Spoke The TRUTH!

Yesterday I made a VERY heated blog post about what happened last night on the YouTube Music Awards even to the point where I started bashing my own country for these people. and trust me when I say that I REALLY REALLY REALLY tried to push everything aside so that I can be calm today and that I won't have to worry about it. I just wanted to wake up to a new day and start again, but honestly, the aftermath is surfacing on facebook and all that with screen caps of all the horrible twitter posts and all the hate from these ignorant people against our lovely babies.


THANKFULLY one of the YouTube K-poppers that I susbscribed to posted a video and I think she expresses the rage WAY better than I do so please. Enjoy the truth that she speaks because everything I wanted to say was exactly hit right on the nail thanks to her.



Plus, here's the results of from the category


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I so agree with her!!! Thanks for the info :)