Tagged by Luussjje ^_^

Rule 1: Post the rules.

Rule 2: Answer the questions the Tagger asked you.

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.




1. Who was your first K-pop group?

슈퍼주니어!!! Being a Kpop hater my entire life, it’s quite a big deal for me coz these dorks captured me in a heartbeat! O.o



2. Who is your ultimate bias?

CASEY >:) (I like calling him that, I feel like it’s a special nickname or something and partly a way to coz it’s a girl’s name lol)



3. What's your Twitter?


(Niall as in Niall Horan of One Direction xD Coz I’m a Directioner for 3years now but I’m not quite updated anymore… I haven’t even watched Story Of My Life yet -_- I’m a bad directioner.)



4. What's your Facebook?


(Killjoy as in My Chemical Romance fanbase MCRmy Killjoys coz I’ve been loving MCR for 6 years now even though they’re disbanded now xD)



5. What's your favourite OTP?

Is it not obvious yet? But sure, I’ll write it down. *dramatic drum roll* KANGTEUK *dramatic bow* *fangirl squeal*



6. Who is your favourite author on AFF?

Can I list them??

There’s Pumpkinita (mah dearest friend), TheMagicZebra (I cried the whole night when I read one of her EunHae fics), Hebteuk (can’t help but laugh at her crazy stories) and Luussjje (can’t wait for the update of Faithful Meeting!!!)



7. Which idol  would you love to meet?

I met my ultimate bias last month *squeels and hyperventilates* but I would love to meet him again plus my KangTeuk (you know, together. Coz I only met Kangin *remembers Kangin’s freakin wink and thumbkiss and hyperventilates again*)



8. If you could pick any food you'd have to eat the rest of your life, and ONLY that food, what would you choose?

Pizza’s been my favorite since I was little. I’d love to die eating Pizza alone. You know the one covered in lots and lots and lots of cheese and meat toppings. I’m a er for cheese and meat *drools*



9. Who has the best aegyo?

For me the best aegyo I’ve seen is from PARK JUNGSOO >:) curse that blasted dimple!

Next is from KIM YOUNGWOON. Curse that blasted eye smile! *pulls my hair out of frustration*



10. Who is the best dancer?

Best dancer for me is CASEY >:) he dances too lazy as if he’s not dancing at all. That’s how I dance if someone brave enough could make me. So I find it best.

Lol but in the serious sense of the word, I find Shindong to be the best dancer. I was amazed during his solo stage at SS5Manila! *slow clap for Shindong*



11. If you could switch places with ONE female idol, who would you switch with

Honestly, I have no idea. I’m new in this kpop world and my focus is mainly with SJ. I listen to a few songs of SNSD and Wonder Girls but I don’t know their personalities so I can’t pick who to switch with. Can I switch with Heebum instead? >:)




My questions:

  1. Who’s your ultimate kpop group?
  2. Ultimate bias? And why?
  3. Bias list? :D
  4. Crazy / brave / out the box thing you did for the sake of your bias / idol group?
  5. If you could live a character in fanfic you read, which character would it be? Why? :D
  6. Spill one embarrassing thing about yourself >:)
  7. If you could live in the body of an idol’s pet, what would you do the whole day?? (If it were me, I’d be Heebum and I’d piss on Casey and pester him all day long. How ‘bout you??)
  8. You just witnessed that your OTP is REAL. In what situation would you love to discover them?? (please put an [M] if you’re gonna answer... you know >:D)
  9. You’re at a concert in the middle of thousands of people. You managed to get the attention of your bias. Le bias winks at you with a thumb kiss. How would you freakin’ react to that??
  10. You hacked the twitter/instagram account of your bias. Eotteokke?? >:)


Regarding question number 9, I’m curious about what you would really do. Coz what I did in that situation during SS5Manila, my jaw dropped and stared wide eyed for a long time. That was quite weird. I wonder what you guys would do? xD


I’m not friendly, so I’m gonna tag only these people :)

  • Pumpkinita
  • Hebteuk
  • Luussjje (is It legal to re-tag you? You don’t have to put another blog though, you can just comment your answer if you like)
  • Mizuki1987
  • Moongrl
  • PaboForSJ
  • IAmToastFood


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Luussjje #1
Why am I not getting updates on blogposts anymore ._. I really need to take a look at my settings...
And okay, I will do this again, just because I love you ^^
And I'm really sorry I haven't updated in quite a while but I'm really busy :( My next exams are in three to four weeks (so is my birthday. My exams start the day after my friggin birthday ._.) and my teachers suddenly decided to bombard us with tests and other stupid important things :(
PaboForSJ #2
Thanks for tagging me! :D
hebteuk #3
"Hebteuk (can’t help but laugh at her crazy stories)"
O.O u read my stories? u never told me abt that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"but I would love to meet him again plus my KangTeuk" <33333333333 >0<*cheers endlessly for that*
"For me the best aegyo I’ve seen is from PARK JUNGSOO >:)
curse that blasted dimple!"

thanks my dear godness u didn't say the bunny or smth, CUZ TEUKIE'S SO MUCH MORE CUTER oh junsuie bb *kisses jungsu's cheek proudly*

Luussjje's questions were much easier than urs, u meanie >"<
i'll post the answers after coming back from work umm i guess. i should i say thanks for the tag, shouldn't i? thank u ^^ *smiles but feeling implicated*