her instagram username
Date of Birth: April 20, 1992
Age: 21 (korean age : 22)
Birthplace: Versailles, France
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Ethnicity: Thai
Languages: Thai [fluent], English-british [fluent], French [fluent], Spanish [advanced]
— Angel in Disguise 
For the first impression, she's outgoing, carefree, and full of energy. She loves travelling and experience new things. She likes to meet new people and tend to make acquaintances as much as possible. She loves to interact with lot of people, and people find her as a really intriguing person. Her smile is pretty and contagious; people oftenly found smiling along with her.
She's perfectionist, very confident and independent. She tends and likes to do everything alone, and take notice to every details. It makes people called her arrogant most of the times. These personalities tend to show just by her walking style : She walk with head held up high and with overflowing confidence. Though hard to admit, people find theirself actually stop and stare at her.
Actually she's really feminine despite her hell-yeah-I-can-do-much-better-than-you looks. Though she's very confident, she will become really shy witnessing every little gestures of admiration towards her. She will squeal - silently though - when she witnessed something romantic. She envy all relationships - because she wants to be in one as well. She wants to be bakhugged tightly, she wants to intertwined hands, she wants to get called names as greasy as it sounds, and she wants to be cared, she wants to be loved. But mostly men only brave enough to just stay in her perspective, and feel too intimidated by her presence.
She's stubborn, demanding, and impulsive. She got into trouble and misunderstood a lot because of these traits of her. When she wants to do something, she will fight for it without second thoughts. When she has opinion, she will stay still for that and demand people to agree with her. She's always think that she's right, and refused to admit if she's wrong. She's one girl who really difficult to deal with, and she's not the one to mess with. She's doesn't like to be critized and believe that revenge is a must.
Despite those, actually she's sensitive, secretive, and always feeling insecure. It's easy to hurt her. She can't help but always having doubts in her mind. She's really sensitive and can feel it when people actually speak ill about her quietly though they smile widely in front of her. She's the master of reading body language, she can tell when people are lying to her. That's why it's hard to opened up to people, she can't let anyone knows her deepest secret and she can't let herself breaking down in front of anyone. 
She's sincere, charming, and lovable. She's really sweet and caring to people she's comfortable with. She can even become nagging woman when she really cares, just like to her bestfriend until she got called as Mae. She can turn into a puppy eyes mode when she wants something badly. And if she get helped, she will sincerely whispering thank you and it makes someone who helped her become all nervous and giddy.
  • ramen
  • starbucks' cookies and cream frappuccino
  • sweets (cakes, ice cream, etc; anything taste sweet)
  • shoes
  • hot pink
  • wearing shorts
  • patted on her head


  • insects
  • lend her personal stuff (like clothes)
  • get woken up in the middle of the night (if she already sleeps)
  • hypocrites
  • being ignored
  • being yelled at


  • travelling alone
  • taking selcas everywhere
  • watching running man
  • shopping (especially for shoes)
  • daydreaming


  • biting lower lip - sometimes until it bleed if she's angry
  • mumbling her thoughts rather loud
  • stomping her feet when she's annoyed
  • singing while showering


