Stand Up For Love App - Wu Yi Min


Getting To Know You

Username: Panda3093

How often are you online?: 8.5/10

What should I call you: Panda/Abz

The Basics

Full Name: Wu Yi Min (English Name: Katrina or Christina // you can choose~)

Age: 17

Birthdate: August 15, 1996

Birthplace: Guangzhou, China

Hometown: Guangzhou / Vancouver, Canada

Ethnicity: Chinese

Quote: "Do what you want today, cause you may not live to see tomorrow"

View of war: She didn't agree with the war since the beginning. Even if she knew that there is always some sort of violence in the world, she always hated the outcome of these battles. She could tell how it would end up, how most of battles/wars or fighting would end up, with many casualities. And for some else's mistakes, others must pay the price with their lives. The thought of people risking others' lives to protect themselves sickened and worried her. She feared most for her brother.

The Point of No Return

Personality [sorry, it's long >.<]: /COLD GLARE/ - This girl will not openly display her emotions in public. She thinks it's dumb and pointless to HAVE to be so damn happy every single second when out and about. When out and about(in public) she gives off an unconscious icy cold aura that warns people to BACK OFF or STAY AWAY. She doesn't very much like meeting new people(partially since she is a bit shy). Her emotions and nerves are like steel, it is NOT easy to make this girl sad or depressed. She DOES NOT cry in front of others, that is not her style.

/SARCASTIC B*TCH/ - She is HIGHLY sarcastic. She is always able to come up with the wittiest of things to say and has a sharp tongue that can make grown men cry. She is full of wit and is actually quite intelligent for her age. She is blunt with her words and will not sugar coat anything to "spare" your feelings. She is straightforward and when you ask her to "be honest, does..." she will tell you her response and be hardcore absolutely honest. Whether it was the response you wanted or not, she WILL tell you the TRUTH.

/DENSE DITZ/ - She is NOT clumsy or an idiot or really a "ditz." Some just get REALLY frustrated with her cause she is...sorta DENSE. She can't take a hint quite that well, especially when it comes to LOVE. She can't really understand love and a;ways asks for explanations or clarifications on the topic. She is dense when it comes to other peoples' feelings and can't tell when someone likes her. She can't even tell when she likes a person, if she likes someone she will just think that she is sick and shrug off the feeling.

/WILD TIGER/ - This girl is competitive as much as she is protective. She will stand up for those she cares about without blinking an eyelash or hesitating. But, her counter of being protective is that she is HIGHLY competitive. She isn't afraid of a challenge, she will NEVER back down from one. She loves to win, and will always give it her all to win. She plays to win. She is similar to the leader, getting her leadership from her father and brother; she never shows her true emotions and bottles up her feelings on the inside.

/SOFT SERVE/ - Sorta a tsundere(is that right?). She may be icy cold on the outside, but inside she is a ray of sunshine. She smiles, laughs and is happy freely when she is around people she knows and is well acquainted with. Really only Hyoyeon and Zelo have seen this side of the girl. Her parents barely being around and her older brother just not talking with her much. She is pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people. and can be sometimes and awkward panda so that's why she gives off a bit of a cold aura.  She is a total softy on the inside, she melts at the sight of cute things. If she sees a puppy or something her icy cold demeanor will melt and she will be fawning all over that cute doggie. She is pretty unpredictable and a heck of a handful.


  • animals
  • art
  • music
  • skateboarding
  • competition
  • video games
  • rain
  • Hyoyeon and Zelo(her friends)
  • her family
  • sports
  • sarcasm
  • the night sky
  • cute things


  • the war
  • Chen(or does she~)
  • s
  • love(doesn't understand it)
  • guyliner
  • make up
  • tight or short articles of clothing
  • cheaters
  • back-stabbers
  • heels
  • being lead(likes being the LEADER, not the one lead)
  • losing
  • crying
  • sadness
  • unappreciative bas-ses(really, basta*ds)


  • Happy: she looks off to the side and slightly smiles to herself
  • Angry: makes a fist and digs her nails deep into her palms
  • furious: punches/hurts/breaks the "cause" of her anger
  • Sad: puts on a strong face and bites her lip to prevent from crying
  • Nervous: hard tell, since she subtly plays with her shirt, pants, etc.
  • Lying: puts on a stoic/stright face-has a good poker face
  • habit of in her sleep

History: She comes from a family, not well known for something like money or power, but from a family famous for their strength, determination, and leadership. Her family is one that will never give up without a fight and will at the very least die trying. Though, of course, they DON'T expect to lose. Her family has a lineage of leaders and great soldiers. From her great grandparents to her older brother. They all had that leader instinct and quality, it was woven into each and everyone of the Wu's blood(okay, I know Kris' real/birth name is Kevin Li Jiaheng, but I'm just gonna go with Wu). This family was not one based on love and friendship, it was of respect and loyalty. You don't betray your family, EVER. As Yi Min grew up, she had to learn to adapt to this hard life of a family with being trained daily and always told to be a fighter and never give in easily. Don't show fear, make sure never to be weak, and never hold back. They were learned to be given respect more than love.

