Tagged by xingthighs and ArtisticSeoul

We start with xingthighs first.


1. What's your name, sweet cheeks?

My name is Maisara

2. If someone did you wrong, are you a person who’d want revenge yourself or would you want karma to take care of that?

If someone do something really mean to me than I'll take a revenge,but if it something small then I'll let it go.

3. Favourite type of hat?

I want this!!!


4. What's your passion(s)?

I love dancing,like so much.

5. Who has your favourite airport fashion? (doesn't have to be kidols)

Yoona from SNSD

6. A ship you simply hate.

Umm,I don't hate any ship.But I don't really like Troublemaker couple(Hyuna and Hyunseung)Don't get me wrong,I like hyunseung cause he's my bias in B2ST.It just that >.< (Sorry for the Troublemaker shipper)

7. Which one of your biases do you think is the most atheistically pleasing? (i.e. the most good looking)

Omg,omg,omg.I love this guy so much(Yi xing/Lay from EXO)


8. A gif to describe your mood right now.

A unicorn.Oh my,what did that Yi xing guy do to me??!!!

9. What's one thing you love about yourself?

My life,maybe.

10. Are you short tempered, or easy going?

I'm easy going to be with.

11. Does my look good in these pants?


What do you think?I don't know.....


Now time for ArtisticSeoul question.


1. Who was your first ever bias?

Kim Hyun Joong from SS501

2.If you saw your bias in public, what would be your first thought?

I died from the inside.

3. What about your first action?

Take a picture with him.

4. Baekyeol, Hunhan, or Kaisoo?


5. What's the funniest video you've ever watched?

I love nigahiga channels and all of his video 

6. What country are you from?

I'm from Malaysia

7. Have you had your first kiss?

Nope!!! >///<

8. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Being a writer or being enggegded?

9. In thirty?

Well,I don't think that far

10. What's the lamest joke you've heard?

Two peanuts walk into a bar. One is a salted. 


11. Favorite Pokemon?



Omo,so cuteee.....


I won't tag anyone!!!

But if someone tagged me again maybe I will.



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