

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by: vLaD1094


1. When is your future behind? (no, there's nothing wrong with the question..when will it be behind like how past is)


when i finish college :D but now i'm more worried about getting into one =.=

2. What's your biggest fear? 

judging eyes

3. What's your greatest dream?

to be happy with my loved ones <3

4. What made you like/love SNSD?

at first I was like "Tiffany's pretty!" and then I fell in love with Jessica's voice, and then I found out that they're just so human! but that's what makes them so perfect, and before I knew it I was hooked.

5. When was your first kiss and who was it?

oh lol... 7th grade. my best friend xD but i don't want to count it cuz i wanna save it for someone i actually love in that way.

6. Construct a sentence that would describe you with 9 words only.

I am a fun, happy, sad, confused, not-so-normal human.

7. Have you ever seen one (or more) of the Soshi members in person? Who?

Do concerts count? If yes, then all nine ^^ but if not, then TT^TT noneeeee

8. Who's your celebrity look-a-like? (it can be an animated character too)

someone once told me that i look like taeyeon when she was young, and that made my day :)

9. If you were to choose between 100M dollars and SNSD, which one would you choose and why?

SNSD if it won't be a temporary or one-sided relationship because they would simply make me more happy than 100mil dollars

10. How would you describe a rainbow to someone who's blind?

I love this question btw.. so when the sunlight passes through raindrops in the air, the light is refracted into different colors, 7 of them. It's usually very big, hanging in the sky like a headband. Or there can be small ones when the sun shines into a glass at a specific angle. Or sth as sciency as that...

11. If you knew that you're going to die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

I will make sure I leave behind people with pleasant memories of me. And then I'll sleep.

Here are yours to answer:


1. What is SNSD to you?

2. If you could travel into the past or into the future, which one will you choose and why?

3. What is one small seemingly trivial thing that totally ticks you off?

4. What/who is your Archimedes Heel?

5. Describe your ultimate honeymoon.

6. Would you rather be with someone who loves you but you don't love, or with someone you love who doesn't love you back? Why?

7. What will you do if you see a maomao!sica?

8. If you could join Girls' Generation, but would have to give up your current lifestyle, will you do it?

9. What characteristics do you look for in a potential lover?

10. What if JeTi got married??? O.O

11. If the world is to end and you can only save one living thing (you cannot choose yourself), who/what will you choose?


tagged: bluepinkz, JeTiLoveJeNy, confused_chimp, jetitaeny, dbsksugarfairy, JeTidalwavesurfer, FeyK3U, JeTi10, gahh i'll think of more later~




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Bluepinkz #1
sorry i just logged in to my account again OTL ...
were kinda busy n i was sick on that day .....
ok for three - four days OTL ..

and since i wont tag anyone else i'll just post the answer here, better late than nothing eh ? lol

1. What is SNSD to you?
My role models, people that i cherish a lot , love is a complicated words but i'm pretty much sure that i love em , somehow they easily bring up smile to my face lol , but on top of it my beautiful distraction looooool

2. If you could travel into the past or into the future, which one will you choose and why?
Past or future , i guess since i knew what happened in the past, part of me want to change it , but it;ll affect me n many ppl in the future so i dont want to do it, and if i go to the future it'll ruin the fun ? lol .. i;ll choose none , it'll be best if i live my life this way loool anticipating the future and embraced the past

3. What is one small seemingly trivial thing that totally ticks you off?
idk if this is trivial or not, but i'm easily get irked by someone who eats loudly , those ppl that makes sounds when they eat the "plak plak nyap nyap nyam nyam" whatever it calls loool

4. What/who is your Archimedes Heel?
uh Achilles' heel u mean ?
i would say there're quite many, but three of em would be something cute , ppl who dear to me and Soshi lol

5. Describe your ultimate honeymoon.
Anything with seeing sunset together will be fine for me lol, i never really think bout it , but i really wanna see sunset together with my dear one lol