She barely had much friends in school, she gave off a bit of an "icy" aura that just drove others away. It wasn't intentional, it was just how she was brought up and taught. But, of course, not EVERY child is an exact replica of their parents. She has her own personality. She was snarky and sarcastic, blunt and straightforward. She had a happy side to her, much unlike her parents who rarely showed their smile anymore since the war began.

Though she is much like her parents, being raised up JUST like them, there are still some unpredictable aspects of her that make her different.


  • she is ambidexterous(yet she writes with her right hand and draws with her left)
  • she has a bit of a lisp(she gets teased at times when she happens to slur her words)
  • she always wanted a pet; she would at times bring home stray kittens, puppies, etc. and would soon be forced to give them over to an animal shelter
  • bit of a video game nerd
  • hates sad, sappy, or romantic movies // more of a horror or action movie kind of person
  • she knows martial arts and is quite good in hand-to-hand combat //she was taught to learn martial arts and be able to use a weapon correctly by her father, since there was always a "just in case"
  • she does regret not being closer with her brother
  • never dated
  • never had her first kiss
  • HARDCORE sports player(she just loves the rush and competition)


  • losing her family in the war // her family is her life. Though she may not be particularly "close" with them all, she could never live with herself if something happened to them. She loves them with all her heart and would be devastated if something were to happen to any of them.
  • losing any relation with her older brother // though her older brother and she may seem a bit distant, she does care for him. She fears that they would just drift apart and no longer be "siblings" but instead strangers. Living two different lives. She loves and cares for her brother, even if she doesn't openly show it, she does want to be closer with her brother, she never wants to lose him.
  • being utterly useless // it's her second worst nightmare. If she were to just stand there and watch her family, friends, and others just die before her, she would feel terrible. If she was unable to help or save them, she could never live with herself. She HATES being useless, and that is why she is always thriving to become better and stronger.


  • playing sports
  • making witty/sarcastic remarks
  • skateboarding
  • painting/sketching
  • looking up in the night sky
  • taking a walk alone on a nice day(reminds her of the times before the war, when everything was calmer)

When Will My Reflection Show Who I Am Inside


Ulzzang: Kim Jee In

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Back-up Ulzzang: Choi Jung Mi

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Style: she's got a TOMBOY sorta look mixed in with a bit of NERDY and PUNK. She likes to wear casual and comfortable clothes which usuallly consists of jeans, a tee, and sneakers. She rather wear neutral clothing than any other color; neon or bright colors are a big N-O for her, just seeing the colors makes her eyes hurt a bit(not literally). She doesn't really care much of her appearance as other girls might, since she only wears what's comfortable. Hell, she may even just walk out in her older brother's worn out tee, put on a pair of jeans and sneakers and walk right out of the house.
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Height / Weight: 170 cm // 53 kg

Tattoos/Piercings?: she has one piercing on her left ear.


Can't Pick Your Family


Wu Mengyao | father | 50 | He is a strong, strict, and wise man. He never gives up and keeps on going. He is strong physically and mentally, he can not be broken so easily and will not give up without a fight. He can be a bit intimidating and strict at times, but when around family, he turns soft and loving as well as protective. He is intelligent and wise, which is a reason why he was able to become a General. | General | closeness [4.5/5] | unknown//with all the fighting, he was unable to constantly keep in touch with the family. Which only worries them more.

Wu Yin | mother | 46 | She is a serious and caring woman. She takes care of people well, which is how she was able to be a doctor. She tends to people's injuries and helps them out the best she can. She hates the sight of death and would do anything to help a person stay alive. | Doctor//works in the army as a medic. She helps the injured and works daily, since because of the war, there are never ending injuries and some ilnesses being insured | closeness [4/5] | alive

Wu Yi Fan/Kris | older brother | 22 | tba | tba | closeness [3/5] she was never that close with Kris. He treated her sort of like a little sister(more of less) but the two just seemed to have never bonded. They both were usually off doing their seperate things. Yet, that does not mean they do not care for one another. | alive


Kim Hyoyeon | 20 | she is a cool, kind and funny person. She helps lighten up Yi Min's day and is always there for her. She is the older sister that Yi Min never had. Protective and caring to Yi Min, they have almost a sibling kind of bond. She is not only caring but strong as well. She has confidence and bravery woven into her blood. She is seen as a person that stands up for others and helps out a friend in need. She is a great friend who has a heart of gold. |  Goes to University and is a Medical Major/working part time at a cafe to gain some money | best friends//older sister-younger sister relationship

Choi Junhong | 17 | *check love interest sect. |  High school student | best friends


I Have The Rarest Rose


Name: Choi Junhong//Zelo

Age: 17

Relationship Status: childhood friends

Brief Personality: Not the smartest, but his nice and sweet guy persona makes up for it. He is the happiest and sweetest guy one will ever meet. He is very kind, caring, and is childish in a sense. He is a pretty innocent guy that loves to goof off and fool around. Thus explaining why he got held back a year. He is a pretty laid-back guy that goes with the flow of things. Loves to help out others and is as loyal as a dog. He is childish since he does "whine" at times and acts like a cute kid that likes to roam around free and fall back on the grassy field. He gets easily jealous and cannot hide his emotions well. When angry/jealous, he puffs out his cheeks and pouts a bit with furrowed brows. When happy he smiles widely. He can be as open as a book and though he tries to deny his feelings, it doesn't help his situation.

