Tagged ~

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them

1. Ever thought of committing suicide? Why?

-Whut? Nuu, I have a happy life here people! :)


2. Which one would you want to be? The dominant or the submissive one? This question is not about what you think it is. (think of this one any way you want, if you know what I mean.)

-submissive one (?) >.<



3. Left-handed or right handed?

-I can write with both hands~



4. Touched someone else's . Accidental or intentional? LOL.

-whut? wow, I always touched and slapped my sisters' . I can't help being a byun!


5. Favorite kiddie movie.

-Don't know, I can't decide! (/o_o)/



6. Best American action star.

-To be honest, I only watched the movies. I'm not interested to know the actor/actress :3



7. What was the worst thing you've done so far?

-Honestly, smoking. I first learnt it when I was 13, friends' influence. But, thank God I stopped cause Sica doesn't like me smoking :P



8. Who are you closer to? Mom or dad?

-My mom. I don't really spend time with my dad. o_o



9. Ended the life of an animal or something else before? What was it?

-I've killed chickens for special events. Does that count?



10. Girls' Generation or EXO? Why?

-I love both of the groups but I picked GG cause they're the one who inspired me into getting back to loving music and singing again :)



11. Ever did something that embarrassed you? What was it?

-Got punished by the teacher for playing (hardcore playing). Lesson, always aim before throwing the flour or else it will hit your teacher instead of your victims xD





1. What do you guys think of me? (please, honest opinions, okay? :>)

2. Which pairings do you ship/crazy bout the most?

3. Any kpop dance that you know? What is it?

4. If we get a chance to hang out, what do you wanna do?

5. Which Girls' Generation member that you wanna meet the most? :D

6. How much banana can you eat in a row? LOL! (me, I can eat 10 at least)

7. What subject do you wanna destroy? (*gets closer to you* say Math)

8. Do your attitude changes when you pass by girls/guys?

9. The most awesome fanfiction you ever read~

10. Special talents? Whut What is it?

11. Do you love me?? xP


tagged: Taeny9snsd , StepIsDumbo , Leon_Tang91 , eightaenine, Tippany noona blueow, skylbonnie123, Phibster12, Jung1804, Zaiden143, raSUNGYU, sunnyxo


please, do not tag me again xD I'm so tiredd!



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The person named Phibster12 is now in heaven playing with the soshis. Please don't be jealous of her~~

Maybe later? I still have homework to do xD
skylblue_jay #2
The person you tagged is not available. Please try again later~ :))
what the...
pretend I didn't see anything (that I've been tagged) XD jk..
I'll do it later, I think :)
You slipped! Gosh! Ahahaha I'll Answer it tomorrow. Now, I want you to sleep already! You were still online when I logged out! Sleep!

Tell Sica that I want to see her face! And tell the real Sica to visit my dreams! Goodnight!^____^
Seriously buddy? Can I skip it? xD