
So today was my first day on the job.
I dont want to sound ungrateful but i think its gonna KILL me, maybe i will get used to it before that happens, hopefully.
Since i told them that i prefer to start at the first of the month, which is a FRIDAY!! Lucky me, i had to go on thurs to be closer to the company, 2 hours and a half driving. Didnt get a good night sleep :(. Morning came, i prepared myself and went to work, i was there at 7:50, 40 mins early since there was no traffic jam. 
Working from about 9-9:30, after the introduction, till 5:30 with only a 30 minute break where i chose NOT to eat ( move), followed by my dinner time then another 2 hours and a half on the road back home. EXHAUSTING!! I slept like a log for about 4 hours.
The work requires precision and high concentration. 
I am going to be blind :'( and have chronic back pain :'(
Think i should go back to bed
See you around AFF 



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Eh good night, sleep well ehehe~
I hope you're not getting sick because of your tiring job :p

Ps: don't skip meal~