How did they meet?: they have known each other since childhood. They were neighbors when Junhong one day moved into the house next to their's when Yi Min still lived in Guangzhou. Their houses were so close together that they were able to go back and forth from each other's houses just by going through the windows of their rooms. Their departure was sad when she had to move to Canada. They kept in touch for the first couple of years, but soon lost each other.
They reunited by coincidentally meeting and going to the same school in Korea.

How do they act around each other?: They are the best of friends. They are two peas in a pod. They always hang out together and are sometimes seen as a couple by friends, family, classmates, etc. But usually Yi Min always denies it and says that they are just friends. Nothing less, but maybe more? So far, it is only Zelo that shows any affection for Yi Min, but she shurgs off his advances and only sees him as being friendly and just being very touchy-feely like when they were younger. She cannot tell if she has feelings for Junhong, she likes the guy, but doesn't know if she likes-like him?


Back-up love interest: Kim Jongdae//Chen

Age: 19

Relationship Status: enemies

Brief Personality: A MAJOR TROLL! He loves to go around and tease others as well as pull pranks on his friends. He has a weird way of showing he cares for someone; since, instead of actually telling the person or nicely showing them, he instead..pranks/trolls them. He thinks that he is showing that he cares by giving them attention through being pranked by him. But, not only his pranks are a handful, but his damn personality as well. He is just as, and maybe even more, blunt and sarcastic as she is. He is able to make all sorts of witty comments and remarks that just makes you want to strangle the guy. He is straight forward with his words and will tell them how it is. At first, he comes off as cold when meeting new people. Not to mention that not only is his words the problem, but also his enormous(?) ego. He is extremely prideful and has high self-confidence, so of course he can sorta be bratty at times and would do anything to make sure his pride keeps intact. Though, when you chisel your way through that block of ice on the outside, on the inside you will see a different side of him. When one gets to know Chen, they will see that he isn't so bad and at times(seems a bit cliche, sorry >.>) be very sweet and caring. He is truly a nice person within, he just has some trouble showing it. Chen, though, can become easily jealous at times. He does not appreciate seeing someone he likes talking with or being around another guy. He tries to deny that he isn't jealous, but his emotions would be written all over his face.

How did they meet?: He is the younger brother of Hyoyeon. They coincidentally met when Yi Min went to visit Hyoyeon when she was working at the cafe. When Yi Min stepped into the cafe, she immediately spotted Hyoyeon and saw she was talking to a guy. Yi Min figured that he was her boyfriend or something, so she went up casually to introduce herself. Until Hyoyeon spotted her and called her over to introduce her to her "boyfriend." Which Yi Min found out was actually Hyoyeon's brother. Anyways, they "kindly" said hello to one another and introduced themselves. Yi Min thought that Chen wasn't that bad of a guy, until Hyoyeon left to go do her job. That's when Yi Min found out of Chen's "dark side." She has hated Chen from then on and Chen has teased and played with Yi Min since then as well.

How do they act act around each other?: Cat-dog relationship. Yi Min can't stand the sight of him. She hates his nice eyes, drop-dead smirk, and just his whole existence serves as a dream NUISANCE. Even though she is the Queen of sarcasm and sass, he is the King of Trolling. Though many think that they would get along since they have pretty similar "mind sets," those people were R-O-N-G. WRONG!(lolz) They could be nothing but opposites. Yi Min KNOWS when to stop talking and HAS common sense, Chen DOESN'T, he just keeps talking as though he doesn't have an off button. At first he gave a facade as a nice guy, until he showed his true cocky, egotistic, and cute annoying side.



Go Away


Name: Kim Jongdae//Chen

Age: 19

Brief Personality: *check back-up love interest above

Rivals with her or him?: him

Why are they rivals?: *check the how do they act around each other for 2nd love interest


That's All, Folks!


Questions: n/a

Scene Requests:

  • Zelo and Yi Min's reunion
  • Chen and Yi Min's meeting
  • Chen and Yi Min finding out they coincidentally go to the same school
    • ​The two constantly having verbal battles and as Yi Min always glares at him, he just smirks in response, really getting on her nerves.
      • ​Zelo sees them "hanging out" and talking a lot, and he gets jealous
  • ​Zelo and Yi Min enjoying themselves like old times as they go skateboarding together
  • Zelo tries to show her how he feels by hugging and straight out telling her that he likes her, but she just takes it as a friendly gesture
  • Kris and Yi Min acting a bit distant with one another, not really talking and the atmosphere being awkward whenever they are around one another

Comments: just hope it's good enough >.< thank you for giving me extra time and an extension ^^ i don't know how good my app is compared to the others', I just hope it is alright tho ^^ sorry for my grammar and spelling >.>




"Moe Moe Rebellion" {Zelo is aegyo -.- /slapped}


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