
there's a super typhoon in our country :'(

it's so scary b'coz it is a really strong typhoon, the Gov. raise storm signal till signal no. 4 and it is really frightening b'coz since I had an understanding in the world I only heard storm signals till signal no.3 but now its 4 :'(


Our country is not yet recovered from the earthquake that happen last month in Bohol but now here comes another disaster w/c unfortunately will affect again the town of Bohol :'( I pity the Boholanos It must be very hard for them 


please help us pray for the safety of my Kababayan - especially in Visayas and Mindanao-  who will experience the super typhoon.. I'm in metro manila the effect of typhoon will not be that strong unlike to the provinces it will pass by




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I heard about that too. Let's pray for Philippines. May God Bless You All! God Will Help You! :'D
Let's pray for the safety of Filipinos.