Tagged by happylovestories   


1: Post the rules
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
4: Let them know you've tagged them
1. Favourite girl group/boy group/artist and why? 
For girl group it's SNSD of course. They are my ultimate girl group bias in the first place. What I love about them is, they are true to theirselves, they have these kind of personalities that can made you love them, they don't care about their image, a bunch of 9 dorks and also 9 goddesses. Lastly, the famous "SoShi Bond" their strong bond is no joke, the sisterly love they have for one another is so tight. hahaha bias much?! but it's really the truth. SNSD FOREVER~! keke
For Boy group... acutually I have many boy group biases but I still love 2pm. They are talented almost all of them have wrote some songs and most of them are actors now so I don't believed in this statement that "2PM is not talented".
2. First K-Pop song you ever got into?
SHINee's Lucifer
3. Favourite songs/dramas/movies/tv shows? (Can be completely non-k-pop-related.)
Song: Complete, Forever, Not Alone, Tears, AMLIFY & How Great is Your Love - SNSD
Dramas: Love Rain , Dream High 1
Movies: A Walk to Remember , Dear John 
4. Top three ultimate biases and OTPs?
UB: Yoona, Taecyeon, Jessica *can I include my super crush Donghae*haha
OTPs: TaecYoon, YoonSic & YoonYul but sometimes I also ship YoonHae a bit hahaha they are cute though xD
5. Favourite food and hobby?
Food: Lechon
Hobby: Kpop stuffs
6. Which country are you from?
7. What do you do when you suffer from lack of news/updates on your favourite OTPs? 
Hahaha....this question! I'm a TaecYoon shipper... but tbh, I sometimes ship other pairings like YoonHae for example hahaha *kill me if you want* xD
8. Recommend 4 fanfics and link them.
9. Somewhere you'd love to live in or travel to?
Seoul, South Korea , Venice Italy & New York City
10. Your proudest work/fanfic/writing so far? Or if you aren't a writer, what makes a fanfic good?
What makes a fanfic good... uhmm the writing style, grammar and the plot because for me, no matter how unique and great your plot is, if your writing style/grammar ...well your whole story will be nothing. 
11. If you could meet an idol in real life, who would you want to meet and why?
SNSD~~!! It's a Sone dream to meet SNSD. I really want to witness their gorgeousness in person and I want to asked them many questions about theirselves :))
Tag! You're it!:
1. happylovestories   (tagged you back)
3. Lindatr2011
4. erudite
  • 5. lovetaecyoon
  • 6. Toshio9
  • 7imchoding1990
  • 8. yingjumeihua
  • 9. yoongyoon
  • 10. gogumacouple
  • 11. tylover123 


1. Favourite girl group/boy group/artist and why? 
2. First K-Pop song you ever got into?
3. Favourite songs/dramas/movies/tv shows? (Can be completely non-k-pop-related.)
4. Top four ultimate biases and OTPs?
5. How did you become a Kpop fan?
6. Which country are you from?
7. What do you do when you suffer from lack of news/updates on your favourite OTPs? 
8. Recommend 4 fanfics and link them.
9. If you had a chance to be a SNSD member, who will you be? why?
10. Your proudest work/fanfic/writing so far? Or if you aren't a writer, what makes a fanfic good?
11. If you could meet your bias, what will you say to him/her?

Please participate and answer these questions and continue tagging! :)



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Uhhhh ur other questions are da same with da questions u answered.... Lol hehehe