I Got Tagged. Again.... hahaha

1: Post the rules
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
4: Let them know you've tagged them
1. Who is your favorite group and who is your ultimate bias in there?
My favourite group is tyed between Boyfriend and EXO, so can I say both?
Ultimate BF Bias: Jo Youngmin Ultimate Exo Bias: Luhan
2. How would you describe yourself? A tomboy or a girly girl?
My style is more tomboy, but I can be quite girly, I do like shopping and stuff, but I refuse to wear, skirts, dresses and make up unless I have to.
3. Who is your favorite girl group and boy group of all time?
Favourite girl group, I'm gonna say Sistar because I love their voices!
Favourite boy group: Boyfriend
4. If you could date your ultimate bias, where would you bring him to?
Youngmin is my bias but I don't think I'll ever date him, he may be my bias but he's not my ideal type. if I was to date someone thought it would be Jo Kwangmin his twin because we have the same type of personality and interests. Anyway, if I did go on a date with him, it would be at Lotte World!
5. If you and another person were the only two people on Earth and you could pick the other person, who would you pick it to be?
Well, I don't know I would pick, but I guess the first person would be my Godsister, she's like my actual sis and I love her to death! and for the other person... OH I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!!
6. If you were to rate EXO from 1-12, one being the best and 12 being the worst, how would you rate them?
I have to rate them... You can't make me do this!!! If I had to rate them I would rate them on... umm... how much I like t
1. Luhan
2. Sehun
3. Chanyeol/Tao
4. Lay
7. How long have you been into K-Pop?
Well I first listened to it when I was 10 but became an actual fan when I was 12.
8. How did you become a K-pop fan?
I guess I became a fan when I watched "You're Beautiful" on my cousin's Ipod when I was 10 and on it was LOADS of Kpop songs so I listened to them. And then it kind of grew on me and then I started, SLOWWWLLLYYY developing into a fan! haha
9. What was your first impression of K-Pop?
WOW! Fantastic Baby! hahaha
10. Out of all the people in the world, who do you admire the most?
I guess I admire the Kpop Idols who do plastic surgery in order for them to become singeres, I'm mean I don't exactly agree on how people have to look "Beautiful" in order to become famous first, it's the talent that counts. But I admirethe fact they do it to pursue their dreams.
11. Do you have any special talents like singing, dancing, etc.?
I'm ok in singing, dancing also ok, but it takes me AGES to learn a full dance and make it look good! haha
Tag! You're it!:
1. bestfriend007
2. pikachunijas
3. inspirit4ever
4. princesscharming4999
5. mochii_
6. fluffydubby
7. strawberry_mochi_01
8. KoreanLover300
1. Favourite girl group/boy group/artist and why? 
2. How you came to like K-pop?
3. Favourite songs/dramas/movies/tv shows? (Can be completely non-k-pop-related.)
4. Top three ultimate biases and OTPs?
5. Favourite food and hobby?
6. Any special talents?
7. The most embarrasing stories? (Doesn't necessarily have to be personal experience.)
8. What/who got you inspired to write (or read) fanfics?
9. Somewhere you'd love to live in or travel to?
10. Your proudest work/fanfic/writing so far?
11. If you could meet an idol in real life, who would you want to meet and why?
Please participate and answer these questions and continue tagging! :)



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Mochii_ #1
1. Bangtan OTL I have converted from a bestfriend to ARMY OTL IM SORRY, I would say why but im horrible at explaining
2. My korean friend showed me Bigbang LOL
4. 1. Jungkook, 2. Hyunseong, 3. Ljoe ;; 1.Jikook, 2. Jeongseong, 3. Rickjoe
5. I like lots of food! I like korean and japanese food a lot, My hobbies are crying over Bangtan
6. Dont have any talents LOL
7. I walked into the mens bathroom at the mall before by accident because I wasnt paying attention to the door signs, thank god there was no one inside and outside or it would be even more embarrassing
8. I had a lot of imagination like 2 years ago and I had a temp to write a fic
10. I think "The 30 day contract" the grammar and plot is a lot better than my other fics and then I think "Temporary identity" would be next
11. I would want to meet Bangtan [yes I have to choose a group] why? because their lyrics really touch me like they write about the stress of a student...etc plus they are my bias group.

Sorry this took so long I kept forgetting XD