  • She'd go to all EXO's fansigning events and concerts in every countries
  • She always get Kai's stuff (such as caps, shirts, etc) everytime she comes to EXO's events
  • She has lot of followers on her instagram account; mostly EXO's fans (because she always upload photos of those events) and travellers (because she always upload photos of her current visited countries)
  • She really loves her wavy hair and doesn't like to tied it up
  • She's currently a student of Kasertsart University, Bangkok; Tourism major
  • She's often get mistaken for older than her age since she looked really mature
  • Most of EXO's members (including Kai) recognize her as the one who they constantly see in EXO's events
  • She become EXO's fans (especially Kai's) after watching their teasers in youtube. She even immediately booked EXO's first showcase ticket in both South Korea and China for her and her friend
  • She's good at singing (Baekhyun even praise her later)
  • She will learn how to cook with D.O along the show
  • She shares the same birthday with Luhan
  • She currently has 2 phones - iphone 5 and samsung galaxy note III; and she needs to make sure that she brings both her phones everywhere with her
  • She's Yoo Jaesuk's fans
  • She teared up when watching Baby Don't Cry teaser version and actually cried when first listening to the full version
— Story Untold
At first her life was all rainbow and unicorn - perfect. She was born in France, a country of love in beautiful Spring with loving parents when both were in their 3rd honeymoon. She was the only daughter in a rich family so she was spoiled with money and good things. She was popular in school because she had a really pretty smile. But when she was 15, her life was turning down without a brake. No, she's still a spoiled rich girl and popular, but the source of her happiness, her parents, divorced at that time. She was opposed to it, but no one listen to her. To her misery, her mother who's the one who really close to her decided to move to France. Still grieving over her mother leaving her, her father re-married again 2 years later with his personal secretary. She couldn't get along at all with her stepfamily, including her step mother and her older step brother (3 years ). The one who keep her sane was her friend, Luuk.
Her step mother is a really nice woman actually, but she doesn't have a will to get close to her since she's being suspicious that the reason of her mother leaving was her. Her mother denied it though, but still, she can't accept another woman in her father's life. Since then she hardly talk to her father too, and gradually distancing herself from him. She can't get along with her step brother too, he's all sneaky and annoying for her; though he actually like the idea of having a sister and want to be close, but she find it hard to accept him till now. With a really messed up atmosphere in her home, she still keep in contact with her mother and sometimes her father let her go to France for holiday breaks. There she made a new friend, Chloe, her mother's neighbor.
When she was 20, she found out about EXO through Chloe. Chloe is a fanatic Kpop fans and always show her lot of Kpop videos, but the only group that caught her eyes was EXO. Chloe was showing her their teasers video and she was really mesmerized by Kai's dancing, and even got teared up during Baby Don't Cry teaser. She became fans immediately and the first thing she do was booking EXO's first showcase ticket for her and Chloe. She was like finally feeling a new spark in her empty life and that's makes her a lot happier.
After that she has the urge to attend all EXO's events all over countries - including fansigning event, concerts even smtown joint concerts. At first her father didn't let her, but feeling that she gradually become a lot happier and more smiling at home -and even opened up a bit with her step mother - her father let her travelled to those countries. He will do anything as long as he can keep the happy face of her daughter.
Since then travelling to another country become her new hobby. Still, the first priority is attending EXO's events; but although there were no EXO's events, she still do the travelling. Feeling a spark that excited her after experienced travelling to other country, a lot more to come till now : All over Europe, UK, Canada, Indonesia, Hawaii, Japan, and so on. Her goal is to explore more countries and all alone.
Sumalee Paksukcharoen :: Mother :: demure, affectionate, quiet :: 9
Kovit Luevisadpaibul :: Father :: charismatic, worrywart, observant :: 7
Chatmanee Luevisadpaibul :: Step Mother :: , perfectionist, glamorous, patient :: 6
Aroon Luevisadpaibul :: Step Brother :: sneaky, witty, ignorant :: 5
Phitsamai Nantakarn (Luuk - means baby in Thai, nickname from Micha) :: humorous, sweet, reliable
Chloe Moreau :: clumsy, talkactive, aggressive
— 1.4.3, I Hate You
Love Interest: Kim Jongin - Kai
On stage he's y as hell - off stage he's quite and distant, often get mistaken as cold; but actually caring, cute and has his own charms (she find him really adorable most of times, especially when he laughs - she loves it too much). He's perfectionist and doesn't just allow everyone into his life. He believe in permanence and self-dicipline; and never involves in a relationship just for fun. He's a little bit reserved to people he barely knows, but actually he's really outgoing once he trust someone enough to be his friend. He's kind of man who can't express his feeling easily so most of times people misunderstood him.
She addressed him as Jongin while he called her Micha. Since their languages are already different, it's hard for them to make conversation. It's unfortunate since Kai doesn't understand English at all, Micha too doesn't really understand Korean, and Kai isn't someone who can be approached easily. But they can't deny the attraction in the air - sometimes he caught her staring too long with dreamy expression, or she caught him secretly glanced at her. Gradually they interact with disjointed talks (trying to make the other understand what he's/she's saying) and body language; and they slowly become comfortable with each other. He's younger than her with 2 years but it doesn't matter to them at all.
Back-up: Oh Sehun
Ending: happy :3 but way to their happiness may be quite hard because of lot misinterpretations of each other
— Pretty Face
Ulzzang: Park Sora
Gallery: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: 9 :: 10
Back-up: Yoo Hyeonjin
Gallery: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4
— Goodbye, Hello!
Comments: Sorry I can't help but writing a paragraph for Kai's personality OTL please tell me if I have mistakes!
And yeah, I hope you like her ^^
Scene Requests:
their little moments when she caught kai secretly glanced at her and when he caught her stared at him for too long
there will be a time when she's breaking down in front of kai
Plot Line: The Famous Foreigner
Back-up: The Famous Photographer
© BaByGuR & -MirrorBreaker
Do not steal!
Ask permission when using under any circumstances and do not remove the credit




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