Kamelia number 2

...So um hi.

Apparently I'm staying up late for my friend.

Well because she's scared, and afraid. Yup she saw a ghost in her bathroom so now I'm the only source that's keeping her okay. And so I made videos of myself singing like a retard and all hehe, at least that made her laugh and less scared.

What am I going to do I don't even know.

I might consider watching Reply 1997 (?) Or was it 1994 IDEK.

Yeah I'm definitely gonna watch it. Later.

Because L A Y - Z

See what I did there hekhekhek- I'm just gonna stop bc lame- 

Aww I know you people love me- I'm so weird omfg

Because I act as if I have a thousand friends here, and not coughfivecough

Wtf Kamelia this is not facebook, this is aff

Shut up okay it's what i do i imagine a thousand people reading this okay

no just please don't you're embarrassing yourself

um excuse u but who's the one talking to herself

wtf you're talking to yourself too k

(omfg i just realized people are reading this)

This is utterly embarrassing how I'm writing this omfg


I better stop before this turns into a story



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are u okay