ƒ-Lister Number 4: Cha Doyeon

F-Lister Number 4: Cha Doyeon
Username: TheLandofBrownSugar
Nickname: Anna
Activeness: 8

Full Name: Cha Doyeon
Nicknames:  Man Hands (by her sister because she has her father's hands), Dogdo (combination of Doyeon and the Korean word sogdo, which means speed; called by teammates), Viking Girl (as she has a stubbornness compatible to a Viking's; childhood friend Yeobin)
Birthdate: November 16, 1995
Age: 17
Grade: 2nd year
Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean (native), English (conversational)

Ulzzang Name: Park Hwan Hui
Gallery One | Gallery Two
Backup Ulzzang Name: Byeon Seo Eun
Gallery One | Gallery Two

Height: 166 cm
Weight: 51 kg

Overall Appearance: She has medium length brown hair which she often keeps in a high ponytail or a single braid depending on the occasion. Her eyes are dark brown and she has naturally fair skin with a bit of a tan from being outdoors a lot. She wears contacts, but uses glasses at home and in the morning. She always makes sure to wear her uniform correctly, but may loosen it a bit in order to stay comfortable.

*Extra: --

Personality: Doyeon is like an open book; her emotions are as clear as day and written across her face with a big, black permanent marker. She is hard-working and ambitious, being a bit of a perfectionist who always tries finishing up the things she's started. This girl has a lot of spunk, determination and a stubbornness unlike many others. She has a bit of a temper and has a very dominating nature, especially around the presence of the opposite gender. Doyeon is very open-minded and avoids judgment before getting to know someone, although she does let herself be swayed by first impression if powerful enough.

Being an amateur athlete, Doyeon spends a lot of time in the swimming pool. She adores the feeling of the water on her body, and being able to escape reality and enter a world with few shores in sight. To her, it's both a passion and a stress reliever, having a lot of pressure on her from both herself and the public, wanting to be the best she can possibly be. Doyeon can appear a bit absent-minded, yet she spends time analyzing and observing her surroundings in order to learn. She is a fighter and a protector, but doesn't think of herself as particularly strong or any sort of leader.

Doyeon is very sociable and has a tight-knit social circle with a wider outer circle consisting of close acquaintances from other social cliques with different kinds of influences. She likes to keep herself well-rounded, despite the majority of them being in the same sport as her. When it comes to her friends, she is loud and extremely loyal who values trust and honesty more than anything else. The thought of betrayal, loneliness and abandonment leaves a bit of fear inside of her, resulting in a bit of a clingy side of her if close to someone over a long period of time.

The beach
Science fiction
Detective novels
Board games

The dark
Bad attitude
Foul breath/health
Cigarette smell

Solving puzzles
Graphic design

Puts objects such as pillows and books on top of her head
Raps in the shower
Hums on nameless melodies
Recites swimmer's moves in her sleep

Before swimming, she used to play the guitar
She has a partial, red-green colorblindness
Favorite flower is sunflowers as they symbolize focus and good luck
Adores dak bulgogi
When her family went to Egypt once, her brother tried to "sell" her for a lot of camels
Learned English by watching James Bond movies and crime novels
Due to her interest in detective novels and crime shows, she knows how to say words such as detective, suicide and the culprit in at least seven different languages due to watching foreign shows
Has a Shiba Inu named Jun
Her dream guy is tall, honest and sincere
80's music is a guilty pleasure of hers


Father | Cha Seung Gi | 48 | Cathering company owner | Creative, passionate, attentive | They have a good father-daughter relationship. Seung Gi is very supportive of her future plans, often consulting her about his past as a former tennis player.

Mother | Nam Soo Young | 45 | Photographer | Observant, stubborn, future-minded | Doyeon often comes to her mother for advice about school and life, but keeps her interests in sports to her father as Soo Young has little interest in any sport besides figure skating.

Brother | Cha Byungsoo | 20 | Voice actor | Laid-back, carefree, playful | They often play pranks against each other and have competitions about practically everything. Byungsoo is very supportive of her, and Doyeon is often there to help him practice.

Sister | Cha Nayoung | 22 | Law student | Frank, arrogant, clever | Nayoung is the sibling Doyeon looks up to the most. She has excellent authority and often used to boss her around, but these days they have more of a mentor-mentee relationship. As Nayoung lives in Seoul, Doyeon sometimes visits her during weekends.


