Does anyone know how to contact a Moderator? I goofed!

I accidentally put in a bid for a rated M fic on the normal Advertising calender and I can't take it down. The consequences for it actually being featured could literally result in my account being banned. If anyone knows how to fix this or get ahold of someone who can please, please, PLEASE HELP ME


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you can change the link of what you are advertising still. just edit your bid
I don't know how to contact a moderator for sure, but I think this is one of the moderator's profile: , so you could send them a private message or something. Other than that I really don't know how to help, sorry! Although I don't think you'll be banned, but the story might be banned...
Depending on how much you bid on, it will likely be outbid any time now. It usually takes anywhere from 4,000 to 5, 000 karma points to actually get featured on the normal advertising calendar.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to contact the moderators >.< that's the best advice I have.