My heart say

Walking to the place that we used to go.Seeing everything thet we used to see.

Hearing the music that we love to hear.

Doing everything together


.Remembering our time together,evanthough we don't talk to each other in reality.You still make me smile.You always make my heart flutter,in the same time you always make my heart break.we're bestfriend right?Yes that what I said.I make myself fall in love with someone else cause I know,you love her.But in the end,that guy hurts my heart.I love you,why can't I say that? You always say that you love her,in the same time you always hurts yourself.You know that she has a boyfriend.


Please,if I'm given a chance,I'll always make you happy.Cause that is my promise.



Wow,I don't know what got into me,suddenly emotional.Sorry for wasting your time.


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