Kwon Yuri | 18 | 3rd Year | Dorky, hard-working, playful | They've been going to the same swimming pool since middle school, which is where they met | They are close friends who often consult each other about their hobbies or school in general. Yuri admires Doyeon for her detemination, and Doyeon envies Yuri's easygoing personality.

Kim Hyuna | 17 | 2nd Year | Cheerful, passionate, confident | They're classmates who met during freshman year | They are both very hard-working and passionate about their respective hobbies. Hyuna is very fun-loving and sometimes helps Doyeon out when things get too stressful for her by letting her go out more than usual.

*Best Friends:

Lee Yeobin | 18 | 3rd Year | Sarcastic, caring, curious | Childhood friends since kindergarten | Yeobin is Doyeon's childhood friend and living guide to living her life. She is always there to help out when her friend needs her, yet gives her the space to manage problems on her own as well. She loves teasing her about her stubbornness issues and lack of love life.

[Put an X by the classes that your character should have. Keep in mind your plotline. You need a math, science, and Korean class. Should have 7 classes total.]

[  ] Year One Math
[  ] Year One Korean
[  ] Year One Science
[ x ] Year Two Math
[ x ] Year Two Korean
[ x ] Year Two Science
[  ] Year Three Math
[  ] Year Three Korean
[  ] Year Three Science
[  ] Gymnastics
[ x ] Swimming
[  ] Ballet
[  ] Hip Hop
[  ] Painting
[ x ] Drawing
[  ] Photography
[  ] Sculpture
[  ] Computer Science
[  ] Computers & Technology
[  ] Advanced Computer Technology
[ x ] Music
[  ] Chorus
[  ] Basic Drama
[  ] Advanced Theatre
[ x ] Cooking

Kim Jongin | 19 | Year Three | Cocky, Dishonest, Sneaky
How They Met: Doyeon met Jongin for the first time at swimming practice, when she spotted him standing next to the pool and clearly flirting with one of her team members. She walked right up to them and directly requested the girl's attention as she wanted to talk to her about future competitions. She had seen him around before, but this was the first direct contact they had.
Interaction: Jongin likes to come by after practice and due to her short temper, but is actually rather fascinated with her. She finds him annoying and wants him to disappear.

Choi Junhong | 17 | Year Two | Playful, Sincere, Confident
How They Met: He asked to borrow a pen from her before class once. When he returned it at the of the lesson, he had attached a note to it thanking her, ending a smiley face and his number as the signature. She was secretly intrigued by this, but threw it off right away.
Interaction: He likes flirting with her and strike up random conversations every now and then. Whenever she lets him borrow any of her things, he always finds a way to sneak in an opportunity to flirt, whether it's complimenting her things or asking her about herself.

Jeon Jungkook | 16 | Year One | Immature, Conniving, Clever
How They Met: Doyeon was supposed to meet Yeobin at the library, but her friend turns out to be late. When Jungkook comes around in order to avoid class, they bump into each other and he recognizes her from a school competition. A little surprised she's never heard about him before, she leaves him wondering.
Interaction: They mostly just watch each other, but Jungkook always manages to somehow strike up a conversation with her. She is a bit taken aback by his straightforwardness, being her junior and all, but doesn't mind as much as Jongin or most guys in school.

Side-Love Interest: Park Chanyeol
Age & Grade: 19 & 3rd Year
Personality Traits: Sweet, cheerful, a bit insecure
How They Met: When Doyeon started in high school, her grades weren't at their best due to her prime focus being her hobbies. Chanyeol offered to tutor her and they're also on the same team.
Interaction: Chanyeol is a very fun character unlike Doyeon's more serious and focused self. They fill each other out in a good way, being somewhat opposites and having things in common. They have the same strange humor and habit of spacing out at times. He is protective of her, and doesn't really mind her tendency of taking control when around boys. They tease each other a lot, and Chanyeol likes to watch her swim.
Status: Friends

*Comments/Questions: -
Password: Girl's Day - Female President
*Scene Suggestions:
= Jongin cornering her after practice, trying to get close and break her barriers; she responds by pushing him, surprising him, right into the pool
= Chanyeol seeing Jungkook flirting with Doyeon and confronting him, asking about his intentions
= Yeobin being worried about Doyeon's growing feelings
= Doyeon finding out about the boys' plans and breaks down in the pool while relieving her stress and anger, finally breaking her barriers after such a long time resisting
Ending: I'm not too picky, but I'd like a somewhat happy one. Hehe, you choose as you wish, author-nim! ^^





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