❝ ♡ ⋮ garden fairy — Perrin



 fairy info
username: WishIWasAzn
what can i call you?: Ash

character name: Perrin
age: 21
d.o.b: 07/12/1992

are you from pixie hollow?: Yes
kind of fairy: Garden Fairy
weakness (0-10): 2-10
strength (0-10): 8-10
 to the rescue..
ulzzang name: Park YongHee
back-up ulzzang: Lee TaeGyun
ulzzang links: Gallery
back-up ulzzang links: Gallery

style: Useful clothes in light colors. She wears clothes that are suitable for outside work but are also protective.
what does she wear?: 1 | 2
 up and away!
personality: Perrin is slightly eccentric. She
has her head in the clouds while she is working,
which is most of the day. She enjoys being with
nature and helping it to grow. This also
includes helping other fairies out. She helps
her friends grow the same way she does with the
flowers and trees but listening to their problems
and giving them helpful advice. She can get

very protective very fast and has gotten into some
trouble when she was protected her friends at
some points. Perrin is an airhead to the outside
world but on thte inside, she is actually very
smart and knows a lot about the world and
how she fits in with it. She enjoys being alone,
however, rather than with other fairies. She
believes that she can understand nature better
when she is away from all of the other "people".

background: Perrin was born on July 12, 1991
when the flowers that the gardner planted
around the Parthenon bloomed. She was born in
the bloom of an Iris flower. She was weak at birth
and was found by the gardner, who took her home
with him. He took care of her until she was strong
enough to move on her own. When that happened,
Peter Pan was led to find her and bring her to
Neverland. Because she wasn't born in
Neverland like usual fairies, she was sort of an
outcast for the first bit of her time there. She spent
her time getting to know the land and all of its
surprises though. Over time, the other garden
fairies began to accept her and then the rest of
the Never fairies followed suit.

- Despite her airheaded demeanor, she can
get hotheaded very easily, especially when
her way of life or her friends are degraded.
- Her eyes match the color of the iris she
was born in, dark green with lighter green
- She loves stargazing amidst her flower
- Though she doesn't have her wings yet,
she likes to jump far distances as to not
step on her flowers.
- When her flowers have been cared for,
she will sneak off to practice her
dancing and acrobatics.
- Because she wasn't born in Neverland,
she is also a bit taller than all the other
fairies, but not by much.
- Though she sticks out a bit, she always
sticks up for the new fairies against the
more...unfriendly fairies of Neverland.
- She likes acting like a big sister and she
takes care of both lost fairies and lost animals
that wander into her part of the garden.
- She keeps a collection of trinkets from
when she goes off and wanders but on the
people closest to her have seen them.
- She loves everything sweet!
- She gets along a lot better with the boy
fairies and the younger fairies because
of the way she was treated by the fairies
when she first arrived.
- She has always wanted to go back and thank
the gardner that brought her back from the
brink of death when she was born.

 finally done!
comments:Sorry for taking so long with this  application. School got really hectic the past few weeks and I wanted to make sure I had everything right before I submitted it. I hope you like her! Sorry if I went a little long on the personality and such...I couldn't really tell how long I was going haha. Oh! and on that note, the layout of the application kind of got messed up and I didn't know how to fix it so sorry if you can't read some of the stuff :( I hope you can see it all.
suggestions: her going back to the gardener; her getting angry at the love interest; acting like a mother; helping the love interest's out in secret?

( back to the hollow )


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